Wednesday, December 23, 2015


So, here it is...the surprise of the decade...a marriage proposal!  I said, "Yes!" But now is the well do we really know each other?  We looked at the question above...he chose "C" while I chose "other".

I realized that perhaps I didn't know this man as well as I thought when I watched him hang ornaments on the tree.  A relatively simple task and one that I thought everyone did the same way...wrong!  Clearly, each person has a different way of  hanging ornaments; something I never EVER contemplated.  And the truth was, his way was incorrect!  Ok, maybe not incorrect but certainly different than how I did it.  Here's his technique;  two ornaments underneath the branches close together.  Mine?  One ornament on the outer branches of the tree and spaced, oh so decoratively.  His, you could hardly see...that is, until I shuffled them around!  Admittedly, I have issues -- anxiety, to be exact.  And this was causing me a tremendous amount of it.  Were there more differences to come?

YES!  A big source of tension has been whether or not to use heat during the winter months.  I am a  person who loves a warm house in the winter.  He, on the other hand, cannot tolerate the heat as it dries out his contact lenses and nasal passages.   My suggestion?  A humidifier.  His?  A heavy comforter.  We actually came to blows when I suggested that we call off the engagement less than a week into it.  Yes, I cannot stand cold feet or fingers, which I have as I write today.  Yet, we have somehow managed a truce for now.  Thankfully, the temperatures outside are hitting the 50's, making the house a balmy 67 degrees inside.  One thing's for certain; I can never move to the Northeast, the Midwest or Bend, Oregon with this man!  That leaves me Las Vegas or Lubbock, Texas from where I'm sitting, since California is way too expensive; in other words, a desert with no more than six weeks of  hard winter.

Other differences?  He's perky in the morning.  Although not crabby in the morning, I certainly don't talk much before I have my second cup of coffee.   He hates cats whereas, I love them.  He folds his socks to prevent them from stretching out while I roll mine into a tight little ball.  He will play tennis in any temperature including 120 degree heat whereas, I will barely step outside except to dip my toe in the pool at those temperatures!  In other words, as he reminds me frequently, he is an athlete; I'm not. 

As for now, we are re-arranging furniture and decorations within his house.  He has lived the bachelor life for far too long and thankfully, he is open to my suggestions.  He craves a woman's touch and I am more than happy to provide it.  I cleared out the wet bar today and he moved around pictures at my behest.  Frankly, it is beginning to feel like home.  Having been newly widowed when he moved here, I suspect he wanted his house to feel like his old place.  He filled the empty spaces.  Now with one more person, the space is not quite so empty.  It is warmer and full of life.

At the end of the day, marriage is about love and compromise.  We are both blessed to have found one another in this crazy town.  Our personal wish lists for prospective spouses have pretty much been fulfilled.  As we work to find that perfect balance, we continue to live life like a couple of  crazy college kids.  Is the glass half-empty or half-full?  Does it matter?  The bottom line is that couples will always have their differences.  As long as there is a mutual respect, open communication and an extra blanket, almost any problem can be solved.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Annual Christmas Newsletter

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these ...

Dear Friends,

Well, as I had predicted. 2015 was a great year!  I hit five out of my seven Oola goals and returned from Oolapalooza 2015 with seven new goals. When I looked back at my key word to describe 2015, it was "growth" whereas, in 2014 it was "interesting".   I described one of the worst things of 2014 as dating.  It was probably one of the best things of 2015, as I met my fiancĂ©e.  I predict 2016 to be a year of "changes".

The last two years have taught me to be grateful for all things.  As I continue on my life's journey, I find that nothing is bad per se but rather, a teaching experience; to make one stronger, wiser and hopefully, a better human being.

This year, I moved back to elementary school from high school.  Although it has had its challenges, I love the students I work with; they are engaging and bring much joy to my life.  Most of all, they show me "real" challenge and change.  If you ever think your life is difficult, work with special needs children.  They will show you what difficult is and how they face it with strength and a quiet (and sometimes not-so-quiet) grace.  I try to explain to them that everyone is unique and that they are special rather than "special needs".  I'm not sure anyone has ever taken the time to do that in their short life within the scope of education. 

Faith has very much remained a part of my journey.  I continue to pray for all those who are too tired, weary or struggling to pray for themselves.   I remember how it feels to be so down that I could not get the words out....rather, my tears were my prayers.   I know God hears our prayers and answers them in His time and way.  I continue to blog and it is my goal that it will offer hope, healing and encouragement to those who need it. 

God has placed a call in my life to ministry.  Although I am looking at traditional paths, I am also looking at non-traditional paths as well.  Interesting how things fall into place when you open your heart and your mind.  Fear is no longer a part of my vocabulary.  Rather, gratitude, love, courage, and strength. 

This year, I met a man who changed my life.  He proposed to me after 10 months of dating.  Okay, more like after 3 days but I accepted after 10 months!  He not only pursued me with purpose and passion but made me understand how completely beautiful God made me.  He lifts me up every single day with his words of encouragement.  Although this could be considered a May-December romance, I am okay with that because he is everything I have ever wanted in a man; be careful what you wish for!  No wedding date as of yet.  I am, if nothing else, understandably gun-shy!

I have a total of six grandchildren now with another on the way.  I have been fortunate enough to visit all of them this year.  There is nothing I enjoy more than running around with those kiddos and visiting with my own children.  I am officially an empty-nester which has left me with some very mixed feelings;  I am thankful they are all raised yet miss them terribly!!

God has blessed me in ways I cannot fit into this short note.   Although I would never wish my former life on anyone,  I never want to forget where I've been.  I not only know but have experienced that nothing is impossible with Christ.  This season...this life... is about Him.  I pray that you are all blessed in ways that you cannot imagine.  May you have a Merry Christmas and much joy in the coming year.

Peace in Him,


Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Power of Positivity

After Oolapalooza, I went home and have been reading through my goals.  Although I spoke with all of the Oola guys, I spoke with one in particular; Cornell Thomas the author of "The Power of Positivity:  Controlling Where the Ball Bounces."  Cornell is one of those people you can't help but love.  He does a couple of Periscopes a day, and of late, I have been thinking about his messages.  So much that I have decided that I needed to change some things in my life.

I came home from Oolapalooza a different person; changed on many levels.  I re-evaluated my past year, my thoughts and my actions and a Bible verse kept ringing in my head.  It is Psalms 19:14 which says, "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer." (NLT)  I began to not only think about what I say and how I say it, but also the feelings associated with my words.  You see, I was raised in a very negative environment.  Although I have overcome a lot, I have not overcome everything.  As a result, if something bad happens during my day, I tend to dwell on it.  And in fact, one bad thing can set off a host of words and feelings that are just not Christian at all.  Yes, I am human!

As I read over my handbook from Oola, one of my Oola goals was to remove negative thinking and dwelling on bad things.  Rather, I will just say, "Stop!"  and move forward.  The funny thing is, when you write down goals, they tend to happen.

Well, the Holy Spirit convicted me with regards to this goal.  Ever since then, I have been meditating on this verse.  It is now my daily mantra before and during work.  You see, I don't just want to talk the talk but rather, walk the walk.  I want to do God's work and in order to do that, I need to be very intentional in my walk with Him. 

So, every morning before leaving for work, I begin my day with prayer.  I pray not only for myself but for others.  When you pray, it does not have to be specific.  My prayer is for anyone who is suffering emotionally, physically, spiritually or financially.  I may or may not know who the prayer is for but I want to lift up those who have no one to pray for them.  Since I began doing this, I am not only happier at work but seem to be a much more effective teacher.  I don't sweat the small stuff, have much more patience and come home happier.  Life is good!

So, for those of you who are struggling with positive thoughts, meditate on this verse.  God will lift you up.  Your thoughts will be more positive and although your day may not be perfect, you will find yourself  being happier.  This has been a real gift from God to me!

