Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Perfect Moment

I'm rocking in my garage sale bargain -- an old mauve rocker I picked up for five bucks.  Yeah, it's tattered and somewhat rickety but it filled a space in my home that really needed a rocker.   I was looking for a rocker when I found this at my neighbor's house -- at a garage sale, right across the street.  You see, that's an example of God's provision.  Instead of spending money I didn't have, I found something within my budget.  Granted, it isn't leather but just because it's old doesn't take away from the fact that I love to sit and gently rock back and forth.  It's something I've always loved to do -- even as a child.  Tonight especially -- it is soothing to my spirit.

Tonight's a near-perfect night.  As I rock, I hear the crickets outside, signaling that summer is coming to a close.  I love that sound.  It reminds me that fall is coming.  I love the change of seasons.  Okay, well Las Vegas doesn't have a change of seasons except for hot, hotter, hottest and, thank God that's over with!  But you can find the occasional tree with leaves that go from green to red to orange to burnished gold and finally, brown.

I love listening to the near-silence of the outdoors, pierced only by the sounds of nature.  It is restful to me; and I need to rest.  This week was rough.  I am tired and worn out.  We are in the hottest season and frankly, working all the time is wearing thin.  I'm a little burned out; pardon the pun.

It's not my's life.  My personal life has taken a hard hit.  I was looking forward to this week-end.  I needed solitude and solace.  Instead, I was hit with turmoil from out of nowhere.  It is hard to have to take the punches that others' throw at you; and yet, I've bobbed and weaved a lot these past couple of years.  I think my opponent got the better of me and knocked me out -- I didn't even see that right hook coming!

Granted, I'm talking in metaphors but the truth is, sometimes our soul is weary.  It needs quiet.  It needs a gentle reminder from God that all is right with the world.  Tonight is that reminder.

As I get ready to head upstairs and sleep, I am thankful that God is ever- present.  I know He will take care of me.  I will sleep better knowing He's there.

So as you sleep tonight, may you close your eyes and settle into a peace that surpasses all understanding.  May God send you angels to watch over you.  Prayers as you sleep, for tomorrow is a new day.  Be grateful for today and all He gives.

Close your eyes and rest well, knowing He is with you.  As you do, give a listen to the song below.  It has helped me through many difficult times and reminds me of His promises.

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