Sunday, December 7, 2014

My Oola Journey: From Fat to Fabulous


I found this today and thought...hmmm -- blog material?  I think so!  So, most folks want to know -- how am I doing?  Because if I can do it, so can anyone.  The truth is, my scale has not moved this week.  I suppose coming out of Thanksgiving that would not be terribly unusual.  It was a little hard to get back on track but I have done so with a vengeance!

As #1 states, this is a lifestyle.  It is a complete overhaul of my life.  I have found that some things work for me, while others do not.  I can live with that.  For instance, I had given up saccharin.  True, it is bad for me but is it as bad as the extra 50 pounds I am carrying?  The jury's out on that one.  But, I do like my things sweet -- and using agave, honey or sugar ad infinitum is not going to get the pounds off.  So, I have gone back to saccharin in my tea or coffee.  Soda or pop?  I am off that forever.  There truly is no benefit to it; diet or regular-- it sucks the calcium out of your bones, the acid eats the enamel off your teeth and there is a ton of sugar (or sweetener) in it.  So, I drink water.  Fair trade in my humble opinion.  At some point, I will get rid of the sweetener -- just not right now.

#2 says get organized.  True story.  I found (quite by accident) that when I grocery shop on Friday, that cooking on Saturday is not so daunting.  And so yesterday, I cooked two incredibly fabulous meals.  I have one more I am preparing in the crockpot today.  Between those three, I will have enough food for lunches and dinners throughout the week.  And I also have salad and salmon for days I grow weary of that food.   Funny, that by switching one small task such as grocery shopping to a different day, that my entire week-end goes so much more smoothly.

Number 3 says eat small.  Okay, this is all about portion control.  I am using an app called My Fitness Pal to keep track of my portions.  It has a huge database and will track not just calories but activity.  It also allows you to see your friends.  I suppose it is the Facebook of the weight loss world.  For me, I used it a couple of years ago and was very successful.  Also, throw in a divorce, and somehow, your appetite does tend to wane.  So, weight loss was inevitable.  As was the ensuing weight gain from who knows what?  Happiness, stress, hormones, medications?  It doesn't really matter.  What does matter is this app is free and also on the computer for those who don't have smartphones.

#4 says, learn to leave food on your plate.  Okay, this is a tough one for me.  Back in the day, my parents would say, think of the starving children in Africa when we would not eat everything on our plates.  Immediately, our minds would go to the National Geographic pictures that would lay out the famine in its photojournalism finest; mothers holding their dying children.  And yes, it worked.  And no, I'm not making this stuff up -- it was, our family dynamic -- guilt!  And it worked!!  I personally think it was a cruel ploy and to this day, have trouble leaving food on my plate.  At home, I prefer to weigh and measure my portions, so I don't have to throw it away.  However, since we live in the days of "supersize" me platters at restaurants, a good trick is to ask for a box before you even start eating.  Put half of it away.  Trust me, you won't even miss it.

Five -- Never feel deprived.  That is true.  Myself, I love strawberries.  And so, I tend to eat them every single day.   If I crave chocolate, I will have a fudgesicle (40 calories) or a couple of frozen dark chocolate Hershey's kisses with some peppermint tea.  That gets me over the hump.  And if I'm still craving?  It's time for bed!  Yes, being tired is one of my triggers for cravings.

#6 --make a meal out of it.  Although I agree in theory, this is not always the case for me.  Working late and coming home alone, I tend to microwave and throw on a plate.  So, would it be nice to not be starving at 7 PM and to actually dine -- even if I were alone?  Absolutely!  However, I usually throw on my pajamas and eat alone while catching up on the news.  That is a reality and something I probably need to work on. 

Number 7 says eat slowly.  That, I do.  Especially around others.  I can take an enormously long time eating if I am not on a time constraint such as lunch hour.  It is a habit I have had for nearly 20 years, and even my family has remarked on how slowly I eat.  It's supposed to help you feel full.  I'll pass along a little known secret.  When you are full, you sigh.  All people do this.  If you don't believe me, watch a baby.  It is innate in us.  So, if you find a sigh coming out of your mouth, stop.  It is your body's way of signaling that you've had enough.

#8, enjoy your food.  Yes, you should enjoy it.  Granted we eat to live, not live to eat.  However, God gave us some pretty tasty morsels -- so enjoy!  Savor every bite.  This goes back to #7 -- eating slowly.  When you eat slowly, you taste it.  When you taste it, you enjoy it.  So, relax.  Your food will still be on your plate in 20 minutes -- so, sloooooow down!

Number 9 is huge!  Move it!  I had quit my last gym because frankly, it was crazy busy and noisy!  Something that is hard for me to handle after a long day at work.  I found it overwhelming -- something to do with my sensory, I suppose.  And the only thing they kept on their TV screens was sporting events.  Not particularly motivating for me -- although occasionally, I didn't mind watching a game.  Bottom line is, I quit.  Now the weather was decent, so I picked up the slack by walking in the park.  Awesome!  Then, the cold hit!  Okay, maybe not cold by most standards, but certainly by Vegas standards.  And so, I decided since I was missing my walks, that I needed to rejoin a gym.  But a quieter, less busy one.  A couple of years ago, I had belonged to a different one that was quite cheap -- $10 per month.  Unfortunately, you get what you pay for; and many times, the equipment did not work.  So, I did a little research  and I have found a gym that works for me.  I am currently on a 7 day free pass because I wanted to make sure that I would not go due to the distance.  It is a mere 2.3 miles from my home but to someone who is the queen of excuses especially when it comes to exercise -- that would be enough to deter me.  Good news, though...I have found a shortcut from my house!  More importantly,  I really like it.  I can also get a discount because I work for the school district.  And with minimal finagling, am getting the New Year's special that hasn't started yet. And so, I have found my new "residence" -- it has individual TV's (a definite plus) and 24/7 access via a key -- also a plus!  I had been missing my walks for a couple of weeks because frankly, I slept better and my mood was improved.  So yesterday, I took a 30 minute walk -- burned a couple of hundred calories -- AND got to watch some cable TV; something that is a luxury since I don't have it at home.  So, if you are gym shopping, keep your priorities in alignment.  It will help you find the perfect place!

Lastly, get enough sleep.  For me, that is 8-9 hours a night.  It means, going to bed at a ridiculously early hour during the week.  It is hard for me to wind down, and so exercise (#9) is imperative.  When you are tired, you tend to have a "whatever" attitude.  Losing weight does not just happen or "whatever"-- at least, not in my world.  It takes very deliberate and necessary steps.

The biggest takeaway for me from this list is that you need to prioritize.  After all, that's what lists are about -- prioritizing.  What's important?  For me, it's putting myself first.  Organization is key, as is being focused.  Lastly, do what works for you.  Everyone has things they can and cannot live with.  This is a lifestyle but most importantly, it is YOUR lifestyle.   Use the suggestions as guidelines but then run with it; like anything else in life -- it is a journey.  And as with anything else, it's not about the destination --but rather, the journey itself. 

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