Thursday, February 19, 2015

Lent through my Eyes

Tonight was our traditional Ash Wednesday service.  I walked into the narthex -- the foyer of the church -- and could see everyone seated inside.  I was a bit harried because I was running a little late.  I could see the choir, the big screens with pictures on them and our pastors at the front of the sanctuary.  It was crowded inside.  It was also silent.

I entered the sanctuary with a breath of thanks for arriving on time.  I chose a seat in the center pews; right hand side.  A different place for me.  I felt a bit off-kilter since I prefer the left side.  No matter.  It's not where I was sitting but that I with my brothers and sisters in Christ.

The service began with a worship song.  I looked around to see the familiar faces.  I love that -- seeing people I love and have grown close to over the years.  I began to feel comfortable.  The unsettling feelings I had began to go away.  I was ready to worship.  I could feel my spirit begin to give up everything to the Lord.  I was relaxed but in deep prayer and thought.  It is a time of quiet reflection.

I anticipate this is going to be a great Lenten season.  I love the time leading up to Easter.  For me, it is a time of repentance and a reminder of our mortality; "to dust you are; to dust you shall return."
More importantly, it is an extremely holy time; a time of reflecting on our lives as Christians and reading the Bible more often.  Hopefully, this 40 days will help us to not just develop the habit of reading the Word during this Holy season,  but to continue it throughout the year.

The service was incredibly peaceful and beautiful; quiet solitude and rest for the soul.  It allowed me to connect with God.  It gave me the feeling that all is right with the world; that all is right with me.  For even though I am far from perfect, I am His child.  He is my heavenly father and One who loves me more than anyone.  I love that connection I feel inside.  It gives me strength and sureness of this life and the next.

And so, as I get ready to go to sleep, I am thankful.  I am thankful for a God who loves me enough to forgive my sins -- and trust me,  there are many.  I am thankful for a God that gives me grace through His sacrifice.  I am grateful that I live in a country where I can worship freely.   I pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ who are being persecuted in other lands.  And I pray that all this craziness will stop.  Only God knows the timetable but we can continue to lift this prayer to the King.  I pray for those who have gone before us and those that were left behind; for those who are worried about health, finances and any other worries of the day.  I close the day with one final "Amen."

And so, we trust Him.  We place our faith and our lives in Him.  We know He is there for us and  listens to us as we ask for forgiveness.  He is grace.  He is love.  He is our God.

"Because He Lives (Amen)" by Matt Maher

Saturday, February 14, 2015

The Lord's Prayer

The Lords Prayer

Not many know this, but I used to live in the Middle East.  I spent five years there.  Cultural differences aside, it was a good five years.  Granted, there were some things I had trouble with but for the most part, it was an interesting part of my life's journey and one I will never forget.   To this day, I have American friends that still live there; in a tiny country called Kuwait.

I think many of you remember Kuwait.  It was that country that was at the center of Desert Storm.  It will always hold a special place for me, as will the people there.  While there, I practiced my faith.  It is a predominantly Muslim country and so the prayer calls are five times a day within a 24 hour period.  Some are in the middle of the night.  It is at first, distracting; almost annoying.  However, as time goes on, you become used to the call to prayer; even sleep through it. But the call itself is beautiful -- chanted in a melodic way.   More importantly, it reminded us Christians to pray.  And so we did; usually the Lord's Prayer.  You see, what others may see as an affront to "our" faith, we Christians used it  in a meaningful way to enrich our faith.  How many of you pray five times a day?  What about three times?  How about just once a day?  What is it that God says in the Bible?  Oh that's right, pray without ceasing!

Some of you may wonder why this particular subject?  Why the tone?  The attitude?  I'm writing about this today because yesterday, I read up on a story in the news about three young Muslim students that were killed.  Those three could easily have been my nieces or nephews.  And yes, although divorced, in my eyes (and theirs) they are still my family.  I feel very convicted these were not terrorists but merely young adults looking to get a good education; here in the United States.  And let's face it, for college, we have one of the best education systems in the world.  Many people travel the world over to come and study here.  So, these three are not unique.

