Friday, April 4, 2014

The Message

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"...and she's back!"  Words spoken by a friend of mine after a discussion about how to get my life on track.  The last month, I've been gone; not physically but mentally.  I have been preoccupied with things of this world; dating, therapy sessions and work.  All this has been in a bid to be better adjusted to my newfound single status.  Yet, I have felt incredibly empty and sad.  Sadder than I have felt since I got divorced.  I couldn't understand it.  And then, I wrote a letter; a love letter to God.  You see, God is listening.  And He answers us-- we just have to be listening.

Tonight, I was on a dating website and a stranger repeated a message I have heard over and over.  The interesting thing is this man was not interested in me and I just replied "no worries... good luck" and signed my name.  However, he replied -- with a longer conversation.  Three e-mails later, he told me something; and it was the exact message I have heard from three other people. Although the words were written by his hand, I believe he was truly a messenger with a very special delivery.  You see, the message was not from him but rather, from Him --God Almighty -- my Father in heaven.   It is now a total of four times that I have heard the exact same message.  The message?  Well, that's between me and my Creator.  Although those four people have no connection other than knowing me, they were obedient in listening to their hearts and saying the words that were necessary for me to hear.  Yes, it took four tries and though I heard it each time and understood what they were telling me, it was not until tonight that I realized it was God speaking through them and to me.  The words clearly resonated in my head and my heart.  That, my friends,  is powerful!

I wrote that kind stranger a note tonight and when I am sure he has read it, I will sign off all of the websites tomorrow.  I do not need them.  God is in the midst and He knows it all.  I don't need to know anything; just that I am to act in obedience to Him.  He has a greater plan for me.  I have felt it for awhile and now; tonight my confirmation came.   I know that my feelings are much more than that; I am on God's trajectory for my life. I am ready.  It is His path, not mine.  I don't know the details but I will -- in time.

It is hard to discern God's words at times but they are there.  Listen for them.  Sometimes it's a stirring in your heart.  Other times, it's found in a song.  Tonight it was found in the words of a stranger.   I cannot deny God is speaking to me for I hear His voice clearly in the message. A message that was repeated verbatim by four very different people. 

To those who were messengers -- I thank you all for delivering the words exactly as they were put on your hearts. You probably don't know who you are, but I do.   For without your words of truth and love, I may have been confused.  But there is no confusion tonight -- only confirmation.  God is alive and well.  He is in Las Vegas, Nevada.  He is in my living room.  He is beside me as I type.  The message has been delivered. 
"Then Haggai, the Lord’s messenger, gave this message of the Lord to the people: “I am with you,” declares the Lord."  Haggai 1:13 (NIV)

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