Saturday, April 26, 2014

God's Work

The are times in your life where you are completely blown away by a piece of art, a book, a movie, or in this case, a play.  I just finished watching one such play called "God's Work".  It's the story of a family, steeped in abuse; all in the name of God.  It is a play that not only shows the horror and tragedy that this family suffered at the hands of a madman but the indomitable strength of the human spirit.

I learned about this play from a friend.  This is a play written by after his adult sister recounted the abuse in their lives to someone; yes, it is a true story.   Many times, people say to me, I don't know how you did it -- how you came through everything you have been through.  Trust me; my story pales in comparison. No, this was a tale of more than abuse; and as I later learned, the father did ultimately go to jail, though surprisingly, on very minor charges and for a short time.  No fairy tale endings here.

The young man I know is a genteel sort.  The kind of person with a smile on his face all the time.  He is inquisitive and loves to read.  I know him and yet, I have learned more about his life in this past seventy minutes than in the time I've known him.  I cannot wrap my brain around the person he is and where he came from.  He broke free from a life in prison to go to college and obtain his Master's degree.  He loves to work with at-risk youth.  One would never know of his dark past.

He possesses an inner strength that ultimately broke the cycle of abuse.  He was the catalyst for the end of it all.  Yet, he was a teenager at the time; fourteen years old.  Somehow, he found the courage to go head-to-head with his father.  His father never touched him again.

It's interesting...the children went to school and yet, despite their horrific bruising and blackened nails, no one questioned what happened to them.  Social workers checked out their home.  They were a family that fell through the cracks.  How is that possible with sixteen children?  How is it possible that this type of abuse could go on for so many years without being detected? 

It makes me wonder, as I'm sure it does you; Where was God?  Why does He allow such horrific things to happen, particularly to children?  It sounds so trite to say that it is for His glory.  After all, what glory is there in children being locked in a basement for years, having horrid acts of abuse perpetrated on them, while being told to memorize Scripture?  Where is God's glory in that?

Yet, I see the monumental strength it took to take back their life at such a young age, and turn the tables against someone who had such an incredibly evil hold on them.  It took an act of God; a miracle.  And yes, I believe it was that. God's hand was truly in that child's heart and spirit. 
Despite all of this, does this young man have a faith in God?  Yes, and he maintains that his faith helped get him through this time in his life.

So what is the lesson in all of this?  Is there one?   If nothing else, it shows that good ultimately triumphs over evil.  I believe, God walks with us through even the worst of times.  He is there to pick us up; if not through someone else, then solely, by His means.  It is clear that He watched over these children and has helped those who wish to, forge a new life.  Clearly, they went through the fires of hell.  Yet, they were refined in some way; small pieces of gold.  Treasures. 

We can never understand why they were put through such hardship.  However, I do know they have giving spirits and choose to use them to show how faith in Him has sustained them; that their past does not have to define their future.  Most of all, God shows me through this story that the human spirit is stronger than we are capable of imagining.  The very spirit that God created.

So as I dry my tears and put away the DVD, I am left with a feeling of new-found closeness to my friend.  For having the courage to share his story with me and even more so, for entrusting me to write this blog about it. 

If by chance this play happens your way, go see it.  The choreography is superb and the story, unimaginable.  It is disturbing and yet, a visual masterpiece.  It is hard for me to describe.  Just know that it is indeed, God's work. 

Link to review and portion of play:

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