These past two weeks have been crazy! I have been sucking down caffeine by the gallon. If I could've run an IV drip, I most certainly would have. The truth is, although there are 8 weeks left of school, they are probably some of the most hectic in the life of a special educator. My dance card is filled for the entire month of April with IEP (Individualized Education Plan) meetings. If I'm not holding them, I am participating as what we call an LEA (and don't ask me what that means!). In short, I read the parents their rights and make sure that all laws are followed as they pertain to an IEP meeting. I also need to assess all the students with upcoming meetings, as well as perform my regular school duties. Sound hectic? It is! As a result, I generally find myself on the receiving end of cold sores.
Now, I've had these in the past; however, this week-end was the monster of all outbreaks. Half of my upper lip was covered. I looked like I had gone to a bad plastic surgeon for some lip filler, not to mention, I could barely talk because they hurt! I called my daughter about my predicament, and she suggested breaking out the essential oils. Now, before the days of anti-viral creams, back in ye olde days when I grew up, we used a product called "Campho-Phenique" for anything from cold sores to bug bites. So I thought, why not?
Turns out, using Lavender and Frankincense did the trick. I applied a drop or two with a Q-tip several times yesterday. Today, I woke up to a mouth with dried up sores. Now, I'm not saying don't consult with a physician for such things as genital herpes or shingles but for a simple remedy without all the heavy-duty meds and potential side-effects, this seemed to do the trick. I also have a friend who swears by Lavender Oil for bug bites. Since we don't get mosquitos in Nevada, I will have to take her word for it. However, I did order her a bottle for the upcoming summer months.
Please don't misunderstand....the FDA does not approve essential oils as medicine. However, to support and promote a healthier lifestyle, these are great! If you've never considered using essential oils, I suggest you do. And Young Living (in my humble opinion) is the best because their oils are therapeutic grade. More on this in another blog.
For now, I can smile, talk and I look 100% better today. As for my calves, that's another story...I walked several miles this week-end; a little Peppermint and PanAway should help! And yes, will be diffusing some Joy and Lavender today; for what else? Joy and relaxation. You see, essential oils have a plethora of uses. I am just at the beginning of my journey.
Join me and let's not just live a healthier lifestyle but secure a healthier financial future. Contact me and let's help others; not only with their lifestyle choices but with building a road to financial freedom. Starter kits are $160 and I will give a $25 Visa card to those who join my team in the next month. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. All information you need can be found on my website at
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