I have gone through many things in life. I continue to go through many more things; some good, some not so good. Despite what I have been through or continue to go through, I am living my life authentically. What does that mean?
To me, that means letting people know how I feel. What I'm thinking. I've been thinking a lot lately; perhaps, overthinking. Never good. But it's who I am. So, here's the truth of what I have been thinking.
I am a Christian. As a Christian, I am appalled by the hatred I see in our world. I am not calling out the Muslims but rather the Christians and Jews as well. I am calling out the white kid that thinks he's superior to anyone else. I'm calling out anyone who thinks they are better than another.
My children were raised as Muslims. Not as terrorists but as Muslims. There seems to be a lot of confusion about that of late. They were taught to respect life and to love God. Taking the life of another was considered "haram" or forbidden. Yet, everyone equates Muslim with terrorists. Sorry -- not the same thing. Radical Islam is as bad as Fundamentalist Christianity; you know, the ones calling out the gays? Yeah, I am a Christian and yet, I am pointing my finger at every Christian who has ever said something bad about gays, bisexuals, transgenders and lesbians. Let's look at your own house first, please. And leave God to judge for He is the one who is truly the Judge. He is, after all, the most high -- our Creator.
And yes, I am aware of what our Bible says. And if I hear one more time that God forbids homosexuality, I will scream. The Bible is a book for ALL ages. He also forbids adultery, lying and murder. Don't hate your brother or sister because it's the same as murder. Yet, people still think if they are Christian, they get a free pass. Sorry folks, doesn't work that way. There are six verses in the Bible on homosexuality -- yet, Jesus spoke mostly on the ills of money. Greed, power - that sort of lust was far more of interest to him. Take a minute to swallow that. He also said, go ahead and throw that rock at the woman who committed adultery BUT only if you have not sinned. That's right... who among you has not sinned? Love your brother as yourself. You see, HE loved. He died for US.
I believe strongly in our three greatest religions; Judaism, Christianity and Islam. I know them well. I was brought up as a Jew, converted to Christianity and lived in a Muslim home for over 30 years. Yes, I know all three religions very well. I denounce hatred and radicalism in any form.
I have become one who cannot stand to watch our world. If you want to do something -- pray for it. Pray for the innocents who have died at the hands of cold-hearted murderers. Pray for their parents and their children. Pray for people who are sold into sexual slavery. Pray for societies that allow such cruelties and injustices to happen. Pray for the unborn of an addict, who cares only about getting their next fix. Pray for the one who has hurt you. Forgive as you have been forgiven.
Pray for our Presidential candidates. From where I'm sitting, this is going to be a pivotal election. I don't hear people talking about issues except to say black, white, Hispanic, Jew, woman, gay...I hear division rather than coming together. There is a complete disconnect in our society.
Today, I am saying, "WAKE UP!" It is not the other guy that is the problem -- WE are the problem. You hide behind Tweets and Facebook and social media. The truth is that we are all culpable. "Jesus wept." Yes, He cries for us. "It is finished." He suffered for us. Listen. Pray. Learn. We are ALL God's children. Does anyone care?
Despite our frailties and humanness, God is there. He is saying, "Be still and know that I am God." Are you listening? Can you hear Him? Listen to your heart. It is beating. There is still time; time to come together and stop the madness! "Be still and know I AM..." "Be still and know..." "Be still..." Be. Still.
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