So if you want to grow in your faith walk or even, just have a better day...think good thoughts!  Meditate on a  Bible verse that resonates with you.   Don't let the negatives in your life pull you down.  It's easy to get caught up in the drama.  Instead, let God bless you so that you can be a blessing to others! I works!  


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

OolaPalooza 2015: Day 2


Day 2 is considerably more complex than day one.  It is where you discover what inspires you.  Now, there is a huge difference between inspiration and motivation.  Motivation is what puts you in the gym on January 1 and by January 8, you're finished.  Inspiration comes from the spirit.  Wiktionary defines inspire as "to infuse into the mind."  However, upon reading about inspiration and the Holy Spirit, I found that inspiration comes from the word which means 'to breathe'.  In other words, God's spirit is our very breath of life and inspiration.  From it, we are able to discern our purpose.  And what does Oola say?  We are designed by God for greatness and purpose.  Read that again...WE ARE DESIGNED BY GOD FOR GREATNESS AND PURPOSE.

So, day one was to figure out what our dreams are and what we want for our life.  Day 2 focused on what prevents us from reaching our goals or what accelerates us toward our goals?  What do we value?  And how can those values be used to help us increase areas that we find less valuable?  And so, we begin to look at Oola as a wheel and what is the hub (our foundation).  Now, if we consider our life as a wheel, each area of Oola (field, finance, friend, faith, fun, fitness and family) could be considered like a spoke.  If one or two spokes are shorter than the others, then the wheel will still be functional but wobbly.  The goal of Oola is to balance your life so that it runs smoothly.

So, what is the hub?  The hub is the center of the wheel -- what holds it all together.  Your hub can be self, money, God, legacy, power, things or image.  None of these things is bad, it is just a measure of where you are in life.  For me, my hub is self.  That would be a fair assessment since right now, I am in a stage of life where survival is number 1.  Granted, I was divorced nearly 3 years ago but believe me, the after-effects continue.  And so, I embrace the fact that this journey is about me.  At some time, I hope it will be more about the legacy I leave but for now, I have to be okay with where I am.

So, what prevents us from reaching our goals?  These would be our OolaBlockers; fear, guilt, anger, self-sabotage, laziness, envy and (lack of) focus.  What propels us toward our goals are OolaAccelerators; gratitude, love, discipline, integrity, passion, humility and wisdom.

Lastly, we analyze what blocks us and what propels us.  We sit down and write down what they are, what happens if things remain status quo and what "self-talk" can we give ourselves in order to move past these blockers and into the accelerators.

This is not an easy day for many.  There are many tears as stories by the OolaSeeker are shared.  We are reminded how difficult it can to be grateful in all circumstances and to remain humble.  Yet, he and the OolaGuru have managed to do just that.

The process is overwhelming on many levels as we look at our goals.  Many cried because their goals are incredibly personal to their circumstances.  I would dare say that a fair number of people in the conference are broken or just coming out of a state of brokenness.  The good news is, we are at rock bottom and now, the only direction left is up!

And so, at the end of the day, the biggest lessons I learned were --
"Don't settle for ordinary when extraordinary is inside you!"
"Write SMART goals -- specific, measurable, accountable, realistic and time-driven."
"You were designed by God for greatness and purpose."

Most of all?  "Be grateful and have faith!"

Thank you, David Braun, Troy Amdahl, Jay LaGuardia and Cornell Thomas for an amazing week-end!  Thank you OolaTeam for all your hard work!  It was an incredible two days and now, thanks to your help, it is going to be a fantastic 2016!

To my fellow "flockers" -- go get your Oola life!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

OolaPalooza 2015: Day 1

Lost In Fitness: Are SMART Goals Dumb?

Thursday night, I met up with my "partner in crime" -- a gal from Canada that I met on Twitter and in person at last year's conference.  We went out to dinner and caught up on the past year of our lives.  After a night of not so much sleep (5 hours to be exact), we sucked down some caffeine and lined up early for the conference.  Last year's conference was a first come, first served seating and my partner in crime and I did not want to be at the back again.  As it turns out, there were assigned seats and the room configuration was such that everyone had a great seat.

Day 1 consisted of going over the rules -- yes, there are rules to this conference.  They are:

1.  Be humble.
2.  Be courageous.
3.  Be free of judgement.
4.  Be authentic.
5.  Be committed.
6.  Be ready to hustle.
7.  Be Oola.  (awesome)

Next we were to reflect on how our last year went?  Top 3 highlights versus top 3 lowest moments.  What word would describe our year?  For me, it was growth.  Then, we proceeded to reflect some more and come up with goals in the 7 key areas of our life: fitness, finance, family, field, faith, friends and fun.

This first day was no small process.  It took much time and thinking about what was accomplished last year and what wasn't.  Although I made strides in many areas, as I rated how well I did, I fell quite short.  For instance, I lost weight in the area of fitness but how much do I exercise?    The truth is, I hit several goals -- perhaps 5 out of my top 7 but still have a long way to go. 

I also realized that although I have hit goals, I seem to be at a mediocre place on the high side (on a scale of 1-10, (7's) and likewise on the low side (4's).  I'd like to see myself stretching this year and taking those 7's and turning into 8's and 9's and the 4's up to 6's and 7's.

Of course, numbers aren't the only way to view one's life.  The bigger questions; Are you happy?  Are you accomplishing what you set out to do?  If you're falling short, why?  If these 7 things will make your life better, why are you missing the mark?  Is it lack of focus? Direction? Not clear enough goals?  Inner turmoil?  All these things are talked about during the conference.

There are many tears shed over the two days, particularly on the second day.  We all have baggage; the question is, how much?  And does it prevent us from reaching our full potential?  I know from a personal standpoint, I have come a long way.  My financials, fitness and field are not where I want them to be and I will be working on those goals even harder this year.  However, I hit most of my field, friends and fun goals this year.  Faith was met but not in a way I expected.  This year, that is already changing for the better.

Day 1 concluded with a reception in a penthouse that was not to be believed -- 5000 square feet, complete with a bowling alley.  Yea, it was pretty sic, as kids today would say.  We had the opportunity to meet with the speakers and talk about our past year and where we were going. 

I think probably the most amazing thing about these guys is that they not just know each and every one of us, but they know our stories.  Oola is more than about selling books; rather, it is about relationships.  Yes, we are part of the so-called "flock" but we are also a part of their lives and the lives of one another.  It is all intertwined quite nicely.  Two days of writing down goals and dreams with 9 other people at your table will tend to do that.

And so, the day ended with a trip down to Fremont Street at First Friday (my first time ever!) with a gal from Canada.  She zip-lined while I waited for her at the opposite end of the street, listening to a country-western band.  It was cold but a nice way to end a long day.  We fell into bed around 1 AM.  It was a spectacular ending to a great day!  More tomorrow as I continue with Part 2.  Until then, be blessed and know that you too, can have an Oola life!

"I'm created for greatness and a purpose.  Don't settle for ordinary -- be extraordinary."

Monday, December 7, 2015

My Oola Journey: From Fat to Fabulous

Found on

Again, on a time crunch, as I'm getting ready for work but decided this has to be written.  Spent the week-end at Oolapalooza 2015 and yes, threw caution to the wind.  Not with regard to the conference but rather, with my eating.  Here's the can't do that!  Let me repeat...YOU CAN'T DO THAT! 

The OolaGuru told a story of how he went to Thailand and ate and drank what he wanted and gained some ridiculous amount of weight.  Folks, I went to a 2 day conference and gained 5 pounds.  I guarantee some is water weight, as I drank my fair share.  However, a lot is food weight and that is so darned hard to lose. 

And so today, as I drink my black coffee (no cream or sweetener for me), I reflect on how I could have done better.  I could have had black coffee instead of a Starbuck's flat white with real milk.   I drank copious amounts, as I stayed up quite late.   I could have eaten fruit or yogurt instead of a bagel for breakfast.  I could have done a thousand things better.  

