Sunday, December 14, 2014

My Oola Journey: From Fat to Fabulous

At long last, I have a great post this week! I think I have finally figured it out!  Only took like what?  Six months or more?  Well, better late than never!

I have been tweaking my diet plan. I am still using the MyFitnessPal app and switched to something called Shakeology in the morning.  It's a protein shake that I really much, that I've begun selling it as well.  It is combined with other fitness products from the Team Beach Body line.  If you'd like to know more, email me at

I have been using the Shakeology consistently for the last month and lost about 5 more pounds.  I am at a total loss of 8 lbs for 6 weeks.  Not fast but not terribly slow either.

I also have joined, or should I say, RE-joined my gym.  Yes, although the walks in the park were wonderful, it began to get cold here.  I realized I needed a new place to walk.  After weighing my options, I went back to Gold's gym.  I also signed up for one year of personal training.  This is the first time in a long time, I've been excited about me --  because this is a new transformation -- the physical one.  Yes, I have spent close to the last two years changing inwardly and now it's time for the outside to match the inside. 

Don't get me wrong -- it's not about looking good for the opposite sex.  Frankly, if someone is not interested in who I am -- fat or thin --I don't want them.  No, this journey is about looking and feeling good for me.  It's so I can be healthier, live a better life and sync my physical to the "inner" me.

The truth is, as I have dated, I have noticed that I have a young spirit.  I date men my age -- yet, they seem my father's age. Granted, I am 54 years old but I have great health, (praise God!) and take nothing for granted!  No, I do not go out and act like a fool or a twenty-something.  But there is an indefinable quality to me that makes me laugh, want to crawl on the floor with the grandkids and play and experience life with an almost child-like wonder.  I can do all this without going to bars, getting drunk and dressing with dignity. 

But,  I must confess, I "let myself go" after my last child, thinking that was a normal part of aging.  WRONG!  It can be but it doesn't have to be.  So, as I sweat and I'm quite certain, cursing at my personal trainer under my breath (God bless her!), I will remember what this part of this journey is about.  It's about becoming whole; becoming the person God intended me to be.

With that, I will close.  Know that this is not an easy journey.  I will check in every couple of weeks to let you know how things are going unless something earth-shattering happens.  In the meantime, eat healthy -- stay healthy -- keep your mind active and your heart filled with joy! 

 My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food, and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips, when I remember you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night; for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy. Psalms 63:5-7

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