Thursday, February 19, 2015

Lent through my Eyes

Tonight was our traditional Ash Wednesday service.  I walked into the narthex -- the foyer of the church -- and could see everyone seated inside.  I was a bit harried because I was running a little late.  I could see the choir, the big screens with pictures on them and our pastors at the front of the sanctuary.  It was crowded inside.  It was also silent.

I entered the sanctuary with a breath of thanks for arriving on time.  I chose a seat in the center pews; right hand side.  A different place for me.  I felt a bit off-kilter since I prefer the left side.  No matter.  It's not where I was sitting but that I with my brothers and sisters in Christ.

The service began with a worship song.  I looked around to see the familiar faces.  I love that -- seeing people I love and have grown close to over the years.  I began to feel comfortable.  The unsettling feelings I had began to go away.  I was ready to worship.  I could feel my spirit begin to give up everything to the Lord.  I was relaxed but in deep prayer and thought.  It is a time of quiet reflection.

I anticipate this is going to be a great Lenten season.  I love the time leading up to Easter.  For me, it is a time of repentance and a reminder of our mortality; "to dust you are; to dust you shall return."
More importantly, it is an extremely holy time; a time of reflecting on our lives as Christians and reading the Bible more often.  Hopefully, this 40 days will help us to not just develop the habit of reading the Word during this Holy season,  but to continue it throughout the year.

The service was incredibly peaceful and beautiful; quiet solitude and rest for the soul.  It allowed me to connect with God.  It gave me the feeling that all is right with the world; that all is right with me.  For even though I am far from perfect, I am His child.  He is my heavenly father and One who loves me more than anyone.  I love that connection I feel inside.  It gives me strength and sureness of this life and the next.

And so, as I get ready to go to sleep, I am thankful.  I am thankful for a God who loves me enough to forgive my sins -- and trust me,  there are many.  I am thankful for a God that gives me grace through His sacrifice.  I am grateful that I live in a country where I can worship freely.   I pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ who are being persecuted in other lands.  And I pray that all this craziness will stop.  Only God knows the timetable but we can continue to lift this prayer to the King.  I pray for those who have gone before us and those that were left behind; for those who are worried about health, finances and any other worries of the day.  I close the day with one final "Amen."

And so, we trust Him.  We place our faith and our lives in Him.  We know He is there for us and  listens to us as we ask for forgiveness.  He is grace.  He is love.  He is our God.

"Because He Lives (Amen)" by Matt Maher

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