On the positive side, in the evening, we walked a LOT!  So much, that today I am feeling it in my glutes.  I rarely walk so much that I feel actual muscle pain.  So, in spite of poor eating choices, I definitely made, by virtue of the fact that Vegas is made for walking, a decent fitness choice! 

At the conference, we look at our goals and what they call OolaBlockers (things that make it more difficult to reach your goal) and OolaAccelerators (things that make it easier).  Under fitness, I have 4 out of 7 blockers and 3 out of 7 accelerators.  That means, I have to be hypervigilant in order to reach this goal.  It is one area where I struggle the most and I have a better understanding as to the "why?"

Today, I am back onto good eating habits and will remain this way until Christmas.  I am part of a group on Facebook and there is a challenge from now until Christmas to stay with our eating plans.  I'm so there.  I will keep you posted as to how I get through the holiday season.

In the meantime, I lift my coffee cup to those of you who are on this journey with me.  A special toast for those who are crushing their fitness goals.  To those who are still struggling, this journey is about you.  Do what you need to do in order to make your life better.  Remember why you are doing this -- and it better be a pretty darned good reason.  If not, as they said at the conference, if it's not a stronger "why" get a stronger one.  I want to be fit because...  My reason?  So I can dance at my grandkids' wedding and live a long, productive life.  I don't think it gets much better than that!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

OolaPalooza 2015: The Day Before


And so begins the yearly trek to the Vegas strip where the Oola "flock" gathers.  I have not had time to pack my bags but rather, am filled with nervous energy; so much, that I decided to write a short blog.  I am incredibly excited to see what this year's conference holds for us. 

Aside from entertainment, we will be setting yearly goals in the areas of field, finance, family, friends, fun, fitness, and faith.  I'm not sure where the next two days journey will take me but it will be interesting to find out.

I am meeting a friend that I met last year and we are spending the week-end together.  I took a day off of work in order to attend the conference; yes, it is that important to me!  I have been thinking about the goals I would like to set for the upcoming year.  I have some ideas for field, finance, faith and fitness.  Friends and fun?  Not so sure on that front; maybe because those two areas always seem to take a backseat in my life?

Tonight, I celebrate my third year of following my Oola life plan.  I will definitely drink a toast with my friend and catch up on the last year.  We will have an amazing dinner and who knows what after that....I do know, this is not just a week-end of R & R -- rather, it is definitely a working week-end.  We will be thinking about and writing down our goals and our dreams.  We will set the stage for the next year.  This is about growing and balancing our lives; no small task.

And so, as I gather my things and get ready, I will do a little soul-searching.  It takes getting real and honest with oneself in order to figure out what you want for your life. And before I go, I will say a prayer; after all, this week-end is not just about my goals and dreams but to follow God's plan for my life in the process.  If I can do that?  Well, that's pretty Oola!

Monday, November 23, 2015


You can stay angry at life for not giving you what you want, or you can feel blessed for being given all that you need. - Leon Brown:

So here it 200th post.  Hard to believe that what began as a little research on "What is Marriage?" has snowballed into this...a blog with a following of over 41,000 readers from all over the world!  I remember writing my first blog and sharing it with my ex-husband.  I told him I believed God would do something amazing with it.  He laughed and showed me a YouTube video that had 200,000 views.  No, I'm nowhere near that number -- yet, to me, it doesn't matter.  I am here through the glory of God to offer hope, healing and encouragement to those that need it.

You know, I found the quote by Leon Brown this morning.  The truth is, we can be bitter about what life hands us or move forward and have a great appreciation for what we have.  I can remember having a mere $5.00 in my checking account, this time in 2013.  Today, I have $39.00 with 2 days to payday.  I am really not a whole lot better off.  However, I am grateful for what I do have; I have a family who loves me, a roof over my head, a job, friends, food on the table and frankly, all that I need.  I do not have extras like cable TV and you know what?  I'm okay with that.  Do I hope to one day be able to retire?  Absolutely!  Will the world end if I don't?  Doubtful.

Years ago, God told me I would go into ministry.  I searched high and low trying to figure out what that meant.  At the end of the day, I know it has to do with my teaching and offering hope to others; whether in the classroom or in this format.  Yet, God doesn't need me -- I need Him.  He is my Hope, my Healer and my Encourager.  He is who has made me strong in times of weakness.  I am in no way perfect -- far from it.  Yet, I know that He loves my imperfectly perfect self.

And so, I have learned to be ever grateful in my present circumstances and to have faith; faith that all things will work out according to His plan and purpose.  Sometimes I forget that -- it's those times when we get into trouble!  Times when you try to "force a square peg into a round hole".  It may sound trite but "let go and let God".  Hand over your problems to Him.  I promise, at the end of the day, you will find the blessing.  And if you can't, find a friend who can -- one of those people I refer to as an "earthly" angel.  They will show you the Way.  God has a way of shining bright light when times are dark.

I have attached a video from BBC.  Watch it.  Learn from it.  It is one of the most beautiful videos I have ever seen...God's glory at His finest.
 "I will not give you the gift of hating you."


Saturday, November 21, 2015

My Oola Journey: From Fat to Fabulous

Let me see, how can I put this?  Folks, the struggle is real!!!  I have been struggling since Halloween.  I have gained 5 pounds and although still down 20 pounds, I feel it!  I cannot even imagine going back to where I was because those 5 pounds are making me miserable!

I am back on my program and very determined.  I have also learned some lessons along the way.  First, never ever promise someone you will lose 50 pounds... Most of all, yourself!  "Why?", you may ask.  I have learned on this journey that 50 pounds may very much be too much weight to lose, especially at my age.  Instead of looking better, I may end up looking my age!  Not attractive and not how I wish to look.  No, my goal is to look and feel better.  And so, I am now taking this weight loss journey in 10 pound increments.  When I am at a point that I am satisfied with how I look -- and I mean, a realistic view--I will stop. 

As time and counseling continue, I realize how unrealistic my expectations were of myself.  When I weighed 130 pounds, I was darned near skeletal.  To maintain that weight, I ate a few bites per meal and exercised, quite literally, day and night.  And yet, I thought I was fat and needed to lose more!  Thankfully, I never did.  However, when people are referring to you as "svelte" (which I loved, by the way), it's time to rethink how you look.  Movie stars are "svelte".  I, personally, want to be healthy.

I am going back to OolaPalooza 2015 and won't be putting a sticker on the accomplished surfboard.  I haven't accomplished my goal of a 50 pound weight loss.  However,  I've accomplished so much more.  I've accomplished learning to love myself.  I've accomplished losing 20-odd pounds.  I've accomplished looking and feeling better.  I've accomplished knowing that I had a very unhealthy image of myself for my entire life.  I've accomplished reducing my risk of diabetes and heart disease.  I've accomplished being a role model for others who struggle with weight.  I've accomplished an appreciation for growing older and the authenticity of the journey itself.

And so, Dr. Dave and Dr. Troy, don't be terribly disappointed when I arrive at OP15, smaller but not "at goal" because "that goal" has changed.  You see, as you both know, part of Oola is about revisiting our goals, tweaking them, and becoming the best person we can be. 

I began this weight loss journey with the idea that it would be about losing weight.  The truth is, it became so much more.  It has changed me in so many ways -- positive and healthy ways.  Were it not for that 50 pound sticker, I would have never understood  the difference between being "motivated" versus being "committed".  I would not have found that self-love that somehow escaped me for a lifetime.  I would not have discovered moderation versus an "all-or-nothing" attitude.  I would not have spent the last year on a journey that will be remembered for a lifetime.

So, I'm raising a proverbial glass to toast this past year.  I can't wait to see you all again!  I can't wait to sit down and write down my dreams and goals -- whatever they may be.  And most importantly, I can't wait for the journey that will ensue.  And so, the weight loss journey continues.  To those who have been reading and possibly losing those pounds, I'm also raising that glass for you...I hope you are loving this journey as much as I am, even with the challenges, frustrations and roadblocks. At the end of the day, it's about the journey not the destination -- because you never know where it will take you! 

