Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Gift of Song

I saw a wall post on Facebook the other day.  It said, "God's mercy is bigger than any mistake that you've made."  We ALL fall short of the glory of God, and that's what I'd like to write about tonight.

The other day, my son who is a musician -- the one who does not profess to be of any particular faith -- made a startling observation.  He said, "Mom, you're one of the few people I know who actually acts like a Christian!"  It was one of those moments when you feel proud -- like, "yeah, someone finally noticed."  The funny thing is -- it isn't a Christian who noticed.  He's the kid who always marched to the beat of a different drum.  Yet, he is the one who sees it.  I cannot take credit or boast in this observation of his, for it is because of God's glory that I am able to be an example to others.  Or at least, try to be.  You see, we all fall short.  I know I do -- easily, on a daily basis.  Yet, perhaps it doesn't seem that way to others.  Trust me; I do.

One particular Bible verse has me captivated tonight -- and frankly, for a few days -- and so, I feel the Holy Spirit telling me to write about it.  It's Romans 3:21-24.  It says, " But now God has shown us a way to be made right with him without keeping the requirements of the law, as was promised in the writings of Moses[a] and the prophets long ago. 22 We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are.
23 For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. 24 Yet God, with undeserved kindness, declares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins." (NLT)  In other words, we have all sinned and fall short of God's glory.  Truly, it is only by God's grace that we are righteous through Christ Jesus.

You know, there are some days when I think about what Jesus did for us -- I mean, really did.  I think about how an innocent man was so unjustly punished.  Yet, we have a loving and just God.  Jesus' death was part of a greater plan -- the plan of redemption for humanity.  It's sort of like a beautiful, haunting melody.  This melody has minor chords in there; things that move us and stir our hearts.

So, with that in mind, think about what you did today.  Think about how you fell short from being the person God wants you to be.  Admit it -- we have all done something; big or small -- doesn't matter.  Sin is sin.  Now think about our Lord being betrayed, beaten and led like a lamb to the slaughter.  What did he think as he carried his cross?  Did he think about the pain?  Did he think about what was awaiting him  Or did he think about us?  What were some of his last words on the cross?  "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing."  Luke 23:34 (NIV)  Do you think he was just "whistling Dixie" when he said that?  Now let me ask you, what crosses are you carrying today?  Have you forgiven those who have wronged you?  Have you asked God to forgive you for your sins and repented -- turned away from them?  Think about the words you said.  Play them over in your head.  Were you an example today or part of the problem?

In this world, it is all too easy to try and "fit in" -- to make light of being a Christian.  After all, that's not "cool" to the world.  Yet, God has some very specific rules set up -- not so we don't have fun, but because He loves us and wants to protect us.  It's all there -- in the Bible.  Sort of our songbook or hymnal.   Read it sometime.  You might just learn something.  If nothing else, you will learn about what God thinks is important.  What is the music of His heart?

To align our thoughts and will with His -- it's what makes us different from the rest of the world.  We are set apart.  Holy.  Part of God's plan.  It really doesn't get much better than that, does it?  God loves us and celebrates our existence.  He has a plan for us; each one different and unique.  And yet, we are all part of the larger scheme of things.  We are the notes that make up God's music.   It seems complex but is really simple.  We are the melody -- the gift of song.  We are the symphony; part of God's plan for humanity.   Like all music, it is healing and redemptive.  It makes our hearts whole.

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