As I was finishing up the article, I noticed a feed.  And it was moving at a mighty speed.  I began reading and was shocked at the hatred that was being spewed; mostly by "good" Christians.  Yes, there are terrorist groups in the world.  In fact, ever since I was a young child growing up, there have been terrorist groups.  The brutality of the new groups is indeed beyond anything we've witnessed; I'll grant you that.  It is, sickening and stomach-churning.  But there is a huge difference between terrorist and Muslim.  Muslims practice their faith; Islam.  Terrorists use fear and death as a means to get their way.  Make no mistake; they will take no prisoners.  They mean business, and I dare say, the majority of Muslims disagree with everything they stand for.  If you don't believe me, then read the newspaper.   Arab countries, predominantly Muslim, are now fighting against this threat to the region. 

Ladies and gentlemen,  this is the day and age of the Internet,.  Instant gratification.   It is all too easy to put our opinions "out there" behind a faceless computer screen.  And so, I am going to join the countless ones who did so the other day.  However, I am not going to resort to name-calling. and a hate-filled rant. Rather, I'm going to use logic and hopefully, some tact.  I'm also going to use the Bible.

I know it says, we are to love our neighbor as ourselves.  John 13:34  "So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other."  Jesus loved us a lot.  So much, that he died nailed to a tree.  That's a lot of sacrificial love.  Is it too much to ask for?  Never mind love, even though it's commanded.  I'm just talking, tolerance, which Merriam-Webster defines as, "willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own."  Think about that...can you go that far?  

What does the Bible teach about hate?  In John 8:7, there is a story about how a woman was an adulteress.  By law, she was to be stoned.  "When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”   Are you without sin?  If so, then go right ahead and lob that rock.  But if not, you need to rethink your words and actions.  But, let me get you to consider some other things.  Do you somehow think you are setting the example?  That you are somehow above another human?  Because, trust me, you're not.  Christ came here to save them just as much as He came to save you.  In fact, he was criticized for sitting with the people of the day whom were considered undesirable by the mainstream.

The other day, I was in a sermon at a church I don't normally attend.  The pastor began talking about how we were chosen.   "WE  were chosen."  He kept stressing we; in a manner that, struck me as particularly arrogant.  Pardon me, pastor, but WE were not chosen.  The Jews were the chosen people, if you must know.  There is nothing special about us and the inflection in your voice implies that there is.  Frankly, in my humble opinion, that is a slippery slope.  We're now moving into Westboro Baptist territory by implying that somehow, God made us better than anyone else because WE were chosen.  No, we're no more special than anyone else.  We are all sinners in need of saving.  We were blessed because in some way, we received Christ as our Savior. 

Let me put it another way; we are here in America by our circumstance of being born here -- that's it. We were born into a predominantly Christian society.   Now, imagine you were not born in America.  Rather, raised in a culture that does not allow Christianity.  Instead of a church on every corner, there is a mosque.  They didn't have the fantastic forefathers we did, and so there is no freedom of religion.  That in fact, missionaries are killed for bringing a different message to you.    You are raised to believe that if you leave your faith, you are damned forever; not to mention, you will be disowned by everyone in your family.  Tell me, how does the Word get to you exactly?  How is it you are expected to believe anything different?  And are you still accountable to God?

It is a question I have struggled with for ages.  You see, in my mind, the Holy Spirit has to soften peoples' hearts in order for them to even begin to understand and know Jesus.  In Acts 10:44-48, it happens this way.  "While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message. 45 The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on Gentiles. 46 For they heard them speaking in tongues and praising God.   Then Peter said, 47 “Surely no one can stand in the way of their being baptized with water. They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have.” 48 So he ordered that they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they asked Peter to stay with them for a few days."

  And the idea of the Trinity?  That is blasphemy, in the eyes of any other faith.  "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One."   Not three, but one.    Unless you have a real understanding of Christianity, it is hard to grasp that concept.  Even the most devout Christian has probably struggled with the Trinity at one point or another in their faith journey.  I know I have tried many times to explain it to non-believers and I've yet to find an analogy to help them understand it.

