Thursday, January 2, 2014

My Oola Journey: The Plan

As 2014 rounded the bend, I sat down to write up my goals for the next year.  I find that some I have accomplished, while there is still much to do.  For instance, I think I can safely say that I have 10's in the Oola categories of faith and family.  I tithe regularly (something I encourage all to get into the practice of since it has as much to do with spiritual practice as money), volunteer at my church, attend Bible study and worship services regularly, and engage in daily spiritual such as reading the Bible, doing devotionals and praying.  I don't say this to boast as I'm certain my children could attest that I fall short on a daily basis!  With regard to family, I have a healthy relationship with my children.  We talk regularly.  My boys are busy, so we spend time together but usually on week-ends.  Then again, they are grown men, so I don't expect my time with them to be the same as it was when they were growing up.  Our time together now is on a different level; conversation and sharing of life experiences.  On a personal level, fun is coming along.  I am not at a 10 but not where I was at the beginning of  2013.  I am planning on seeing my friends more often; something I have neglected in the past.  Again, a bit more Oola needed in those areas.

Although field is a strong area for me, it is necessary I finish my book by the end of May.  It is a goal I set for myself and with school and second jobs lurking around the corner, not sure how much reserves I will have left.  Writing takes much out of me emotionally and yet, for me, it is tearing down a broken foundation and repairing from the ground up with a stronger one.  It is necessary to improve myself and continue building on my strengths.  I have written the mainstay of my rough draft this break.  I will need to complete it over the week-ends and use spring break to polish.  Then I plan to pass on to friends for editing, re-polish and submit to my publisher.  Five months will pass by in the blink of an eye, and yet, this is likewise a "must do."  I am stepping into God's will; and there is a very definite deadline in my mind that has been set.   

However, my areas of real weakness are finance and fitness.  In looking over my budget, I realize I actually have some money to use to pay off debt. I have not seen it yet; mostly, I think it is the fallout of my divorce and playing "catch-up" these past few months.  Moving into 2014, I think there can definitely be some real movement toward building my savings and paying off debt.  I am working to pay off my smaller debt first; two credit cards with relatively low balances.  I will then be working to pay off my car.  After that, I will be tackling my school loans.  If I can get those paid off in 10 years, I will actually have a future that includes some sort of retirement; although I doubt I will ever completely retire.  I am just not a person that can do nothing or spend days on end on recreational activities.  For me, it's just not how I'm wired.  However, it would be nice to have that option! 

The other area that I struggle with is fitness.  That one is going to be tough as it requires a complete overhaul of my mindset.  My goals are 5 days a week of cardio and ultimately, just be in the best shape I can.   It is doable.  I understand the science of calories in, calories out but let's not forget we live in a day and age of instant.  I have little patience for where I am, and even less for the time it will take for where I'm going.  I need to focus less on the scale and time frame and more on me.  I deserve to be healthy!  I have been  "mom" and "wife" for too long, putting myself behind everyone else.  This again, is a "new" normal and tough to "rewire."  However, it is a priority for me and I am going to make sure it happens. 

So, have you set you made up your Oola plan yet?  It's not too late!  Getting an Oola life requires working toward balance; something very few people are able to accomplish.  I know, without having read about it, I would never be at the place I am today.  And pass the book along so that you can have accountability partners.  The actual thinking through of the plan takes some work but more importantly, it is a lifelong process.  If you haven't gotten your copy of "Oola:  Find Balance in an Unbalanced World" -- get it.  It is definitely worth the read.  Once you've finished, put yourself first.  Go after your Oola life and find the happiness you deserve!


  1. Sounds like you're on the right track! I worked out two times this week, which is huge for me, given my pattern as of late. I intended to work out tonight, but got a call to go out to dinner with some happens. I'm going to start attending a small group study of The Daniel Plan, where the main focus is taking care of our temple so that we can serve. Our body is a gift and we'll be judged on what we did with our gifts Best wishes on the book; I know you'll get done!

  2. Getting there! Ever the work in progress! : ) My fitness hasn't been as I'd hoped but getting used to being back at work! Let me know how the Daniel plan works! Continued blessings to you!!
