About a year ago, I signed on with Young Living Essential Oils to be a distributor of their products. Little did I know, it would be life-changing!
Some folks may not know the difference in essential oils and that's okay. I'm going to be writing and explaining differences in grades and what makes Young Living such an incredible company. I am also going to explain how I got hooked on them.
I know it sounds incredibly "new age" but in actuality, many oils were used back in Jesus time and before. Before modern medicine, how do you think people treated illness? Now, don't misunderstand - I don't think that essential oils are to be used in lieu of modern medicine; however, I do believe they can be used to support and promote a healthier lifestyle.
For myself? When I ordered my kit a year ago, I was at a complete loss! I opened the box and said, "Now what?" I had no idea where to even begin. 10 oils and a diffuser -- what was I to do with them? So, I did what any person who was clueless would do and put the box in my laundry room for six months or so.
One day, I came home from work, stressed to the max! I texted my sponsor and said, "Is there an oil for that?" She gave me the name of one and yes, I was forced to break out the diffuser and learn how to use it; which in actuality, was quite easy. I diffused the scent. Slowly, I felt myself unwind. It was an incredibly pleasant experience. "Hmmm, " I thought to myself. "Maybe there is something to these oils?"
I began to experiment with diffusing them. Then, I began using them little by little in different ways. At the last Oolapalooza, I found some excellent resources to help me with my business. I have also joined a team in Young Living and plan to build my own team. I know this is a business I can get behind because I believe in these products.
For those of you who are interested in more information, go to my webpage www.yldis.com/lisalehr Join me on this journey...together, let's make a difference in the lives of others!
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