Sunday, December 8, 2013

Advent: A Season of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love – Where is Your Hope?

“Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm for God can be trusted to keep his promise.” 
Hebrews 10:23

Tonight, as I sit in front of my fireplace watching the flames flicker, I am moved to write about advent. Advent is the season between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It generally lasts four weeks, but this year, will be a little shorter due to our having a late Thanksgiving. There are four candles around the advent wreath and a candle in the center. The candle in the center is the Christ candle. It represents the light of Christ. There is also a candle for hope, peace, joy and love. This week’s candle, the first week of advent is for hope.

As we look forward to Christmas, we are reminded of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. He is not only the light of the world, but He is our hope. It is through Him that we have received grace.

The past year and a half has been a real faith journey for me. I have been challenged in my personal life in ways that I could never have dreamed of; yet, God has been faithful. I knew that everything I was going through was according to His plan and purpose. And yet, even with that in mind, there were days when I couldn’t imagine coming out on the other side. He put people in my path to hold me up when I barely felt like I could stand on my own. On those days of incredible darkness, He provided light. In the end, my faith became stronger than ever. I learned to allow God to control my life, rather than try to be in control. I became the clay in the Potter’s Hands so that I could be molded into who He wanted me to become. He gave me hope when I was feeling hopeless. Know that you are not alone. Even if we don’t know it, God knows it. He loves you more than we can comprehend. You are His most beautiful creation. With that in mind, I’d like to offer up this prayer to those going through difficult times.

Oh Holy One, we come before You today with humbled hearts.  We know You love us more than we can comprehend.  So much, that You knew the number of hairs on our head before we were born.  Lord God, your provision is always enough and for that we thank You.  Holy One, we ask that for those who are feeling hopeless, that You would lift them up.  Place people in their paths that would be instrumental guide them on the journey You have planned for them.  Fill their hearts with the Holy Spirit.  Let them feel the kind of love and care that only You can provide.  Wrap Your loving arms around them and let them feel Your embrace.  Our hope is in You, Lord.  You are the very rock upon which we build all our hopes and dreams—the foundation of our very lives.  We ask that You give us wisdom for whatever situation arises and allow us to walk in the light of Your path; that we would walk in Your footsteps. Lord, we thank you for the gifts that you have given us.  We thank you for that first Christmas gift, Your Son, Jesus Christ.  We ask that all those who are in need of prayer reach out and ask for the help that You provide.  Thank you for the hope you have given us today. 

In Your holy and precious Son, Jesus’ name – Amen.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”  Romans 15:13

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