Christmas is Coming!

Last night, I had a dream....a nightmare really.  In it, I lost my mother -- again!  It was a sad dream because I watched my mother pass away all over again.  Granted, it was a peaceful passing but it was sad to watch.  It was not the exact circumstances in which she died but it was very similar.  In it, she had ventricular fibrillation and then, I watched the heart monitor as it slowed to a stop and then, she was gone.

My mother passed away December 21, 2007.  I dream about her almost every night..  I miss her.  She was my rock -- the matriarch of our family, who kept us all together.  A few months ago, my father began joining her in my dreams and other folks whom I have known on this life's journey.
I'm not sure why they are all deciding to "pay a visit".  So, why is this happening now?

Part of it is probably the anniversary of her death.  I miss her terribly this year.  I have had to deal with many personal issues.   I would like to talk with her about them but can't.  Instead, I pay a counselor who, although learned and nice, is just not the same as my mother.  I find myself trying to imagine what she would say but somehow, the words aren't coming because the truth is, I don't know what she would say?!  I used to call her friends when I missed her but now, they too have all passed away as well.

So, today I find myself getting busy and thinking about the holidays.  I will be spending Thanksgiving with my daughter and Christmas with friends.  It is never quite the same as having the whole family together, as we did in years past.  I miss the excitement of our kids barely eating Christmas dinner as they were anxiously anticipating opening gifts.  I miss seeing their smiles as they ripped open their presents and squealed with delight.  Most of all, I miss seeing my mom sitting at the head of the table in a beautiful bathrobe, watching over the scene; and then, when she was tired, declaring the evening over by singing, "The Party's Over". 

And so, I guess in many ways, the party really is over...there will be many more Christmases but not with the same dynamics of those when we were growing up and those moments with our children.  The traditions of beef tenderloin being served and opening presents on Christmas Eve continue.  Grandma (me), still gets in a pretty bathrobe.  I just don't sing that particular song as well as my mother. 

So as a tribute, I am attaching a rendition of the song she sang.  Mom, thank you for making such sweet memories for us.  YOU -- were the best gift of all!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Taking Stock: My Oola Journey

It has been a year since I went to Oolapalooza 2014, and what an incredible experience it was!  Aside from meeting some amazing people, the convention forced me to set goals in the areas of fitness, finance, family, fun, faith, field, friends and work toward achieving them.  I met more goals than I dreamed, and yet, there is a certain introspection as to what I need to do to continue to improve myself.

My biggest goal was in the area of fitness; to lose 50 pounds.  Although I have not met that goal, I have lost half that amount.  Could I have lost the fifty?  Maybe. I started the year off with a bang!  However, I did have many physical issues this year that contributed to my inability to get there, such as a car accident that messed up my back and then hurting my foot while playing tennis.  I also am somewhat stubborn and believe that even if you are dieting, you need to balance that with living.  And so, in keeping with Oola Fun, derailed myself at least weekly!

So, my goal for Oola fun was to do just that....have fun!  Get together with friends at least twice a month and go visit my BFF's.  And what a great year it has been in that area!  I have been meeting with friends regularly, going out to movies weekly, hitting a few happy hours here and there, and having dinners out.  Not so great on the diet but super fantastic for fun and friends. 

My family goal?  It was to see my out-of-state children/grandchildren once a year and to have dinner once a week with my two boys in town.  I saw my grandchildren in St. Louis twice this year and am going to see my grandchildren in Texas for the second time this year.  I have definitely accomplished that goal.  Believe it or not, it was harder to meet up with the in-state kiddos, since they have lives outside of mom.   Okay, well, I can understand that since they are ages 26 and 20.  My goal was to get together with my boys on a weekly basis.  However, since they have have jobs, hobbies, friends, et cetera, mama was not a priority.  I think, in retrospect, that is how it's supposed to be actually.  However, we talk and text regularly and do get together about once a month rather than once a week.  Perhaps that goal was a bit ambitious, given the ages of my boys. 

Finance...that was a big one for this year.  I wanted to save a thousand dollars and get closer out of debt.  I did achieve both of those goals but not in the manner in which I had imagined.  First, I did open a 403b account, which is a retirement fund for teachers.  I do put a small amount in there every pay period and so, it is gradually growing.  I also increased my amount of life insurance, which wasn't in the plan but I thought a good idea.  I did decrease my debt load by going through a Chapter 13 bankruptcy; not ideal but found I was working myself to death.  I was also pushed into it when I received a $93,000 bill from my former mortgage company.   I still wonder if it was the right thing to do; my friends assure me it was.  So yes, I have a smaller debt load.  I also have a significantly lower income since I quit working three jobs.  I have my car and student loans left.  No credit cards or home loan balance.  I doubt I will ever own another home but that's ok.  I want to get out of debt completely in the next 10 years.

As far as my career, I wanted to increase my readership on my blog.  That was accomplished.  I have had as many as 3,000-4,000 readers per month.  Over 40,000 people have read the blog.  Last year at this time, I'm pretty sure I had fewer than 10,000 readers.  My messages of hope, healing and encouragement are getting out there -- and to a worldwide audience!  I also wanted to increase my income by 5%.  Unfortunately, our school district is fighting over teacher salaries.  Presently, they are frozen.  This is my 8th year as a teacher but I am on a step 4.  This does not bode well for my retirement since it is based off the last 3 years of income.  I do have many more years to go but at this rate, I might be at a step 10 by the time I retire at year 25, which would mean, I probably won't be able to retire at all.  I am currently trying to come up with a solution  No doubt, something to ponder at OP15.

I also had certain goals in the area of faith.  It is interesting because what I perceived I needed to do and what God had me do were two entirely different things.  Do I feel like I missed the mark in faith?  Sometimes I think so...but also, I trust my life to God.  At the end of the day, I believe my blog is a ministry of sorts and that, quite frankly, is what I believe God wants me to do.

And so, December 4th and 5th will be the second annual Oolapalooza.  I can't wait to see my friends, talk about our past year and set goals for 2016.  I am in a better place than I was a year ago and certainly, far better than I was in 2013.  That was the year I read a (then little-known) book called "Oola:  Find Balance in an Unbalanced World".  Drs. David Braun and Troy Amdahl have not just changed my life but changed the lives of many. 

And so, Oola -- a word describing balance and growth in the 7 key areas of life that I just described, has made its mark on my life.  It has changed me -- I believe, for the better.  I have come to understand what it means to be grateful for all things -- good and bad -- and humble.  For you won't soon meet two men who have this attitude ingrained in their hearts like these two.   

Thank you doctors for healing this lady -- and giving me the opportunity to share what you have inspired in me.  For teaching me how to find my life and live again -- it is, after all,  very Oola.

Judge your Neighbor?

Christians are really great at quoting Scripture, but I would challenge you today to live out your faith.  Back in the 1990's, I was one of those Christians.  However, as time has gone on, I have learned that there is no condemnation in Christ.  Jesus taught many things but one thing he stressed was love and sharing that love with one another.

In today's society, we are confronted with many things.  How many of you are guilty of judging others?  Someone's too skinny?  Too fat?  Too tall?  Too short?  Her skirt's too short!  They're promiscuous!  Those Democrats/Republicans!...They're ....whatever they're "doing". 

What did Jesus say when he saw the woman who was about to be stoned for adultery..."  John 8:4-11 recounts this... 
“Teacher,” they said to Jesus, “this woman was caught in the act of adultery. The law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?”
They were trying to trap him into saying something they could use against him, but Jesus stooped down and wrote in the dust with his finger. They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” Then he stooped down again and wrote in the dust.
When the accusers heard this, they slipped away one by one, beginning with the oldest, until only Jesus was left in the middle of the crowd with the woman. 10 Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?”
11 “No, Lord,” she said.
And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.”

