OK, so I had three choices for holidays to write about; Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day or President's Day. Although all fine holidays in their own right, I have opted for Valentine's Day. After all, who doesn't like hearts, flowers and candy?
Yesterday, I watched the movie "Unconditional". A friend of mine told me she and her husband watched it, and it was a tear-jerker. Tear-jerker, schmear-jerker...I hardly ever cry during movies. So, my significant other and I sat down to watch it. At first, I could not understand what all the hype was about but as I continued watching, it grew on me. By the end of the movie, the tears were flowing freely. I was so moved, I could barely speak and could not stop crying. Yes, it was that powerful. The theme? Love. Unconditional love. Giving without expectation.
You see, we all have the power to love others. We all seek the love and comfort of others. This is romantic love. It's the heart, flowers, candy kind of love. It is the love that leads to a long-term relationship that may or may not have a happily ever after. We give with the expectation that our significant other will likewise give. However, at the end of the day, we are keeping a mental scorecard. I cooked dinner, he should do the dishes; and if he doesn't? It's a crisis in the making.
Then there's the love we can give to others. How do we show that love? Teaching, passing along important life lessons, helping someone through a difficult time. It has nothing to do with romantic love but rather, a lasting love that can be passed along. Random acts of kindness -- little ways to show others we care. Sometimes it involves a physical touch such as a hug, an encouraging smile or even sitting down and writing on a public forum; for instance, this blog.
But the best kind of love is unconditional love. It is the love we receive from our Father in heaven. He loves us unconditionally; so much so, that he gave up his Son sacrificially in order that we would receive the ultimate atonement for our sins. It is not an easy love to give -- it is the type of love we should strive for; love our neighbor as ourselves. Do you love yourself? If so, do you love that dirty homeless person the way you love you? Are you capable of being patient with an autistic child who went without breakfast and is now acting out in class; not because he wants to but because he is hungry and doesn't know how to tell you? Can you keep your cool with a co-worker who just chewed you out for something very minor? Who did so, not because she is angry at you but because her ex-husband didn't send a support check and she is now trying to figure out how to feed her three young children?
Valentine's Day is coming soon and with it, a price tag. What price is unconditional love? Show someone you care -- not by giving them a card or jewelry --but by giving all you have. That, is the love we have inside. It is the love that shines in us. It is given to us by the Holy Spirit. Let others see the love you have -- it's could be the Valentine's gift that for them, will last a lifetime.
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