I did it! I invested in a Fitbit Surge; tracking exercise, sleep, calories in (provided I log it) an, calories burned heart rate. Oh, and most importantly? It's a wristwatch with date and time, I can recharge. Can I just say I LOVE this little contraption? Yes, I have made the leap into the 21st century!
Ok, well, I am taking this health thing seriously. I got my blood work back from the doctor and found I have elevated triglycerides, ever so slightly elevated blood sugar (102 instead of 70-99) and lower levels of Vitamin D -- signs of aging. My back problems are due to arthritis -- "Hello, middle age!" and I think the foot doctor injected the wrong area of my foot, as that still hurts and should feel amazing by now.
My first order of business was to figure out, what was causing this increase in triglycerides? The doctor told me it has to do with carbohydrates and exercise. I had never had this problem before and had the same issue three months prior, which is why he ordered new blood work. I went back to the food plan that I had been entrenched in for the past few months and enjoyed success with; I found every single food product to have a fair amount of carbs. Sooo, I now have a pantry full of food I no longer wish to ingest. I now wonder, would Weight Watchers be worth joining? Or just calories in, calories out. I am mulling. So far, calories are winning out in my mind. MyFitnessPal is an amazing phone app that also keeps track of your nutrition as well as calories. It's free, too -- a real plus in my book!
As for the slight (3 point) elevation in blood sugar -- the doctor was not concerned. Yet, I am and will continue to be until I am back in the normal range. And so, I am eating less processed foods. I have found a 50 calorie tortilla (16 grams of "good" carbs) that is filling and takes the place of bread. For dessert? A sugar-free popsicle or fruit. If I want spaghetti, pizza or lasagna, it is made with spaghetti squash. I have asked my significant other to stop buying bagged lettuce and to watch out for processed foods; no more frozen chicken breasts. Chopping is not that big of a deal. I also have "skinny" bagels sitting on the counter which have been there a good 2 months. I am worried -- there is no mold on them. Just what IS in our food?? I have to wonder...
I have begun riding an exercise bike in the mornings. I love it. Wakes me up and I feel much happier. I read while doing it -- something faith-based. That way, I fuel my body and soul. It is also easier on the back and foot. I also walk during my recess duty. Not only am I able to see the kids from all angles but getting in a good 15 minutes of exercise. I know for me, exercise is key. I'm sure eating is part of it but once the exercise begins, I begin making healthier choices.
For now, I have to figure out a reasonable calorie count that will keep me losing weight while keeping muscle. This week, the weight is down making very small, minor changes. I have 50 weeks in a year. If I continue at this pace, I will be doing an amazing job. Small, positive changes. As for the Fitbit Surge? I'm far from a techno-geek but for me, it has already paid for itself!
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