In a way, Jesus was saying, any who are perfect, go ahead and throw that rock.    But who among us is perfect?  You got it!  And yes, Jesus knew it from the get go!  This parable shows us that Jesus came not to condemn the world but to free it from itself, if you will.  How many of us walk out into the street and probably a hundred times a day, judge others?

John 3:17 says, "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him."

So today, my challenge is for all to be just a little less judgmental and a lot more loving.  We all fall short but if we all took the time to love one another as we love ourselves, then the world would be a much better place! 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Be Grateful and Have Faith!

The Little Money Have That Wealth But Things

So tonight, as I go through some personal drama, I am reminded of the words of my mentor -- be grateful and have faith.  And so, I am trying my best to look at life in that perspective.

God never promises us a perfect life...just that he will be there through the difficult times.  I am also reminded of some verses that help me to remember He is in control.

Romans 13:1 says, "Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God."  In other words, God has full authority over all things.  We can be assured that nothing can happen without God being in the midst.

Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."  God takes even the bad and uses it for His glory.

What about people who appear to have no conscience?  For example, they lie, cheat and steal; what does the Bible say about them?   In Titus 1:15-16 it says, "To the pure, all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their mind and their conscience are defiled. They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient and worthless for any good deed. "  I have a hard time believing that there are actually people who are without conscience and yet, I have met them. The answer to this lies with this verse.  You can't love God and be a believer if you are deliberately out to hurt others.  Romans 2:5 also addresses this.  It says, "But because of your stubbornness and unrepentant heart you are storing up wrath for yourself in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God..."  In other words, God will take care of it.

You know, I try hard to practice my faith.  To be the best person I can be;  I want to please God as He is number one in my life.  I definitely fall short.   There are days when I behave less than a Christian should; yet, I still strive to be the best I can. I have no concept of how one can take advantage of others and justify it in their mind.  And so, tonight as I lie in bed, I will think about all the things I am grateful for;  God's grace, my family, my friends, my job, a roof over my head and although not a lot of money, enough to pay my bills.  God has been good to me.  He gave me great strength and determination.  He taught me to be courageous and to stand tall, even when I've been brought to my knees.   He has taught me that regardless of what happens in life, it is about Him  -- not us.  We are saved by His mercy.  Whenever you want to be humbled, think about how you conduct yourself in the day-to-day and then picture Christ on the cross; a particularly strong dichotomy.

My faith is stronger than ever, despite being brought to my knees once again.  I know God is in the midst.  I pray for the continued strength I need to look forward and not behind.  I pray for my focus to be on Him and not the actions of others.  I pray that He will right any wrongs.  I trust in Him.

And so, tonight I go to bed and pray for sleep.  I pray for grace to forgive once again, as I've been forgiven.  I pray that God blesses those who are ill, suffering financial woes, relationship difficulties and anyone who needs Him in their life.  I pray for hope and  healing to those who are struggling; most of all, I pray that He will continue to build me up so that I am able to lift up others.

So, as you get ready to sleep tonight, pray for others; pray for your enemy, your friend, your children or even the person you don't know but who may be going through difficult times.  As you lie there, think about all your blessings; I'm sure there are many.  And then, take a moment to thank God for all He has done for you.  It is moments like these that one can do nothing else but to pray, serve others and most of all, be grateful and have faith.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

My Oola Journey: From Fat to Fabulous

It is the beginning of the 4th month on my weight loss plan and I am now down 25 pounds and two clothing sizes. I stalled for about a month because I convinced myself I could go out on the week-end and enjoy Happy Hour...wrong!  Although I did not gain any weight, I plateaued for that month.  I finally decided that I could have fun AND lose weight!  Because, guess what?  FUN DOES NOT HAVE TO REVOLVE AROUND FOOD!!!  Talk about a revelation!  Folks, this has been a long time coming.  I may even shed a tear or two...nope, just kidding!

This week-end, I went to the movies.  Yes, being a senior has finally paid off -- in a big way...  discounted movie tickets!  Here's the caveat....the smell of movie popcorn can still make me salivate!  Truly!  And so as I took my seat to watch "The Martian" during opening week-end, I found myself surrounded by a sea of popcorn tubs!   The smell made me crazy but the sound of munching made me even crazier!  Having nowhere to go, I suddenly found myself having to come up with a plan on the fly.  This particular theater checks your purses, and so, there were no healthy snacks on me!  I decided to do the obvious...FOCUS!  Yes, I decided that I had to turn my attention from these obnoxiously noisy snack-lovers and just watch the big screen!  And that did take some doing as I, for one, suffer from "squirrel syndrome";  one small noise and my attention is immediately redirected!  So, I worked on it.  I drank my Diet Coke.  When my stomach began rumbling halfway through the movie, I began to wonder if I could make it.  I rifled through my purse for so much as a piece of gum -- nothing!   However, once I got past that moment (which took about 10 minutes), I was fine.  I was on the other side.  I KNEW I would make it.

A little over dramatization?  From a self-proclaimed "foodie", I think not. This truly was the scenario for my Saturday evening.  However, in retrospect, being down to the 25 pound mark was well worth the effort.  So, where do I go from here?

I still have hurdles.  For one, fall reminds me of apples, pumpkin, cinnamon and nutmeg -- all things that go together to make yummy things like apple crisp, pumpkin lattes, hot cocoa and anything warm and delicious.  I have to find different yummy things such as peppermint tea, chai latte or running my essential oil diffuser.  I am thinking of making a big change...coloring my hair red!  A reminder of leaves on the trees.

My plans for the future include adding exercise.  It is no longer swimming weather, and so now, it is time to move into another activity.  Being too windy for tennis most days, I believe that I will be walking on the week-ends or pushing play on the VCR.  The weather right now is fall-like and ever-so-delightful.

You see, even though I am starting my fourth month on this program, it is still a give and take.  I have to make conscious decisions as to what I am willing to change in order to be healthy.  The truth is, I have had to change everything about the way I view and approach food.  I have to plan and be ever-vigilant.  Although I have proven to myself that I can indulge occasionally without fear of gaining weight, it is still trial and error.  Although the weight is coming off fairly quickly this is not an easy plan and I do not wish to slingshot back to where I was.

The bottom line is that as time goes on, I am getting used to my new lifestyle.  I am loving the way my body is looking.  I have a lot more energy and feel more committed than ever to losing the 50 pounds that I set out to lose.

What changed?  I figured out how to love myself enough to do this for ME!  That's the bottom really do have to love who you are -- believe in yourself and know that no matter what size you are; you matter, you are loved and you can make a difference.  It is never easy to lose weight but I have found that it is possible.  It also helps to have a weight loss buddy or twenty!

So, as I approach this week-end, the plan is in place.  I am going to the movies (again)....I will take a walk or two...and I will live life to the fullest!  Everyday is a gift --- enjoy it!  God's given you His best...YOU!

Monday, October 5, 2015

With Age Comes Wisdom

I want you to look at that picture carefully and ask yourself, what do you see on the left versus what do you see on the right.  Do you know what I see?  On the left, I see an attractive young man.  On the right?  An even more attractive older man.  Now, why is it I find the man on the right so much more attractive?  I'll tell you what it's age.  Look at his face...the wrinkles, the gray hair -- even the scruffy beard.  You can tell that he has journeyed through life and he has accumulated knowledge.  To me, that is incredibly attractive.   For this article, I refer to people in my age group and older as seniors.  What I am really talking about is the over-50 set.

You see, in today's society, we are so ready to dispose of our seniors.  Instead of seeing them for the wealth of knowledge and experience they have accumulated, we see them as "has-beens".  As an incredibly vital and vibrant senior, I resent that stereotype.   I have a Master's degree, a good job AND fantastic friends.  I work hard but I also play hard!

