The other day, I was re-thinking my summer plan for losing weight. Goal: 30 pounds. Seems extreme but not for the plan I was on...quite doable in fact. However, I got to thinking about my last school year. The difficulty of maintaining my weight loss on such an extreme plan. I had gained back 15 of the 25 pounds I lost. Not good. So, I decided to do something different...count calories...Oh wait but that's what you've done before? Not this time; not the usual 1200 or 1000 calories plans that I had been raised on. Those days are over. Instead, I went on My Fitness Pal app and said, I want to lose one pound a week. The results? 1500 calories a day. More than I've ever allowed myself to eat before. I have to tell you, it was somewhat freeing.
As I get older, my attitude is changing. My father was a physician who put everyone on a 1000 calorie diabetic diet. He was a great doctor and knew that scale had to move in order for motivation to last. It was also a sign of the times. Supermodels such as Twiggy ruled the catwalk. It was the plan I was raised on. Oh, don't get me wrong. I've also done Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Take Shape for Life -- all good programs. Just not for me -- not anymore.
And so, yesterday, I did the unthinkable. I exercised not once but twice. Tennis for 30 minutes and a 20 minute walk. I exercised for fun, as well as the health benefits. I ate healthy and often. I ate a LOT! The results? Not hungry, completely satisfied and ate everything I wanted. No cravings because guess what? Nothing was off limits. However, I found I didn't want or eat chocolate except for a sugar-free fudgsicle. According to My Fitness Pal, I should lose 9 pounds in the next 5 weeks based on my food and exercise intake. So, by the end of summer, I may be down 15 or 18 pounds. At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter. I am gong for healthy -- what is healthy on a normal, 56-year-old woman.
So for those who find the struggle is real? Stop starving yourself. Give yourself permission to eat more --more whole food, less carbs and sugar and exercise -- for fun! That's it. That's the game plan.
While I have spent three years on this journey some of you have succeeded in your weight loss goals while others haven't. Today, I hope this sets those who have missed the mark "free". You have my permission to eat -- healthy, that is! Oh and as for exercise...yeah, that helps too! Take time to enjoy the journey and embrace who you the end of the day, it's about what works for you.
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