Monday, November 23, 2015


You can stay angry at life for not giving you what you want, or you can feel blessed for being given all that you need. - Leon Brown:

So here it 200th post.  Hard to believe that what began as a little research on "What is Marriage?" has snowballed into this...a blog with a following of over 41,000 readers from all over the world!  I remember writing my first blog and sharing it with my ex-husband.  I told him I believed God would do something amazing with it.  He laughed and showed me a YouTube video that had 200,000 views.  No, I'm nowhere near that number -- yet, to me, it doesn't matter.  I am here through the glory of God to offer hope, healing and encouragement to those that need it.

You know, I found the quote by Leon Brown this morning.  The truth is, we can be bitter about what life hands us or move forward and have a great appreciation for what we have.  I can remember having a mere $5.00 in my checking account, this time in 2013.  Today, I have $39.00 with 2 days to payday.  I am really not a whole lot better off.  However, I am grateful for what I do have; I have a family who loves me, a roof over my head, a job, friends, food on the table and frankly, all that I need.  I do not have extras like cable TV and you know what?  I'm okay with that.  Do I hope to one day be able to retire?  Absolutely!  Will the world end if I don't?  Doubtful.

Years ago, God told me I would go into ministry.  I searched high and low trying to figure out what that meant.  At the end of the day, I know it has to do with my teaching and offering hope to others; whether in the classroom or in this format.  Yet, God doesn't need me -- I need Him.  He is my Hope, my Healer and my Encourager.  He is who has made me strong in times of weakness.  I am in no way perfect -- far from it.  Yet, I know that He loves my imperfectly perfect self.

And so, I have learned to be ever grateful in my present circumstances and to have faith; faith that all things will work out according to His plan and purpose.  Sometimes I forget that -- it's those times when we get into trouble!  Times when you try to "force a square peg into a round hole".  It may sound trite but "let go and let God".  Hand over your problems to Him.  I promise, at the end of the day, you will find the blessing.  And if you can't, find a friend who can -- one of those people I refer to as an "earthly" angel.  They will show you the Way.  God has a way of shining bright light when times are dark.

I have attached a video from BBC.  Watch it.  Learn from it.  It is one of the most beautiful videos I have ever seen...God's glory at His finest.
 "I will not give you the gift of hating you."


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