I cannot tell you how many stories I have heard of seniors being pushed out of their jobs.  They are put under such enormous stress that they finally cry, "Uncle" and leave.  Or they are handed a pink slip and laid off.  These are people who have 30 and 40 years or more of experience at their jobs.  Yet, they have become expendable.  Why?  Because they are compensated for their knowledge.  In essence, they are costing the company too much money to keep.  They can hire two 25-year-olds for the price of one of them.  A fair exchange?  All I know is that I remember 25 and I lacked a lot of experience and knowledge although I did have a lot of energy.

So what sparked me to talk about ageism in America today?  I saw the movie "The Intern" over the week-end.  It is a great film, and I won't spoil anything but suffice it to say, it did indeed speak to ageism.  I am hoping that it will send a message to those large corporations who think life ends at 50 or 60.  Truth is,  older people have a great work ethic, are teeming with knowledge and can problem-solve and multi-task like the next guy.  Yes, we may be a little short in the technology department but we grew up in the days of slide rules.  (hint: Think abacus for us baby-boomers!) 

So, next time you managers think, gee Mr. X is costing us way too much money, I'd first ask you to consider what Mr. X is bringing to the table?  Does he have great customer service skills?  Is his salary justified by the revenues he brings to the company?  How is his company loyalty?  Why has he worked for you the past 30 or 40 years?  There must be a reason.  If he was doing a terrible job, he wouldn't have lasted!  And don't kid yourselves, when they are let go?  They know the "why". 

And as for them finding new employment?  After 50, NOBODY wants you!  So, they have to flounder for a good 15 years and live off their pension until Social Security kicks in.  Hopefully, illness will not eat it up so that they have to declare bankruptcy because they can't pay their medical bills  But hey, that's their problem right?  Oh, and if by chance they manage to stay healthy, then they can always collect Social Security at age 67.  By that time, they should have a fixed income of maybe $1500 a month.  You try living on that!

I hope that this has made at least one manager or two rethink their position on older people.   I know that this situation has impacted many of my friends.  Great people, vibrant, smart people who have made a difference in not just the corporate world, but the world in general.  How many of you are fortunate to have those people on staff?  If you do, you better hang onto them...they are rare indeed!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

On Being Bankrupt

The other day, the judge ruled in my favor for the Chapter 13 bankruptcy!  Congratulations!  You're insolvent! 

Somehow, I never imagined myself at 55 years of age going through this; in fact, it should never have happened.  I should never have allowed it to happen.   However, it is the culmination of my complacency in a marriage that was long over and a manipulative husband that got me into this position.  I can't do much about the past but I can now, move forward.

So, what does this mean for me?  Personally?  I feel like a failure.  I come from an upper-middle class family and I am truly, not in a place that would make anyone proud.  It was, in fact, my pride which kept me from filing bankruptcy sooner.  I kept thinking if I worked hard enough and long enough, I could pay off my debt.  I couldn't.  And the truth is, as much as I wanted to, I didn't really want to die trying.  And so, I cried "Uncle!"

It also means that I have, for now, relinquished my finances to an advocate.  They will pay my creditors every month for the next five years.  I can't make enough money to have a savings account -- any financial changes are reported to the court.  It is, a guardianship, in my humble opinion.  To me, it's like someone going to court to have you committed but you're sane; yet, you can't prove it.  That's what it feels like to me.  I have to be okay with that. 

The credit score I worked so hard to improve is now down to the lowest level it can possibly be; any gains I made over the past two years have been erased.  I suppose in five years, my credit will look better.  I will now only have student loans plus the interest that is being piled on; I can only imagine what my payments will be like in five years!  I choose not to think about it.

I cannot get married should I want to, as my spouse would then shoulder and be responsible with me for my debt.  You see, both our incomes would be subject to increasing the payment to the courts.  It would definitely be unfair for me to ever expect another to help clean up my financial mess.

I do accept responsibility for my complacency.  I lost hope somewhere in my marriage and "couldn't see the forest for the trees."  I made the mistake of  handing over my finances to another person-- at the end of the day,  people are people and greed is greed. 

I am sad yet determined.  I will get up and dust myself off once again.  I write in hopes that the sting of this will lessen.  Despite my circumstances, I understand that God has more to teach me.  I relish the lessons that are learned and the knowledge that is gained.  This journey has not been easy but I realize despite it all, I am blessed.  It may sound clichĂ© but I have my health, family and friends.  I am ever grateful for those who have surrounded me with love and prayer.  I'm also grateful to God - because although money comes and goes, my faith is the one thing that can never be taken away from me.  At the end of this day, I thank God for His faithfulness, His grace, His mercy.  I am grateful...and have faith! 

My Oola Journey: From Fat to Fabulous

Well, here it is, three months into my new way of life and I am down 21 pounds.  It is nice to fit into clothes that have been hanging in my closet for the past two years -- definitely expands my wardrobe on my budget.  More importantly, it shows me what can be done when following the right eating plan for my age.  There are, however, some rules to this new way of eating.  I'm going to share a few with you!

Back when I was in my thirties, there was an eating plan that prescribed eating low fat foods.  Bread was low fat, so this definitely worked to my benefit.  I ate all sorts of carb-laden food and exercised.  However, that type of diet would never work for me now.  My metabolism after four children has come to a grinding halt!   Also, so many additives have been put into our foods that it can still be non-fat while highly processed and laden with sugar.

In fact, as much knowledge as I have, the food companies still "got one over" on me this week-end!   On Friday, I was craving yogurt, so I bought a 100 calorie Greek yogurt.  Healthy, right?  WRONG!  The problem is, it has 14 grams of carbs and is loaded with sugar.  I didn't realize at the time that non-fat and 100 calories were mutually exclusive and in fact, was not good for me at all, given the number of carbs.  Rule 1:   Read ALL of the label WITH your glasses on...lesson learned!

I've also learned Rule 2:  Don't become complacent about losing the weight.  I will give you an example.  My boyfriend likes to take me out to dinner on the week-ends.  We tend to have a drink or two with dinner.  Although great fun, it slows my weight loss and I dare say, the reason for two or three-week long plateaus.  So, with new resolve, I have decided to forego happy hour and see how my weight loss progresses.  I'm betting it will speed up dramatically, making me far happier than any cocktail  ever could! 

Rule 3: Set a tangible goal.  Not, I'd like to lose "X" pounds by XYZ date.  No -- you need to say, I will lose "X" pounds by XYZ date.  For me, that goal is 15 pounds by the end of October.  That is 3 pounds a week and very doable in my estimation.  I will be cutting it close to reaching my goal of 50 pounds by the time OolaPalooza 2015 comes to town.  October will be the "make or break it" month because that only leaves me November to get to the goal.

Rule 4:  Plan ahead!  Next week-end, I have a birthday party to attend at one of my favorite restaurants.  Instead of BBQ ribs which I love, I will be having chicken.  They also have a fabulous watermelon tea, which I will be drinking.  More importantly, I will be enjoying the evening with a group of my closest friends.  I am especially looking forward to our time together.  As you have probably noticed, losing weight is no small feat!  I am planning the menu a week in advance; that, is commitment. 

My boyfriend has asked me, "Are you losing the weight for Oola?"  No, not at all.  I'm losing the weight for me!  Oola has, however, given me the tools for how to succeed.  It's about balancing my life.  I've also learned that it's ok to put myself first -- I have put everyone else first over the years, and while that served its purpose, it is no longer okay. It's loving myself enough to realize that I am worth being healthy.  It is those thoughts that drive me toward the results I am experiencing.

