Fitness -- I am struggling with this area and frankly, don't know why. Today we are going over OolaBlockers and so, I hope to reveal the problem. Dr. Dave and I talked about it last night...he asked key questions such as, am I lazy? (no) Do I think I look ok? (yes, but just ok -- not how I want to look) I threw out that perhaps I had some pent up anger from my past, having been told my entire life I needed to lose weight. That is a possibility -- rebellion at the age of 56? Still??? I need to get over it. What about fear? I do get strangely freaked out when men notice me, which they do when I am thin. It truly scares me. Maybe because they are free and easy with the lewd comments. Of course, I am not the people-pleaser of the past, so truthfully, I think I could easily put someone in their place -- and quickly. Perhaps because I was molested at a young age? Maybe. That could also be the reason I tend to have male friends, and if they are gay, all the better. Yes, I am extremely complex when it comes to this weight issue. My daughter says, "Just do it! You will feel so much better about yourself." True--preach it, girlfriend!
What about finance? I am finally out of the financial quagmire that I was in for the past three years. I can now move forward with my life. It is a huge weight that has been lifted. My biggest goals are to make a will, start an emergency fund and begin paying an extra $150/month toward debt. Simple, attainable goals that will make me feel so much better about my future.
I set goals in the other areas of life as well...field, faith, friends, family and fun. All achievable. Today is key. I hope it will help me sort out my difficulties with weight loss issues. I hate the cycle of yo-yoing and want to get off of this merry-go-round forever. I want to look and feel great and not feel guilt/shame/fear anymore. I know that this is key to moving forward with my life and being the best I can be.
And so, this pretty much sums up "my" day one of OolaPalooza. There was so much more that I missed, but bear in mind, in three hours, I set 21 goals for the 7 key areas of my life. We also had a bomb concert by JT Hodges and were treated to appetizers in the Hard Rock penthouse. One gal won a night's stay in it with her friends! Yes, the Oola team is incredibly generous. Today we will narrow down our goals until we reach #1 for the year. I know mine will have to be fitness. It has to be. I am scared but if your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough.
So dream big -- and go get your Oola life!