So, how do we, as Christians, help peoples' hearts start to soften?  It begins with a prayer.  You pray for them.  Yes, you pray for your enemies.  Matthew 5:44 says, "But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."  These are Jesus' words -- not mine.
Turn the other cheek.  Isn't that what Jesus said?  If you get slapped, then give them the other.  Matthew 5:39 says, "... If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also."
Pray for those you despise.  Forgive them.  It is very easy in theory, and extremely difficult in practice.   Yet, it is necessary.  Our Lord called for it.  "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us."  Do you want to be forgiven?  Because you better be willing to forgive others if you are expecting God to forgive you.  It's in the Lord's prayer -- God's very own words.

So, as you sit behind your computer screens, hurling insults to everyone and being incredibly judgmental, think about how you wish God to judge you.  Because that, my friends, is how you will be judged.  Do you want God to have a forgiving heart or reign down what you really deserve?  We are so incredibly sinful that Jesus died for us.   Shed His blood.  And while he was on the cross, asked for forgiveness for US.  He sacrificed for you and me and yes, for those who don't even know Him yet!

The truth is, I myself come off as pretty judgmental in this blog, which shows we are all culpable.  However, I speak out of love and with the Word of God.  We are people which means we have feelings and tend to think with our emotions rather than our head.  Yes, what has happened overseas is tragic.  What has happened over here is likewise tragic.  Thankfully, our God shows us mercy and forgiveness.  Is it too much to ask that we follow in His footsteps and set the example that He intended?  Let's raise the bar a little higher.  Next time, when you hear a controversial news story, don't-go-crazy.  We only know what the media tells us and that may or may not be accurate at the time.   Think about who is on the other side of that computer screen.  It could be someone that may be looking for hope in the midst of this crisis and you are slamming shut that door forever.  A door that has just a glimmer of light through a crack.  Those people you are slamming that door on may not matter to you but believe me, they matter to God.  He created them.  So, think before you speak...and hold these words in your heart:

PSALMS 19:14 "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer." 

Lastly, consider this...a poem by Jefferson Bethke.

Jesus > Religion

Friday, February 13, 2015

Love Calling

Today I saw a sea of faces.  They were the faces of orphans in Thailand.  Two men walked in  and made them smile.  They colored with them.  Gifts to these beautiful children, each with a story.  
I have a friend.  She started an orphanage in Sierra Leone.  She adopted five of them herself.  She gives her time to these beautiful children, each with a story.
I tutor at a place that for all intents and purposes, is an orphanage.  It is a home for children who  are unable to stay with their parents.  I show up each and every week because I believe in these beautiful children, each with a story.
God writes how we are to care for the orphan.  Do we go on mission trips?  Do we adopt?  Do we help them with their studies?  I'm not sure God is that specific.  He merely says we are to care for the widows and the orphans. 
James 1:27 (AMP) says this.   "External religious worship [religion as it is expressed in outward acts] that is pure and unblemished in the sight of God the Father is this: to visit and help and care for the orphans and widows in their affliction and need, and to keep oneself unspotted and uncontaminated from the world."
I've always had a soft spot for kids; and they, for me.  I had four children of my own. In fact, people don't understand why I did when I was in a broken marriage.  But, the truth is, I love kids.  They make my heart happy; even when they are having a terrible day.  Their smiles light up my day! 
Kids tend to migrate to me.  I'm not sure why.  At times, I feel like the Pied Piper.   I think it has something to do with the fact that they can somehow sense that I really care about them; I try to help them be successful in the classroom, I listen to them -- and not just hear--big difference.  It's important to them to know that someone is there.  I am consistent.  I have tutored for nearly two years now.  I do it, not just because of the second income; believe me, it's not stellar.  I do it because these kids need a positive force in their life.  One who will help, listen, joke and smile.   I have taken on that role for them.  I have no idea why other than the fact that they have touched my heart in some way.  You see, when you help others, it is not you that's the blessing but rather, the converse.
Some days, I wish I didn't care so much.  I wish I could just leave my job and find a passion outside of work.  But the truth is, my passion is my work.  So, how do you turn that off?  When you find meaning and joy and purpose in your life through your work, how exactly can you shut that down to watch reality TV?  Somehow, it just doesn't have the same impact.  My reality is far better than any I could find on a television show. 
As you read this, I hope some small part of you wants to give back.  To offer hope to a child who has none.  If nothing else to donate a small sum of money to a charitable organization that helps children in need or even more importantly, your time.  Go to a school during reading week and read a book to some children with special needs.  Offer to help with Vacation Bible School and change a child's life as you bring God's message of hope to them.  Say a prayer for one you know is sick.  Give of yourself in some small way.  It's through that small connection, we touch another's life -- we can lead by example-- and make the world a whole lot better place in which to live.  As you ponder that, have a listen...
"That's How You Change The World" by the Newsboys

