Pink has always been my color. Not bright pink but blush...the color dreams from which dreams are made. Sue me but I dream of one day owning a pink Cadillac. So, how do I plan to accomplish this? By helping others.
Over the years, I have had this vision of helping women who have found themselves in the situation that I was in...broke and yes, even at times, scared. I had no financial background and allowed my spouse to handle our finances, which I discovered to be a huge mistake. In the end, I ended up divorced and bankrupt. Trust me, this is not a fun situation to find yourself in at the age of 53. Instead of dreams of retirement, I found myself in a nightmare of working three jobs and no hope for ever quitting. Enter Mary Kay.
A few years ago, I had tried my hand at Mary Kay when my daughter was selling it. She was quite successful whereas, I never really had the time to invest in it. I stopped and started again; another half-hearted attempt. I tried other direct selling companies and although their products were good, they never quite held my heart like Mary Kay. You see, I love makeup. And I love to help others; specifically, women. Women who have struggled. Women who are in bad situations. Women who for whatever reason, are in a financial hole and need a hand up not a handout.
And so, I throw my hat in the ring again. But this time, I am making the time for this little home-based business. I am taking the steps necessary to be successful. Why? Because by doing so, I can help others.
The other day, I was watching a video by a consultant and she said she was doing it to encourage others. "BINGO!" It was my "Aha!" moment, as Oprah refers to it. What better way to help others (and in doing so, yes, make some much needed cash myself) than by helping others get on their feet financially. And no, Mary Kay is not a pyramid business model as so many seem to think. In a pyramid model, the person on top always reaps the benefit. However, I could help someone who could in fact, surpass me with more sales or a larger sales force.
Something else I didn't know...Mary Kay offers a retirement program; a great reason to become a national director. I have drive and ambition. Although I have placed my faith in the education system, I have systematically found myself being undermined by constantly changing rules, unending paperwork and disrespect for what I do. Fortunately, I love the kids; but for that, I would have left years ago. Today, I take back my drive and ambition and move forward in a place where there is no glass ceiling. The sky quite literally is the limit.
First things first... I am using my first challenge of 30 Faces in 30 Days as a fundraiser for a friend of mine's grandson who is battling leukemia. He is getting a bone marrow transplant and frankly, his family can use the money for medical expenses. Personally, I don't have any to give but I can donate any profits I make from this first challenge. So far, I have no takers. This does not, however, discourage me. I will find 30 faces because I love this family and want to help. If you are in the Las Vegas area and would like to participate, please contact me at It is a great cause!
Pink dreams? Indeed! I am excited about this new journey and hope that as I meet women who are struggling, they will be courageous enough to go after their dreams and in the process, help others.
Aretha Franklin "Freeway of Love"
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