Although I don't write about it very often, surprisingly my good days do outweigh my bad days -- at least, I like to think they do! Today was one such day! I was off work. It is Nevada Day and a beloved holiday out here because -- for you trivia buffs -- the state celebrated it's 150th birthday today AND it falls on Halloween! So kids, in essence, party for two days instead of one!! It is also a nice respite for the teachers, as we begin to gear up for the end of the semester. Yes, I do plan ahead!
More importantly, for the first time in a long while, I had a truly excellent day. My week-ends of late have been a flurry of non-stop action. Although, I don't mind having fun, I have been putting myself last again. No more. I am done being the last in line. It is not healthy. It is not soothing -- and it makes me incredibly cranky!
First of all, I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing. It was my kids. They began group texting -- grandkids in Halloween costumes. Normally, I might be annoyed at a buzz so early in the day but truth be told, I've been going to bed earlier. Taking a walk every night. It makes getting up a lot easier! And of course, I was off work -- which is the equivalent to a snow day in the Midwest!
The first thing I did this morning was talk to my daughter in Texas. We also Skyped briefly. Apparently, I sounded very garbled and it was a bad connection; however, I did get to see my grandbaby and daughter, which made my day. We gave up Skyping after a few minutes and just talked for awhile. I also texted some friends I hadn't spoken with in awhile and made a coffee date with one -- at her new house! So, after chatting with my daughter, I went to my friend's house. I was starving and picked up some fresh fruit salad. I also got a grand tour of her house which, is gorgeous, I might add. I'm incredibly happy for her! I stayed for about an hour. We caught up on life-- such an incredible treat to get together after so long.
After my visit, I headed to the park for a walk. This is my all-time favorite place to walk. It is actually nicer in the evening but I had time and decided to just take some time and check it out in the daytime. It was 81 degrees and sunny. I have to tell you, the heat took me by surprise. It was extremely warm. I got through the one mile loop, no problem. I will say this; it is much more conducive for a prayer with God in the evening. It is surrounded by mountains and the little retention ditch, smells like a lake. With a little imagination, it is one -- at least, in my mind! But it has to be dark...otherwise, it's very clear what it is! That's ok -- I still communed with nature. There were dragonflies and ducks out. Many people were walking their dogs. It was a gorgeous day, and well worth the time I spent getting some extra Vitamin D.
I stopped at the grocery store on the way home for some fruits and veggies. For lunch, I had veggies and hummus . Now few know this but I am, quite literally, the self-appointed "Queen of Hummus". I not only make some of the best, I can also "doctor" up some store-bought stuff to rival that of any Lebanese restaurant -- in the Middle East!! Who knew that some off-beat brand would actually be far better than the pricier ones? I was happy with my selection which, by the way, was quite delicious without any assistance from me. I then proceeded to make dinner -- chicken in the crock pot. It's an old recipe of my mom's -- Chicken Paprika. Making it stirred up some memories for me. I thought of her making it, as I cut up the onions and put in the carrots. Food for my heart and soul.
I had a book I wanted to read and just as I was about to go to the local coffee shop for a read, my oldest son called. He was having an allergic reaction to some medication he was taking. I picked him up from work and we called his doctor who suggested Benadryl and stopping the meds. He wanted a haircut, too.
There is a hair place next to our local drugstore, which is also next door to my favorite coffee place. So, I did get to go have my coffee -- while he was getting a haircut. BTW, the barista made my day when she handed me the coffee cup and told me "no charge". Happy - Halloween- to- me! The book is one my pastor asked me to read for a project at church. My understanding is I will be developing an interactive blog with it. It is rather lighthearted and so, I found myself laughing out loud at the stories. My son finished his haircut and joined me about an hour later. I got in some good, undistracted time alone. I also felt better doing something as enjoyable as reading.
I came home to the smell of my dinner. As I write, I sit in my $5 garage sale rocker; still the find of the century, as far as I'm concerned. I listen to my two "boys" upstairs playing some computer game. They're 19 and 24 years old -- and men! Yet, when they come home, it's like they're 8 and 13 again! I love it because we have not all been together in several weeks. The cat is undoubtedly with my oldest son. He moved out recently and she has missed him.
This is a day like any other and really, it's a day like no other. I savor the smells and sounds within the house. I feel blessed to have a day of "real" leisure. I feel blessed that people called me this morning and I am happy to have had a day such as this. I needed it. My soul has been elsewhere of late. Even those closest to me know that I have been "different" - - I'm not sure what it is but I do find I am more impatient; the complete antithesis of who I am. I think it is all the changes with work and my personal life. I want to be out and enjoying life with others and yet, it is not what I need right now. I need time with God. I need some quiet. I need to just be Lisa and not worry about anyone or anything but myself.
The last few months have rushed past me. I am working non-stop and feeling like I am behind on everything. The truth is, I am not behind on anything; not even my bills. It is me. It is my ever-racing mind and body. My spirit has been depleted. I've been running on empty for a very long time. I need to get healthy and whole. The truth is, I have not allowed myself to really and truly heal from my divorce. I am still discovering who I am and what a relationship means. I have been dating without any real purpose. I suppose many do but it's really not who I am.
Today and the last few days, I have allowed myself to really feel God's presence. I have taken the time to look around and appreciate all that is surrounding me. I have tried not to focus on what I can't control. Instead, I just enjoy the scenery. Beautiful mountains and sunsets and yes, even weather that does not sync with my idea of fall. Yet, I am blessed beyond measure. Sounds cliché but the truth is, I have nothing -- absolutely nothing -- to complain about.
I hope that each of you takes just one day for yourself. Take some time and just be alone with our Creator. Let Him know how much you love him and appreciate His love for you. I suppose to some, this blog is lame. Yet, to me, it is what's in my heart tonight. It's important because I know I'm not the only one who needs to hear this. We all do. Turn off the cell phone, turn off the television, sit in solitude and just enjoy the quiet. My favorite Bible verse comes to mind. Psalm 46:10 "Be still..." Yes, make that time for you but more importantly, for God. You won't find him on some electronic device. Rather, He's with you. Beside you. In your heart and spirit. His closeness is palpable, if you just take a moment and stop. Be still.
I look out my window and see some sort of pink bush blooming. Yes, the desert has its own beauty. I try to make peace with it. My home is where my heart is, and right now, it's in my cozy little condo. It's with my cat and my two sons. It is here that I am surrounded by the peace of God's everlasting love. Quite simply, it was a beautiful day!
"It's a Beautiful Day" by Jamie Grace