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Shades of Gray

How many of you are going to see "50 Shades of Grey?"  It's the perfect date movie, especially for Valentine's Day!  A little S & M, anyone? 

When I first heard that this movie was being released on Valentine's Day, I was appalled.  First of all, I wouldn't want to see this movie because I don't find S & M sexy.   It is not my idea of a romantic evening.   It is, in fact, degrading and demeaning.  I guess that's the purpose of it but my question is, why would anyone want to take something as beautiful as sex  and turn it into THAT?  And if a date suggested it?  I think I would have to re-evaluate the quality of the man I was spending time with. 

I must confess, when the book came out and it was being touted as a great read, I got a sample for my Nook.  However, I never read it.  I heard a friend of mine describe it as pornography -- and this lady is no prude.  So, I decided that I would not even open the sample.  Frankly, I have better things to do than to read pornography.  However, it is my understanding from the movie previews I've seen, that as long as your guy is sexy and powerful, anything goes.  That, is the underlying theme and it is scary to think that we, as a society, buy into it.

I have spent countless hours and money on a counselor to improve my self-worth and have a better understanding of who I am and my value as a child of God.  I also understand that Hollywood makes money through fantasy.  However, this movie has been rated R, which means that anyone 17 and over can see it.  And trust me, 17-year-olds, will go see it!  I guess it makes me wonder, is nothing off-limits in today's society?  I am taking enormous steps to undo the damage that was done to me over a lifetime and now people are paying for the privilege of not just watching it, but then, my best guess?  Check it out firsthand.

And so, rather than jump in and say, "What do we say to our kids about this movie?"  I'm going to take a little different stance.  What does God think about sex? 

Clearly, he's all for it.  Why?  First off, He created us as sexual beings.  No doubt about that.  Check out the design of our body.  Think about how a man's brain works versus that of a woman.   In Genesis 1:28, it says "Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply....”   He sanctioned it!  So, it's all well and good.  However, I don't believe the Bible says, go tie her up and whip her.  In fact, I defy anyone to find anything remotely close to that in the Bible.  You won't. 
The Bible also speaks about the beauty of love. Song of Solomon 1:1, 12-17 says,

"This is Solomon’s
    most beautiful song...
She Speaks:
12 My king, while you
were on your couch,
    my love was a magic charm.
13 My darling, you are perfume
    between my breasts;
14 you are flower blossoms
    from the gardens of En-Gedi.
He Speaks:
15 My darling, you are lovely,
so very lovely—
    your eyes are those of a dove.
She Speaks:
16 My love, you are handsome,
    truly handsome—
the fresh green grass
    will be our wedding bed
17 in the shade of cedar
    and cypress trees."