And so, I know I have a cheerleading squad of some 37,000+ folks all over the world who are reading this blog.  I also have a team closer to home that are not only encouraging me on but guiding me along this journey.  I also just have to look at the faces of my loved ones to keep my commitment strong.  This has truly been a journey -- one that is getting me closer to being healthier.  Truth is, my "real" goal is not just to be down 50 pounds by December.  Honestly?   My goal is to dance at my grandchildren's wedding!   Now, that's a commitment worth keeping!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

On Broken Hearts

Yesterday my heart was broken.  Yes, it was a bad break-up...nothing that could, in my estimation, save the relationship.  It is the most serious relationship I've been in since I was married.  I didn't really want to be in a deep relationship because I know all too well, the sting of a bad outcome.  It hurts and it's hard to get over.  But, I followed my friends' advice and my heart and went for it.

There was a huge learning curve on my part, since I'd never really been in a "normal" relationship.  My marriage was extremely dysfunctional.  I knew it would be difficult and I warned the gentleman that he was going to have to be patient -- very patient, since for all intents and purposes, I was learning how to love someone.

I know that sounds strange, since I grew up loving my family and children.  However, I never had a relationship modeled by my parents.  Nor did I have a "normal" marriage.  And so, with all the parameters in place, our relationship grew.  It grew quicker than I anticipated but again, I was okay with that; time is our friend, and I knew that if the relationship withstood the test of time, it was for keeps.

We talked marriage and all of our hopes and dreams.  It seemed to be a perfect relationship.  I was happy, he was happy.  We hit a few rough patches -- again, because I didn't really understand how relationships worked.  I was in a "fight-or-flight" mode for the first three months or so.  Then, I figured out that communication has to take place.  That certainly made all the difference and our lives settled down happily.

Yesterday, we hit an impasse.  It was something neither of us could change.  It is who we are inherently as people and as such, we either have to accept it and be okay with it or move on.  We both chose to move on.

It saddens me that this relationship did not go the distance but I also know that had I stayed,  it would be destined for disaster.  There are some things you can fix and other things you can't fix.  Having been through a bad marriage,  I know what can be fixed.  I would also refer back to 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 which says,

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." (NIV) 

Did he fit the definition?  No -- but neither did I.  I see exactly where I fell short.  Yes, that is God's definition of love.  If you are seeing someone and you can put their name in place of love, and they fit that description?  Congratulations!  You got the prize!  If not, keep looking.  Seek Him first....the rest will fall into place.

"Blessings" by Laura Story

Saturday, September 5, 2015

All in a Day's Work

The last two weeks have been CRAZY!  I have returned to work at my former elementary school as a resource teacher for grades 3-5.  Resource at our school means we work both in the classroom and in other teachers' classrooms in order to provide additional support to students to help them be successful.
Although I was used to this school, I had not been there for two years and there were some changes.  There was no master schedule -- rather, the teachers were making their own schedules.  This would not normally be a problem but this year was a little different; we have become a fine arts academy.  As a result, we lose 2 hours on Wednesday afternoon in order for our students to attend workshops in areas of their choosing; painting, writing, music or some other area of creativity.  I love the idea and truly believe our students will benefit!  In a day and age where arts are being cut, we are boldly moving forward and putting our thumbs to our noses to those who have believed we need to focus strictly on academics.  Additionally, all of  the teachers in my building work an additional 20 minutes per day without pay and teaching classes we normally wouldn't teach.  For example, I'm teaching first grade music, which is a little crazy when you consider my action research project for my Master's degree was music and its effects on student learning.  Oh, and my statistical work was done using a first grade class.  Just another example of how God makes these "little" things happen!

Now, back to reality.  In order to make sure students do not miss their regular specials (art, music, library and PE), each classroom has a rotating schedule -- A-E and F1-F5 days.  I work with seven teachers and each has a different schedule on different days and I had to figure out how my aide and  I were going to see the kids for the required minutes per week in their IEP's, which is a legally binding document.  That's my reality.  Let me tell you, it took quite a bit of prayer AND finagling!

The first week, my brain was on overload.  New job, new schedules, teaching first grade music on our fine arts day(!) -- how could I make this work?  I took a few deep breaths on the days I was completely overwhelmed and just stopped thinking.  I did things I knew how to do such as figure out my caseload, determine dates for IEP's and make lesson plans.  This time, I handed it all to God and left it at His feet.  You see, there are times that we take our problems and give them to God but then, we immediately take them back and worry some more.  This time, I had no solution.  It seemed impossible.  I was forced to take a step back.

One day, while enjoying a beautifully breezy day outside, I thought to myself -- I love to watch the kids run.  I don't know why, but it is so much more normal (in my humble opinion) than sitting in front of a TV playing computer games.  They are incredibly joyful as they play tag, soccer, or even just running while holding the ends of a jump rope.  They are using their imaginations to the -nth degree as they play.  And so, I began to use my imagination, and allowed my mind to wander a bit.  I thought, hmmm...I need a giant calendar; one that I can wipe off to figure out these schedules.  Yes, if I have that, I can change out the schedules every month to match the days.  When I went in, I shared my idea with the other resource teacher who thought me brilliant!  Honestly, I can't take the credit -- I'm certain this one was from God.  You see, when you allow Him to take control, He WILL come through.

We set to work and ordered the calendars.  Yesterday was a professional development day and yes, we completed the schedules.  Although we had quasi-schedules made previously and were testing them out throughout the week, our final schedule was finished yesterday.  It works!  Although exhausted, we left feeling quite happy that we had accomplished so much!

The moral of this story?  Be patient and listen for God's leading.  I could have allowed myself to become ridiculously anxious  and overwhelmed.  I won't deny there were days I wanted to run away!  However, on a rational level, I knew for every problem, there is a solution.  Sometimes, we just need to take a step back and look at the problem again; allow our minds to wander and think out of the box.  It's what we ask our students to do everyday; problem solve and daily application.  Why should it be any different for us?

So these past two weeks have been the start of what I anticipate to be a learning curve for this next year.  I did not bring work home this week-end.  Rather, I am using the days to gather my thoughts and rest my body, I am grateful to God for the job I have, the people I work with and the students that I have the opportunity to serve.  Having been in elementary, gone to high school and back, I realize I have found my niche in working with elementary students.  Their smiles bring great joy to my heart.  It is the place where I am happiest!

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Saturday, August 29, 2015

My Oola Journey: From Fat to Fabulous

I saw this picture on Facebook this morning, and it really spoke to me.  I've been trying to lose 50 pounds for the last 20 years.  I will lose 10, 20 or even 40 -- only to gain it back. But this's's's forever. 

Losing weight doesn't always mean you will see the scale move.  For instance, I have been at the same weight for about a month now.  It is hard to be patient and do exactly what I'm supposed to do -- however, I continue this journey. 

I am a 50+, so weight loss does not come easily.  It takes dedication, drive and commitment.  I always did lose weight slowly.  For instance, after the birth of my 2nd child, it took me 6 months to lose 15 pounds!  That is etched in my memory because I remember the amount of patience it took and how happy I was when I reached that goal.  As I grow older, I have come to realize that it's not always about the number.  For instance, last night I was sitting in the car and the driver turned to me and said, "Where's your stomach?"  I looked was flat.  Holy cow!  When did that happen???  I had been so busy looking at the scale, I forgot to look at me!

My Oola goal was to lose 50 pounds in a year.  I am down 17.  I don't know if I will get there by December but I do know I will look a heck of a lot better!  At this stage of the game, it's about getting healthy.  Frankly, if I lost 50 pounds, I might look great or I might look sickly.  So, although my goal is 50 pounds, I am working toward health, energy and yes, looking a little better.

If you are having one of those days where you ate something that was not so healthy, just move forward.  I used to beat myself up but now I realize that this is a lifetime plan and yes, little things like "life" happen.  I feel like today I am balanced and in control, regardless of whether or not I have a perfect day or less than perfect day. 

If you are struggling, join me on this journey.  Take control of your life.  If you'd like more information about the plan I am on, feel free to send me a direct message on Twitter.
Remember, this is about the journey.  As it continues, I have learned this much...I deserve this and I will do it!  I have faith that you will too!

