Today, I was e-mailing someone and sharing with them my deepest dreams. After my divorce, I had no hope -- no dreams. But now, life is different. It is joyful and blessed; and yes, filled with dreams . So, what is a dream? In my mind, a dream is a direction based on goals. It is a process that you set in motion.
Here I go - talking Oola. Because this is what it's about -- going after my OolaLife! Because, it is integral to who I am today. I believe in it. Oola has worked for me. It does not take the place of God for He is the hub around which my life centers. But certainly, without the structure of Oola, my life would be far different than it is today.
One of my dreams is moving out of Las Vegas. Now, that is a "real" dream. I have found the location. I just need to save enough money to make the move. Initially, I thought it would take a year but I am finding that it will take much longer due to a financial setback. It happens -- it's called life. Does it mean I abandon my dream? No. Plan it; do it.
So what dreams do I have with regard to my field. Although teaching is a passion, writing full-time is high up on my list of dreams. Writing offers me relaxation and my mind just naturally gravitates toward it. I love the written word on the page. More importantly, I love the way my fingers fly across the keyboard when I have an idea I wish to get down on paper. As I think up words and the juxtaposition of them in my article -- there is not a better feeling in the world, than seeing the finished product! I love when I hear in my heart something that triggers an idea. That particular moment makes me feel closer to God. Faith -- my hub.
Financially? Well, let's face it -- the finances are not in the greatest shape, although they are moving in the right direction. It is slow. But after a devastating turn of events, I cannot expect to recoup my losses in a year or four. I believe it will take me between five to seven years to plant my feet on solid ground. That alone could be enough to make one lose hope. After all, I'm 54 years old. Not many years before retirement, if there is such a thing. But I have to look at the positives. My credit score has crept up in the past year. I have a small savings. Retirement is looking more and more like a possibility as I plan for it. You heard me...planning! Key to your future. When I first divorced, I kept saying I will be working until they drag me out of the classroom feet first. You know what? If that's the reality, I can live with it. At least I can say, I have worked in a profession I love. Of course, I plan to look back at this article in 15 years and say, "Wow, look what I've accomplished since then!" I believe it will happen-- not just because I choose to be positive but also because I am following God's direction for my life. Whether it's writing or helping a child read--both are my passion-- and in my heart, that's the true measure of success. For now, I just need enough money to cover my bills; and by the grace of God's provision, I am doing okay.
Friends; whether I know them from Twitter, Facebook, work with them, go to church with them, lived in Kuwait with them or grew up with them, I have been blessed with many. I am grateful to have lived such an incredibly diverse life. For whatever reason, people tend to gravitate toward me. Perhaps it's my honesty. I am at times outspoken but speak with love, which is key. I like to make people laugh. And anyone who knows me, knows that I am compassionate. Just as I love them, they likewise care for me. They talk me through my problems and offer encouragement when I need it; whether through prayer, words or even a hug.
As for fun? I definitely need a bigger push in that direction. I find I need to develop more interests. I tend to be rather focused on my faith, family and field. No, I definitely need to work on the fun aspect. However, it needs to fuel my creativity; perhaps a painting class or ballroom dancing -- Latin style! Yes, I am a bit adventurous; something I really like about myself. I'm not your average grandma who sits, reads the newspaper and knits. No, I prefer to be active and try new things.
So, as I write down my dreams, I just want to take a moment to thank the Oola guys; Drs. Troy Amdahl and Dave Braun as well as, everyone on their team that makes Oola possible A huge "Thank you!" for writing your book! Without it I wouldn't be the person I am today...I went from a divorcee with zero self-esteem and even less money to someone who, in a little over a year, managed to work out a budget that actually balances, start a small savings, bring up her credit score, bought a car, write both a blog and a book, contribute articles to various blogs, teach, do volunteer work and still manage to get out once in awhile. No small task. I have done all this without complaining too much -- nobody's perfect! Most importantly, I approach life with anticipation and an attitude of gratefulness. There is nothing life can throw at me that I will not look at it without focusing on the question, "What has this experience taught me?" and "What am I grateful for as a result of this experience?" Also guys, thank you for not only inspiring my life but this particular post. In their book, "Oola: Finding Balance in an Unbalanced World" the Oola guys write something like this. Dream. Then throw away that dream and dream bigger. They have taught me that no dream is too big. It just takes perseverance and hard work. Set your goals and go after them.
So, as I reflect on my dreams, I am thankful for the gifts and talents God blessed me with; courage, passion, creativity and a willing spirit. I hope through my writing that others are encouraged. Those who feel as I once felt -- that there is nowhere to turn -- take heart. There is hope. God is our hope. He is the one that fuels us with the energy and strength we need to get through the rough times. He is also the one I thank each and everyday as I pray for all those who have stepped into my life and helped to encourage me. Without them, I would not be where I am today.
Persevere. Be strong. Most of all, dare to dream; throw those dreams away and dream bigger! For our dreams are the foundation upon which our lives are built.
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