Today I saw a sea of faces. They were the faces of orphans in Thailand. Two men walked in and made them smile. They colored with them. Gifts to these beautiful children, each with a story.
I have a friend. She started an orphanage in Sierra Leone. She adopted five of them herself. She gives her time to these beautiful children, each with a story.
I tutor at a place that for all intents and purposes, is an orphanage. It is a home for children who are unable to stay with their parents. I show up each and every week because I believe in these beautiful children, each with a story.
God writes how we are to care for the orphan. Do we go on mission trips? Do we adopt? Do we help them with their studies? I'm not sure God is that specific. He merely says we are to care for the widows and the orphans.
James 1:27 (AMP) says this. "External religious worship [religion as it is expressed in outward acts] that is pure and unblemished in the sight of God the Father is this: to visit and help and care for the orphans and widows in their affliction and need, and to keep oneself unspotted and uncontaminated from the world."
I've always had a soft spot for kids; and they, for me. I had four children of my own. In fact, people don't understand why I did when I was in a broken marriage. But, the truth is, I love kids. They make my heart happy; even when they are having a terrible day. Their smiles light up my day!
Kids tend to migrate to me. I'm not sure why. At times, I feel like the Pied Piper. I think it has something to do with the fact that they can somehow sense that I really care about them; I try to help them be successful in the classroom, I listen to them -- and not just hear--big difference. It's important to them to know that someone is there. I am consistent. I have tutored for nearly two years now. I do it, not just because of the second income; believe me, it's not stellar. I do it because these kids need a positive force in their life. One who will help, listen, joke and smile. I have taken on that role for them. I have no idea why other than the fact that they have touched my heart in some way. You see, when you help others, it is not you that's the blessing but rather, the converse.
Some days, I wish I didn't care so much. I wish I could just leave my job and find a passion outside of work. But the truth is, my passion is my work. So, how do you turn that off? When you find meaning and joy and purpose in your life through your work, how exactly can you shut that down to watch reality TV? Somehow, it just doesn't have the same impact. My reality is far better than any I could find on a television show.
As you read this, I hope some small part of you wants to give back. To offer hope to a child who has none. If nothing else to donate a small sum of money to a charitable organization that helps children in need or even more importantly, your time. Go to a school during reading week and read a book to some children with special needs. Offer to help with Vacation Bible School and change a child's life as you bring God's message of hope to them. Say a prayer for one you know is sick. Give of yourself in some small way. It's through that small connection, we touch another's life -- we can lead by example-- and make the world a whole lot better place in which to live. As you ponder that, have a listen...
"That's How You Change The World" by the Newsboys
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