"The Climb" by Miley Cyrus



Tuesday, August 18, 2015

It's that Time of Year

Galatians 5:22.  These are the fruit of the Spirit.  Love, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, joy, peace and patience.  These are God's words.  This is how we should act on a day-to-day.  Even more so, I take these words seriously when it comes to the classroom.  I think if teachers practiced more of this, there would be many more success stories.

And so, it's summer.  Not your 95 degrees in the shade summer but more like 120 degrees!  Las Vegas style of summer.  Instead of languishing around a pool, I chose to teach summer school.  I was all set to start in my autism classroom for grades 3-5, but it seems God had other plans.

The day they were handing out teaching assignments, four teachers said they wanted to work in the self-contained autism rooms and although I always wanted resource, never signed up for it because I figured I'd be more marketable in autism.  WRONG!  I found myself assigned to a grade 4 resource classroom.  Now, I was completely thrilled with this assignment until I started reading profiles on the children.  Of the sixteen in my room, 25% had behavior plans.  The criteria for being on a behavior plan is that the child's behavior must interfere with the learning of others.  Two students were coming from self-contained classes and were basically, misplaced in my room.  This, did not look good.

I must confess, although I'm a seasoned teacher,  I didn't sleep well during our 3-day week-end before the start of school.  But, I prayed.  Prayed for my classroom and for God to be in the midst.   And I continue to pray.

Monday came and frankly, I'm not sure I've ever had a better first day opening of summer school.  Everything went like clockwork.  Perhaps it's that I'm a veteran now, with this being my third year teaching summer school.  Or maybe, it was that voice inside me that said, "Just treat the kids like you always do..."  It might have been my prayers or the combination of all three.

All I know is that yesterday, I received a letter from one of my "behavior" students telling me how much she loved me and loved school.  The first day, I got a hug from a different  student -- another so-called "problem"--asking me if I would be there on Tuesday.

We have completed day 3 and students who were deemed  unable to sit more than 1 minute (no, that's not a typo), are sitting 20-30 minutes to do the work I give them.  I thank God for this kind of amazing behavior that I am seeing!  I also thank God for allowing me to work with these students, as next fall, I will be moving into resource!  It is almost as if God said, "Here Lisa -- give it a go...get some practice in before school starts in the fall!"

Believe me, each child has a story.  I hope teachers out there will read this and understand why I never take too much to heart when I read what a report, another teacher or even a parent says.  In my humble opinion, it is all about letting the kids know you care.  To me, it's that simple.  I am there to teach them and help them learn how to be successful, in their own right.  Not because I hand it to them but because they have earned it.

God smiled on me this summer.  He gave me a classroom of  12 incredible students; each with their own gifts and talents.  It's going to be a great summer!  It's going to be an even better fall!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Do You Believe?


So I just finished watching the movie, "Do You Believe?"  The movie was about twelve people and how circumstances in their lives led them to believe in the power of the cross.  One of the first scenes in the movie had a man carrying a cross asking a pastor, “Do you believe in the power of the cross?”  It was very thought provoking because you could almost hear everyone’s thoughts – “Of course he does!”  But did he?  Now let me turn the question to you…do you believe in the power of the cross?

Let me tell you, there are times in our lives that will either bring us to our knees, causing us to draw nearer to God or we will turn away from God.  Most of these times are because we are going through incredibly trying circumstances; ones that we don’t understand and/or don’t wish to face.   I want to share with you a few times that I could have either turned away from the cross or moved closer to it.  I am thankful that although I may have wavered periodically, I ultimately grew stronger through my experiences.

The first time I was faced with enormous turmoil was when I was thirteen years old.  My parents were going through a very ugly divorce.  As a result, I could have moved closer to Jesus or away from Him.  This was a pivotal time in my life; as a result of the chaos in my life, I found myself being drawn to the Christian faith.  You see, I had been raised in a Jewish home -- yet, I found comfort in the cross.  I knew that Jesus was real and that He had died for my sins.  A friend took me to church and I felt a peace I’d never felt before.  It was God calling me to Him.  And I went.  My faith grew the next two years.  However, during those teenage years, I caved to peer pressure.

I gradually fell out of my faith and married a man of a different faith altogether, despite knowing that it was darned near impossible to raise children in a two religion household.  I had grown up confused and knew that was a very real possibility, yet followed a path of my own design; not His. My willingness to be led astray would come back and darned near destroy me.  But, I'll get to that later.

My next pivotal experience in life was the death of my father.   I found myself struggling with his death.  I was quite young at the time -- 28 years old -- and as a result, felt like God had abandoned me.  I went on a quest to find God, which included going back to my Jewish roots.  In the end, I realized that God had not abandoned me; however, there were some very hard lessons I was to learn from this experience.  God was using many life lessons throughout this two year struggle.

A few years later, I found myself in Kuwait.  At the time, I had a spirit of adventure.  However, it eventually ran thin.   I ultimately had a vision that led me to feel cut off from God for over two years.   I believe I was in the midst of a huge spiritual battle.  You see, I had asked God to show me the Truth.  He did with the EXCEPTION of the crucifixion.  You see, He left that a blank for me to decide -- did I believe in the power of the cross?   Ephesians 6:12 describes what I was going through.  "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. During that time, I prayed wholeheartedly for God's return to my life.  I believe I experienced true Hell -- being cut off spiritually from God.  I could no longer feel the presence of the Holy Spirit and that scared me.  I was spiritually empty.  My four years of living in Kuwait had taken its toll on me.   It took me nearly 3 years before I was to feel "normal." Yes, I believed in the power of the cross!

As I went through my marriage, I drew closer to God.  As times got harder, I became a more steadfast Christian.  By the time I got divorced, I was extremely strong in my faith -- having been a Christian for now for over 15 years.  However, it was through my divorce that I learned some incredible faith lessons such as why we are to be joyful in all circumstances, that God does reach out to us, that if we are really quiet, we can "hear" His voice and discern His will for us.  In Romans 12:2, it says "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."  In other words, we are quite capable of figuring out God's will but we have to draw close to God and listen in our hearts.

Likewise, when my mother passed away, I learned many things.  I learned that all things are for the glory of God.   Romans 8:8 declares this.   "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us."  It was during this time that I heard His voice call me to ministry.  I saw firsthand God's healing power and watched as He changed my mother's heart which had grown somewhat hardened over the years.   I observed non-believers appear to not really hear my mother tell the powerful story of her salvation earlier in the day.  God speaks of spiritual blindness in Matthew 13:13. "This is why I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand."  It is hard to understand but I witnessed this firsthand; first with my mother then later with the individuals who visited her hospital room that evening.  Her salvation was written off as the side effects of medications she was taking.  However, I witnessed the transformation; a powerful truth! 

Many are amazed by my faith.  I have been blessed because I have experienced so many things in my life; good and bad.  However, I am grateful because they strengthened my faith, rather than drive me away from it.  In Romans 8:28, it states "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

I encourage you to think about your life and culminating experiences.  Each time you hit a crisis, did you grow closer to God or allow that circumstance to drive a wedge between you and Him?  Where are you today when it comes to Jesus?  Do you believe?

You see, believing in God does not mean bad things won't happen.  But Scripture tells us how we can protect ourselves against spiritual warfare, and that is by putting on the armor of God.

Ephesians 6:10-18 says, "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people." (NIV)

So as you mull over my question tonight, remember God is real and He is there for anyone who reaches out to Him.  Do you believe?  Do you believe in the power of the cross?  Do you believe in Jesus?  Do you believe in God's mercy and grace?  Do you believe He has a plan for your life and that you are just clay in the Potter’s hands?

These are questions we should all be asking ourselves -- even Christians!  Because we are all going to face Him one day -- when He asks you, "Did you believe?”  What will your answer be?  In the meantime, listen to this video and allow it to touch your heart.

Newsboys - "We Believe"