OK, back in ye olde days, they compared themselves to the things they saw around them -- which were animals and fields.  Yet, I don't think it takes away the beauty of the love of these two.  What would decimate these verses is if they brought out the chariot whips and chains.
There are many other verses that address sexuality:
1 Corinthians 6:18  (CEV) "Don’t be immoral in matters of sex. That is a sin against your own body in a way that no other sin is."  In other words, you are committing acts against yourself.  Degrading another is likewise degrading to you.
1 Thessalonians 4:3-7 (CEV)  "God wants you to be holy, so don’t be immoral in matters of sex. Respect and honor your wife. Don’t be a slave of your desires or live like people who don’t know God. You must not cheat any of the Lord’s followers in matters of sex.  Remember, we warned you that he punishes everyone who does such things. God didn’t choose you to be filthy, but to be pure."  In other words, don't treat your woman disrespectfully in the bedroom (or anywhere else, for that matter).
Hebrews 13:4 (ESV)  "Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous."  I won't comment on "marriage bed" but God is saying, don't get down and dirty. 
I am not going to judge others on the grounds of who sleeps with whom and when.  However, I will say this.  Teenagers are impressionable.  Even at 17 years of age, they will watch this movie and their curiosity will be piqued.  I am pretty certain the sex scenes in this movie are not an attempt to discourage people from engaging in this type of sex.  I am also going to say this to the women who are single and lonely.  Don't let a man convince you to have this type of sex.  Make no mistake -- this IS bondage.  Do you want someone to hold you in low esteem and disregard?  Degrading you?  Demeaning you? 
The argument for this article is going to be, whatever two consenting adults do in the bedroom is their business.  However, my counter-argument would be -- yes, if we were perfect and knew all the ramifications of such actions.  The human psyche is incredibly delicate.  It is formed and developed at a very early age and continues to develop throughout life.  We learn from our experiences; good, bad or otherwise.  Sometimes, our brains compartmentalize and rationalize and we make poor life choices.  That is why we have the Bible.  It helps us see that although we as humans may want something or think we need it -- we really don't.  God gives us His handbook to help us through life.  All we have to do is read it and apply it as we interpret it.  I don't believe there is a "right or wrong" to reading Scripture.  God touches each of our hearts differently with His words.  The Bible is not black and white; there are shades of gray.  It is a book that has withstood the test of time, and can be applied even in today's day and age.  However, we need to read God's word and make the choices that empower us...through our faith.
"Slow Fade" by Casting Crowns


Saturday, February 7, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

Well, I know it's not quite Valentine's Day but when I saw this, it made me think of it.  Two hearts saying, "A Shared Journey..."  All very sweet, but what's the reality?
How many of you actually have plans for Valentine's Day?  I don't.  Shocking, I know!  But as I think about it, am I really bothered by the prospect of not having a special date with a very special man this Valentine's Day?

Honestly, no.  I know that sounds harsh, but the truth is, I've spent the last year dating and meeting men; all kinds!  I've thought about marriage and relationships and I've found, that I'm not really ready for marriage or anything close to it.  I'd like to think I am but when I think of the reality of sharing my life with someone again?  No way! 

I guess many might be asking, "Why wouldn't you want someone in your life?"  Ah, that's not what I said.  I said I wasn't ready for marriage.  I might be able to handle a relationship but it has come to my attention, that I break them off very quickly.  The reason?  Not because the man is necessarily at fault but because I'm scared.  It's the anxiety of finding "Mr. Wrong" combined with trust issues.  Folks, getting hitched is way easier than getting un-hitched.  Divorce is not something I ever wish to repeat.  And so, even as the years pass -- rather quickly, I might add -- I have no desire to rush into a serious relationship.

Now, in theory, that all sounds well and good.  The reality is a little harder.  You see, with being alone comes loneliness.  I'm ok with being alone as long as I'm busy; writing, cleaning, doing the day-to-day, work...but if I am bored -- watch out!  I find myself hating the quiet and stillness.  As a result, I work until I can barely move.  I haven't learned how to be single and just "be". 

I love the Bible verse Psalm 46:10: "Be still and know that I AM God..."  I love it because it speaks to my heart.  Because for me, it is very hard to be still.  It is incredibly difficult to just read the Bible and listen for His voice.  Why is that?  I don't know.  I believe it is the way I am hard-wired in my brain.  Not that I don't want to be nearer to God but sitting still, reading and listening ...waiting for His voice.  I'm sure it's a spiritual practice but it is hard to do!

On the other hand, I am not someone who does things just for the sake of doing them.  For instance, I will not shop unless there is an absolute necessity for my doing so.  I have to actually have a "need" for something.  Someone asked me the other day if I invite girlfriends to go shopping.  I don't think I've done that since high school.  And then I started wondering, why is that?  I used to enjoy it...why don't I do it anymore?  Probably because I don't shop!  And when I do, I keep it to a minimum as I do not really like milling around shopping malls; and I hate it even more during the holiday season!  So, what I deem as frivolous and unimportant, is merely a time-waster.  Is there anything in-between work-to-exhaustion and shop-til-you-drop?   For me, I'm not sure.

