Monday, December 7, 2015

My Oola Journey: From Fat to Fabulous

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Again, on a time crunch, as I'm getting ready for work but decided this has to be written.  Spent the week-end at Oolapalooza 2015 and yes, threw caution to the wind.  Not with regard to the conference but rather, with my eating.  Here's the can't do that!  Let me repeat...YOU CAN'T DO THAT! 

The OolaGuru told a story of how he went to Thailand and ate and drank what he wanted and gained some ridiculous amount of weight.  Folks, I went to a 2 day conference and gained 5 pounds.  I guarantee some is water weight, as I drank my fair share.  However, a lot is food weight and that is so darned hard to lose. 

And so today, as I drink my black coffee (no cream or sweetener for me), I reflect on how I could have done better.  I could have had black coffee instead of a Starbuck's flat white with real milk.   I drank copious amounts, as I stayed up quite late.   I could have eaten fruit or yogurt instead of a bagel for breakfast.  I could have done a thousand things better.  

On the positive side, in the evening, we walked a LOT!  So much, that today I am feeling it in my glutes.  I rarely walk so much that I feel actual muscle pain.  So, in spite of poor eating choices, I definitely made, by virtue of the fact that Vegas is made for walking, a decent fitness choice! 

At the conference, we look at our goals and what they call OolaBlockers (things that make it more difficult to reach your goal) and OolaAccelerators (things that make it easier).  Under fitness, I have 4 out of 7 blockers and 3 out of 7 accelerators.  That means, I have to be hypervigilant in order to reach this goal.  It is one area where I struggle the most and I have a better understanding as to the "why?"

Today, I am back onto good eating habits and will remain this way until Christmas.  I am part of a group on Facebook and there is a challenge from now until Christmas to stay with our eating plans.  I'm so there.  I will keep you posted as to how I get through the holiday season.

In the meantime, I lift my coffee cup to those of you who are on this journey with me.  A special toast for those who are crushing their fitness goals.  To those who are still struggling, this journey is about you.  Do what you need to do in order to make your life better.  Remember why you are doing this -- and it better be a pretty darned good reason.  If not, as they said at the conference, if it's not a stronger "why" get a stronger one.  I want to be fit because...  My reason?  So I can dance at my grandkids' wedding and live a long, productive life.  I don't think it gets much better than that!

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