Sunday, October 26, 2014

My Oola Journey: From Fat to Fabulous

Hard to believe a week has passed so quickly.  I had much success this week -- not in terms of weight loss but just in terms of life.  Again, life hit hard.  It was work stuff -- more than the usual but for someone who doesn't much care for change, a lot is getting thrown at me this year.

This past week, I did some serious working out and not so serious working out.  The serious working out consisted of really busting my butt on the treadmill as well as using weights.  I did do that consistently for three days.  On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, my energy came to a grinding halt.  I work two evenings a week -- Tuesdays and Thursdays -- and get home around 6:30 PM.  It's a 12 hour work day.  As a result, by the time I have dinner, it is around 7:30 PM and frankly, I don't particularly want to go and work out.  I need to relax for the evening and prepare mentally for the next day.  This is an area that I may have found an answer; where the not so serious workout comes into play.

Last night, I took a walk.  Nothing over the top but spent an hour in the cool evening; a welcome respite after the long summer we've had.  It definitely was fall-like weather.  I walked in a local park -- a leisurely walk.  I even stopped for awhile to look at the pond (okay, it's a pretty retention ditch but I can pretend, can't I?).  It has a marshy area and ducks.  Lots of them -- big and little.  And for a moment, I was transported to a different place.  I sat down for about 30 minutes and thought about life.  I talked to God.  Most of all, I listened for that still small voice; His voice.  And yes, He made some things very clear to me.  I hated to leave but it was getting late, so I continued my walk.  It was dark, cool and incredibly relaxing.  I discovered that those are the kinds of walks I need during the week.  Something where I spend more time with God; not just talk to Him but listen.

As for eating -- well, not one of my better weeks.  But I have incorporated something into my eating plan that a friend suggested; no eating after 7 PM.  Hard to do with my schedule but again, I gave it a shot this week-end.  Instead of dinner last night, I had a protein shake.  It is by a company called Visi.  I like their particular shakes because they don't taste horrible.   I add berries, pineapple and sometimes a banana to it.  They are packed with protein and collagen.  As we age, we lose collagen and this helps to restore it.  I can't say that I look any younger (maybe on the inside) but I have been using their products for a month and really like them.  I also take a capsule which helps with hunger and gives you energy,  and eat a protein "caramel" when hungry.  Those definitely help curb my appetite during the day.  These products are all natural and most importantly, I have not found them to interfere with my blood pressure medication. 

I lost a little over a pound this week.  My weight loss has never been fast -- even when I was in my mid-20's, it took 6 months to lose 15 pounds.  I am a very slow loser; one who is definitely in the throes of menopause, which I'm certain doesn't help.   However, anything that I do that increases my motivation and movement is a plus as far as I'm concerned.  Losing a pound -- although not a lot, is encouraging.   I did not gain my weight overnight.  This has been a lifelong battle -- a fight against my genetics. However, the last 19 years have been the hardest; I had my 4th child at the age of 35, and for some reason, that really slowed my metabolism.  In fact, I think it stopped it!  I will say this -- when I look at my health status at my age compared to other people my age (including my parents), I am doing great.  I don't have arthritis, have never had any joints replaced, I still continue to exercise, eat right most days and am learning how to manage stress.  I am 54 years old but frankly, don't feel like it.  In my mind, I am far younger.  I just have to fight (and I mean, hard) to get my body to match my mindset!

As for my journey -- it will be long.  I knew that going into this; but I am taking positive steps.  No longer are my "bad" days outweighing (pardon the pun) the "good" days.  Everyday is a learning experience and one that continues to propel me toward my goals.  I try to live my life with a positive mindset rather than a negative one.   It would be so easy to put myself down but I have moved beyond that -- those days are over.  I am a new person in Christ; one who is changing from the inside out.  He is healing me.

I am grateful for my Oola Life and even for the "hard" goals I have set.  I have no doubt I will reach them.  If I have one area to improve on, it's time management.  I will be attending OolaPalooza 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada on November 7 & 8.  I am certain it will be life-changing.  If you would like to attend, I'm certain @OolaSeeker or @OolaGuru on Twitter could let you know if there are tickets available and the pricing.  Tell them Lisa sent you!  : )

Until next week, remember to stay positive, focused and reach for the moon.  Even if you miss it, you will land in the stars!

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