So getting back to Valentine's Day --- if you have a honey, I commend you.  Enjoy yourself!  It's all about the love.  If you don't, don't sweat it.  Rent a "chick flick", pop some popcorn and enjoy the evening.  I personally think it's one of those holidays that are overrated but then again, I never had a "real" valentine.  Perhaps one day, I'll be blessed and have a change of heart.

A gift for all you lovers out there.. Happy Valentine's Day!

Adele "Lovesong"

It's Just... Life

Most people think being single is glamorous -- fun -- exciting.  Meeting new people, doing new's not!  The truth is, being single can be daunting.  I have been blessed because God gave me a desire to overcome whatever hardships have been placed in my life.  I'm convinced, hardships never cease and yet, I will not give up.  I am determined to get through them; with a great attitude and never losing faith!

Take for instance, today.  For the first time in my life, I filed my taxes without someone else preparing them.  Yup!  This is a first for me.  I was raised with the belief that you needed an accountant.  Now, make no mistake -- if I could afford one, I would probably get one.  But, that is not an option.  And so, I decided to take a couple of hours and do my taxes via Turbo Tax, which many have said is a reliable and easy-to-follow program.  And so, I sat down, answered the questions and in a couple of hours, was finished.  Am I scared?  YES!  But, I refuse to let fear be my guiding force.  I answered the questions to the best of my ability, and like to believe, I did it correctly.  I did buy the audit protection -- you know, just in case!

I also took the morning to review my budget.  I have been feeling that I need to work harder at putting away money for savings but now realize why I haven't...there's none to spare!!  Yes, after two years and 3 jobs, my expenses still equal my income.  Well, actually, I've been having to use a credit card for emergency expenses.  And so, I decided to see where I could tighten things up a bit.  I purchased a car at a lower rate of interest than my current vehicle, saving $70/mo.  I am going back to coloring my hair at beauty school rather than at a bona-fide shop.  It takes up a chunk of my week-end to do it that way, but saves a lot of money; $70 to be exact.  I have also been pricing out car insurance.   It's been a couple of years, and so decided it's time to do it again.   The best rates I've found are saving me roughly $30/mo.  I have an insurance broker, so she is going to shop it as well for me.  I am hoping to reduce it by $50/mo.  I changed cell phone carriers and that has saved $10/mo.  Gasoline prices have lowered, giving me a break for at least a short period of time of $40/mo.  All in all, I am now up $220/mo.  Yes, these are little things and yet, they add up to some substantial savings. 

 Something I learned today from my daughter, who is very budget conscious, is that you need to review your budget monthly.  I believe that's probably true because then you can see exactly where your money is going.  In other words, you be in charge of your money instead of the money being in charge of you!  I also realize I need another source of income if I am going to build a savings account and actually pay off debt.  And so, I am starting a home-based business.  I have a friend who is helping me get started.  He says he wants to see me quit worrying about money so that I can have  peace.  God bless him!  Once again, proof  that God sends us earthly angels!

So what happened to the excitement, the dating, the glamour of being single?  This is it!  I have the occasional date but mostly, I am on a quest to make my life better; not by looking for someone else to "fix" my problems but for ME to fix my problems.   Could I go on a quest to find a rich man and land him?  Probably.  But the truth is, living my life with a sense of independence feeds my soul more than any man ever could.  I have a sense of well-being, joy, hope and believe more than ever that God has walked with me throughout this journey.  I don't always have to understand "Why?" -- rather, I just have to accept God's plan for my life without question, move forward and do what God asks; which I believe is to share my experiences with others and offer encouragement.  That's it! 

So, if you are in the midst of hardship, let me just say -- it gets better.  It does!   Life really is good. As time goes on, I realize that this journey we're on is just one big adventure.  I am enjoying it to the fullest -- yes, even the bad!  Because you know what?  You cannot have good without bad.   Be grateful.  Thank God.  Enjoy the ride.  We only get one chance at life -- make it the best!

And they that know your name will put their trust in you: for you, LORD, have not forsaken them that seek you. Psalms 9:10

This song shows that no matter who you are, we all go through difficult times.  Thank you Matthew West for sharing.
"Motions" by Matthew West