Sunday, July 6, 2014

To My Spiritual Mentors

Dear Mentors,

There is more than one of you; hence, the plural.  You have each brought something to the table as far as my spirituality.  You have deepened my convictions  and beliefs about God on many levels.

When I was distraught, you held my hand and prayed with me.  You showed me what it means to be a brother or sister in Christ.

When I had questions, you answered them.  You realized that, even though I had been a Christian for many years, I did not have a relationship with God.  You didn't judge but rather, took me to a place of deeper understanding and spirituality.

When I wanted to become more involved and serve in the church, you proverbially took me by the hand and helped me get plugged into a ministry or six.  That was okay; I really did not understand how much manpower it takes to run a church and that, more than the same twenty people are necessary to keep it up and running.

When I expressed an interest in ministry and possibly becoming a deacon, you helped me to discern what God's will was for my life.  You were, in fact, the first ones to take me seriously when I said God had called me to ministry.    It took many years, but I think I found my place; to spread the Word of God and show others how to apply it to our personal lives.

When you are short-handed at the Communion table and ask me to help or allow me to do a Scriptural reading, it is an honor.  I love to participate in worship services.  It makes me feel closer to God.

I know my place in this world is to be an example.  To share the light of Christ in whatever way I can.  Some days,  it's in my actions while other days, it's through my writing.  I am not a particularly bold or knowledgeable person from a theological standpoint.  Speaking to others about my beliefs and convictions is something I find exceedingly difficult.  However, without your encouragement, prayer and thoughtful listening, I would not have discerned God's will for my life.  You see, none of us knew what He wanted for me; yet, He made it so.

I take this time to thank you for being there.  It is what being the church is all about; it is not a building, but rather, the people that comprise it.  The church, as a body, is what God intended for us; worship, prayer, service, ministry and also fellowship.

I praise God for putting such amazing people in my life.  Thank you for your patience as I learned who I was as a Christian and what God's will was for my life.

In His Service,

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