Sunday, October 19, 2014

My Oola Journey: From Fat to Fabulous

Well folks, I think I finally "get it".  The light bulb went off at last.  Better late than never, I suppose.  This from an unlikely source...a gentleman friend.  Yesterday was a day like no other.  Little sleep, feeling depressed and just -- it was a very low day.  My friend is, a "pull-no-punches" kind of guy.  I like him for it but I also, kind of not like him for it.  His honesty is beyond brutal and often times, not what I want to hear.  But, truth be told...sometimes, we need to hear things we don't want to hear.  God knows that, and I'm a firm believer that he places people in our lives for a reason.  This person is no exception.

Yesterday, this friend told me in no uncertain terms,  I needed to quit thinking about my life and just go exercise.  Now, I preface this by saying, he practices what he preaches.  He himself is 60 years old, exercises 2-3 hours/day, sleeps like 4 hours a night, has very little body fat, used to be a professional kickboxer and was a personal trainer.  He also is the one who introduced me to the mind, body, and spirit connection.  And just for the record, when we went to the movies last night, I made him ask for a senior discount for me and then they asked him whether or not he needed one -- really more as an afterthought -- as if, show me your I.D.   Fifty is a senior out here, so that means the guy looks even younger than me...sigh!  And yes, he soooo enjoyed hearing that! 

Getting back to my morning,  I decided, "Ok -- maybe he's got a point."  After all, I read somewhere that walking 30 minutes a day gives you about the same amount of "medicine" as taking a low-dose antidepressant.  And truth be told, I was not in a happy place.  I was in an even less happy place after talking with him but thought (through gritted teeth)-- "Fine!"  I frankly think I did this to prove to him I could indeed do it.   I wasn't particularly motivated other than the fact that I knew I was going to see him that night and didn't want to hear about how I didn't exercise.  So I went to the little gym at my condo, turned on my Pandora radio (set to disco because that is music that I love to move to) and alternately walked and ran for 30 minutes on the treadmill.  But something was different with this workout -- I wasn't particularly motivated but I was focused -- determined -- and out to prove a point!  I kicked butt on the treadmill -- mine!  I actually ran 1/4  mile out of the 1 1/2 miles that I'd walked.  I actually had left the clubhouse after the treadmill but forgot my keys.  Ah, God has a way of convicting us.  I found myself  in the weight room where I used the weight lifting machine.  Ok, I don't know what it's called but it has the plates on it.  I was a driven -- a madwoman!  I did reps rather than a lot of weight.

I  left after 45 minutes, feeling exhilarated.  Yes, I was tired but not overly sore and  more importantly, realized what a "good" workout feels like.  In my mind, it is pushing yourself beyond what you think you can do.  Sweating until the beads of sweat run down your face and drop onto the floor.  THAT is exercise.  For a split second that day, it reminded me of being in college and running with a roommate.  She was a runner in high school.  I joined her a few evenings a week to get in shape.  And I always felt the endorphins kick in.  Guess what?  They kicked in yesterday, too.  I left feeling happy for the first time in about a month.  I had a "runner's high".

And so, today I couldn't wait to get back to that little exercise room.  I wanted that "high" again.  I worked out for an hour.  And guess what?  I ran a 1/2 mile today.  Today, my mantra while running in short spurts was "fake it 'til you make it!'  Whatever works, right?  For those few, brief moments, I was a runner getting in shape for a marathon.  Truth be told, I am not planning to run one but I would like to one day be to the point where I run for my entire workout.

So, what have I learned this week?  It's not just about exercising.  Walking is fine for cardio but to lose weight, you have to make yourself go -- push yourself to the limit.  Now, I do not recommend any of this without seeing a doctor first.  I have already been checked out by a cardiologist and have had both a stress test and echocardiogram, so I know I am physically able to do this.  Truth be told, my heart rate wasn't any higher than when I am in his office.  For others who have more weight to lose, take it slower and work your way up.  I have a friend who has lost 100 pounds in the last couple of years.  She's lost 40 pounds recently over a period of 4 months.  She didn't eat much and she pushed herself hard.  She is now running 4 miles at a time.  She looks great.  I personally cannot go the route she did for those 40 pounds because I need to eat and want to eat.  I am also twenty years older than her.   However I know I can push myself when I'm on that treadmill and get those synapses in my brain fired up.  Get in the "zone" ... my "happy" place.

So, the big question becomes this...why am I doing this?  To get my friend off my back or for me?  I must confess, yesterday it was to get my friend off my back.  However, quite by accident, I discovered  that by pushing myself more than I dreamed possible, I not only feel better but know eventually will look better.  At this point, my goal is to be down 20 pounds by Christmas and you know what?  I feel confident that I can do it. 

 Proving to myself that I could do it was a huge step in the right direction.  I am more confident in my ability to become the person I want to be -- healthier, stronger,  prettier, more energetic and do I dare say it? Sexier!  I'm finding there is a mind, body and spirit connection and it begins with your attitude! 

"I Got a New Attitude" by Patti LaBelle

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