Well, it is August 1; nearly 8 months since I wrote my Oola plan for 2014. Can anyone say, course correction? Yes, I have strayed -- and badly. I suppose this is why the OolaSeeker and OolaGuru recommend checking over it daily! Lesson learned.
My two goals this year were to improve Fitness and Finance. Well, they have improved but not as much as they could have; especially in the area of Fitness. I allowed distractions to get in the way. That is never good, especially if you have goals you wish to meet. I should know this; I was in sales at one time. I wrote down the goal and checked it weekly until it was met. And I did it without my district manager breathing down my neck. So, why am I so willing to put it out there for a company I have no stake in, other than a paycheck, but not for myself?
Let's look at Fitness. Well, I have joined a gym
and have actually used it, which goes on the plus side. The negative is that I have not lost a pound and in fact, have gained a few. Hard to admit and as my clothes become tighter, something I have to really face. I know how to do this -- why don't I? I suppose the bottom line is I don't need to think about it the "why" but rather, use the Nike slogan and "just do it!". The year is not over yet, and I do have 4 months to reach my goal. Still do-able. And if nothing else, I can definitely get closer to where I want to be.
As for Finance, I have managed to keep my head above water. That is a huge plus. I got a raise after a three year salary freeze and secured not just a second job but work this summer. The problem is, my nose is just above the imaginary water line. I do have my summer school paycheck coming in during the month of August from my work, and that I can put in savings. That will have helped me reach my goal of opening a savings account and actually having a few bucks in it. By the grace of God, all my bills are paid, there is food on the table and gas in my car. I am more fortunate than many; and for that, I am grateful. A friend has paid for plane fare to go visit her, so I will have a bona fide vacation. I must confess, were it not for the generosity of several people, I would have had many more struggles this year. I have never asked for help yet, God laid it on their hearts to do so -- a huge blessing! My needs are very basic, and so I do not indulge in much other than the occasional $2.00 cup of coffee at my local Panera, where I can get free refills and minimal distractions to read or write. My student loans continue to be an issue but some will be forgiven in ten years. Some are my children's and ex-husband's responsibility. The loans that were defaulted on this year may possibly be reinstated since I took over the payments . If that's the case, they would be eligible under the forgiveness program. This would leave me with very little debt in 10 years and able to actually retire. So, my future is looking up. A year ago it was bleak. I would say I am about as good as I can be at this point of time in this area.
Although not planned, Fun took off this year. Yes, I began dating. It is interesting dating after more than 30 years. The world has changed dramatically, as have I. I am still looking for someone that I can call on for a cup of coffee or a movie. I am not looking for marriage right now unlike the folks I meet --I don't have time for a serious relationship. My work is my life for now.
That brings me to Field. My blog readership is growing exponentially -- praise God! Additionally, I have pushed back the publication of my book for a year. I believe the timing is not right, and God continues to put people in my path with amazing ideas who are able to help me continue to grow this blog. At present, it is read in six continents. I cannot deny God's hand is on it, for I am just one; trying to make a small difference in the world. To serve God and bring encouragement to others with His Word.
Certainly, Friends have been plentiful these past few months. God has placed people in my path that I can only refer to as my Earthly "angels". Yes, they help guide me when I stray from God's plan. They reach out when I am sad. They pray for me and offer encouragement. They build me up and keep me in a positive frame of mind. It would be so easy to become bitter and unforgiving. Fortunately, that has not happened. Again, by the grace of God. It is through my friends that I see I am living a life that others only dream of. It is not filled with the material but rather the spiritual. Most importantly, love. And yes, I do feel it; some days it is overwhelming because I know that God is with me and putting these folks in my life exactly when I need them.
As you can see, my Faith is never lagging. Yes, I do go through periods where I do not read the Bible as I should or fall asleep when I pray. I am working to be more disciplined in that regard. I am signing up for a year-long course with studies in the Old and New Testament, apologetics, spiritual formation and other areas of Christianity. It will not be easy with my schedule and will most likely fall on a night when I have to tutor after work, but it is a "must do" in my mind. And once I commit, I do not back down regardless of how difficult it is to do.
And then, there's Family. I have been blessed this year with the birth of another grandchild. I now have five grandchildren. Each one is different and yet, brings life full circle. I see them and am reminded of my own children when they were that age. My grown children continue to support me and help me as I continue my life journey. Like my grandchildren, each one brings something different to the table. It amazes me how each is raised in the same home, yet each one different and offers incredible insight at different times; times when I so desperately need to hear something from them. Again, no doubt a God thing. The bottom line is they are my everything.
So, in re-evaluating my Oola Plan, I see some areas that continue to need improvement. I know this is not a year or two plan but an ongoing life plan; one that requires long-term planning, commitment and action. Oola has changed my life in ways I cannot even describe. I am a completely different person than I was a year and a half ago. I am living my dreams. It is possible as long as you have the guts to dream it, believe it, and do it! Thank you, OolaGuys! You have changed my world!
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