Saturday, July 12, 2014

To My Girlfriends

Dear Ladies,
It is the sole purpose of this blog to encourage others like myself who have gone through some challenges in life. I spent much time in reflection and to find ways in which to write about my life so that my anecdotes would help others.  I summon these Truths and the courage it takes to write from Him.  It is, in my estimation, the Holy Spirit that guides my writing. 
I hope my message of you don't need a man in your life to be happy came through loud and clear.  Granted, it is wonderful when you have found your life partner but by the same token, the only man we really need in our life is God.  
Many have spent far too much time looking for the happy ending to that proverbial fairy tale of finding our prince.  The truth is, no such person exists.  It comes down to what we are able to compromise on and what we aren't.    What makes a relationship?  What makes a marriage?
In my humble opinion, we need to stick by Biblical truth for finding our perfect mate -- that is not to say our mate is perfect, but rather, one who is perfect for us.  The prince we are seeking may not conform to the standards of this world; that's okay.  If he did, I don't think he would be the spiritual leader we should all be seeking.
I also hope my message of it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, but it's what's on the inside that counts.  We have all heard that saying at one time or another but if we look at the Bible, it is one of God's truths.  It is not merely something our parents or friends said to make us feel good.  God looks at our hearts.  Any man we bring in our life should likewise.  If he is only seeking the physical, then he is not the one for us.
Read the affirmation above.  We are all princesses because we are the children of the one true God.  He is our Father; not our earthly one but our heavenly One.  The One whose home he has opened to us.  Follow His guidance.  He only wants the best for us -- and He will never let us down.  Seek his path for your life.  When we stray, things go wrong.  Pray, read the Bible, get into a Bible study and enjoy fellowship with other Christians. 
If nothing else, I hope you have found that He is always in the midst of our situations.  He will send others to us to help us and pray for us.  He is our King of Kings.  We are princesses -- not because of our prince charming-- but because of Him.
As you travel through this life, guard your hearts, sisters!  May you have a peace that surpasses all understanding and a deep and abiding joy that comes from knowing Him.
You are all wonderful women and I admire your strength,  courage, and tenacity.  Going through life without a partner is difficult.  God made us as people who seek relationship.  Yet, our worth does not come from someone other than God.  I too, am guilty of that.  The truth is, we don't need approval from anyone.  We only need to look to God.  Seek Him first.  Everything else will fall into place. 
For now,  "May The Lord bless you  and keep you; May  the Lord make his face shine on you  and be gracious to you; May  the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.
 (Numbers 6:24-26)
Here is an awesome song, with an awesome message.  May it bless you!
In Christ's Care,

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