"Sed non ut edam vivo ut vivam edo -- We eat to live not live to eat." It was a phrase I heard often from my dad -- and he even used the Latin verbiage. Interesting to grow up in a household when at the tender age of puberty, I was lambasted for being overweight at 110 pounds. You know, if my dad were alive, I would not be the weight I am today. I just wouldn't -- it was always easier to lose the weight than listen to him tell me how big my butt was (when I was a mere ten pounds overweight). Although he meant well, and I truly believe that, it just didn't come out well in the translation; if you'll excuse the pun.
My weight loss journey has not been as successful as I had hoped at this point in time. I had thought surely, I would be down a good 25 pounds. The truth is, I am gaining weight and not really sure why. My best guess is menopause. The weight I have gained since May 2013 not only has been a good 35 pounds but it has settled in places that I never ever imagined. I am, however, in this for the long haul. So, I exercise a few times a week. I have now cut out most carbs as well. I know the secret to my weight loss is a matter of finding what works for me and this is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Yes, calories in and exercise are a good part of it but frankly, when I lost 40 pounds last year, it was because I was eating less than 1000 calories a day; not realistic and certainly not healthy.
Fortunately, I have the support of some very good friends. One in particular, motivates me because he loves to go to the gym. He is a gourmet cook and takes the time to really prepare a meal. As a result, I have started to do the same. My eating habits are slowly changing. I am going for more fresh foods and less processed.
Today, I saw an article on Facebook that talked about Japan dumping nuclear waste into the Pacific. Made me want to become a vegetarian. Let's face it. There are GMO's, hormones, antibiotics, high fructose corn syrup and other things in our foods that is doing God knows what to our bodies. No one will probably know the effects for years. But, I promise, mine will be the first generation to find out since this began in the 1990's. Americans are suffering from an epidemic of obesity. So much, that it is predicted our children will not live as long as us.
We can also blame our lifestyle for this. We work too hard, are too tired to cook when we come home and fast food has made it incredibly easy to get food, well...fast! It is also difficult to exercise when you are tired. It's sort of a giant hamster wheel that many find themselves on. All we want to do when we get home is decompress from the stress of the day. Television or computer and a snack are fast fixes for that.
The truth is, nothing de-stresses better than good old-fashioned exercise. Although I only make it to the gym three times a week (not enough to lose weight but it's a start), I definitely feel better and am more inclined to take the time to choose healthier foods. I find myself cooking and preparing "real" lunches instead of processed frozen food. It takes about 30 minutes more time but it is worth it. And, since my tutoring job is over for the summer, I do have more time to prepare during the week and do not need to take a full day on the week-end to cook and freeze.
So, what's the solution? Is there one? Of course there is. I know I need to continue on the course I am on. I believe my hormones are indeed out of whack for the time being but they will eventually settle down. In the meantime, I will have developed healthier habits. It also helps to have the support of friends who adore me no matter what. Summer is just around the corner, which will free up my time to get into the gym more often. Truth be told, I enjoy working out. Sweating actually feels good. Trust me, this from the woman who a few years ago said, "I hate to exercise -- you sweat and get out of breath". I now find that I am no longer winded when on the treadmill, and easily walk one and a half to two miles when I am there. My ultimate goal is to do 4 miles in an hour. Do-able. I have no doubts about that. I'd also like to take a few classes -- just to check them out and get a little bit more flexibility back. I know -- it's shocking! As we age, we not only lose our looks but our flexibility and balance, in case you didn't know. For you twenty-somethings who are in shape -- let this be a staunch warning to continue doing what you are doing at the gym; not just to look so fabulous but more importantly, to be healthy.
Over the years, I have had a million excuses for not keep my weight off. I don't know if the baby weight excuse still applies here, since my youngest is now 19 years old. However, I do see a positive change in myself. First, I enjoy the time I am at the gym. I am willing to put myself first, when it comes to health. I am trying to not be so hard and judgmental about how I look. That's the hardest one. It's deep-rooted and will take time. But it is losing its grip. I realize that my exterior is not a complete reflection of who I am. It's my spirit and soul that are also a part of me. And I love those parts. One day, the outside will catch up with the inside. And if it doesn't? Well, I'll cross that bridge at a later time. For now, I continue this Oola journey and darn it -- Dr. Dave and Dr. Troy --if I don't want a better score on that Oola Wheel in the area of fitness!
In the meantime, I will keep you apprised of this journey -- as it is one. I believe by the end of the year, I will reach my goal. More importantly, I have set a goal and continue to work toward it. Have you? If not, sit down and set that goal. Make a plan and work the plan. If it doesn't work, as the OolaGuys say, "course correct". Eventually, you will find what works for you. This is not an easy journey and certainly not for the faint of heart. It took me a year to get where I am today, and I expect no less than that to get the weight off. And you know what? I'm okay with that. This is a journey -- my Oola journey. I seek progress not perfection as I live my OolaLife.
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