Saturday, January 3, 2015

My Oola Journey: From Fat to Fabulous

It's 2015 -- have you written out your resolutions yet?  Have you kept any of them?  Interesting, as I have moved through this journey of weight loss, I have discovered something that is key.  That is, it's not about New Year's resolutions or motivation; it's about commitment.

So what's the difference you ask?  Motivation is short-term.  It can increase or wane, depending on your mood. defines it as "the process that arouses, sustains and regulates human and animal behavior."  So, for instance -- when my daughter got married, I wanted to lose weight for the wedding.  Did I lose the weight?  I did!  However, I kept asking the counselor at the weight loss center, what happens after the wedding?  I knew I did not have any motivation to move beyond my weight loss or even sustain it.  The truth is, the counselor could never answer that question.  What she missed was that I was motivated, but not committed.

Commitment on the other hand is a long-term process.  You do not care what it takes or how long it takes, as long as the job is completed.  Nothing will stop you from meeting your goal. defines commit as "to pledge or engage oneself."  You see, I am no longer motivated at the idea of losing weight, but committed.  I am actively engaging myself in the process.  No longer does eating on vacation mean failure.  Rather, it means I am on vacation having a good time.  Period.  It no longer has to signal that I am less of a person. 

So, since my last blog and prior to vacation, I was down 9.5 lbs.  That is starting to become significant.  Unfortunately, due to vacation -- eating/drinking differently and zero gym time -- I was up 3 lbs.  I can live with that.  I ate and drank pretty much what I wanted.  I completely rested.  It is now time for me to return to the gym and get in my exercise.  It is time to eat like I was eating prior to my vacation.  Done.  Therein lies the commitment.  It is a commitment to myself -- not to an event -- but rather, to me.  It is a priority because I have made myself that.  I DESERVE TO BE HEALTHY!  For those of you struggling with that last statement, read it again -- out loud!  You deserve that, and so much more. 

And so, I do not have any New Year's resolutions because I don't need any.  My priorities have shifted.  I am my priority because if I don't take care of myself, who is going to do it?  So, if you are struggling with your weight and are on this journey with me, stop trying to motivate yourself.  Rather, be committed and stand strong in that commitment.  You are worth it!  You are not changing your eating and exercise habits for the next month or year but rather,  for the rest of your life

Join me as we make it a good one, a healthy one and a long one!

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