Sunday, January 12, 2014

My Oola Journey: Friends

In our lives, we meet many people.  Some are just passing through while others are here to stay forever.  I'm going to talk today about the importance of friendship and how they have played a huge part in my Oola life.

I've never been that "popular" person.  Yes, I've always had friends but just a few very close people in my world.  Perhaps because I have had so much drama in my life, that I wanted to keep my circle close; maybe I was just mature enough to realize it's quality over quantity.  To me, it's never mattered.  What has always been important is having someone who I trusted implicitly and who likewise trusted me; but not just a confidante.  Rather, someone with whom I can be myself and have a lot of fun in the process.

I have several "categories" of friends.  It may sound strange, but I bet if you look over your friends, you will have a similar list. I have my BFF, my close friends, my church family and my "angels" in this life.

My BFF is a friend that I have known since pre-school.  Yes, that is a 50 year friendship!  A lifetime.   We have lived as far apart as several continents and as close as a mile or two.  It doesn't matter.  We are there for each other, no matter what.  I dare say, we would give organs to each other if needed.  Yes, we know where all the skeletons are and there they stay; buried in our hearts.  For we have the ultimate trust, respect and love for one another.  We have shared births, deaths, graduations, marriages, divorces -- you name it, we've been there.  Though we are across country from one another, we are always in each others' hearts.

I also have other friends; those that I have known twenty years or more.  Those friends are likewise special.  I love them because we can be apart for 15 years and get together and talk as if it was yesterday.  I cherish those friends because they have been there throughout my adult life; they have been neighbors, former colleagues, people who had similar interests, such as being crazy enough to move to a foreign country and live, and others.  They are people I love because we have grown together in a different way than childhood friends.  Yet, they are equally important.   And yes, I love them with all my heart.

I also have my church family.  Although I've been a member of churches in the past, I have not felt so close to a church family as this one.  They came into my life about a year before my divorce and have been there every step of the way for me.   Initially, I was reluctant to share my situation.  However, once they knew of it, they were incredibly supportive.   I go to them for counsel, prayer and support as they also do--  and we are there for each other; in good times and bad. 

But what about random people that just happen into your life?  Someone you see in the work mailroom?  On a social network?   A friend of a friend? A Bible study from outside your church?  Or maybe someone from high school who you haven't seen in 40 years? How do they fit into your life?  I can't speak for others, but I just refer to these folks as my "angels".  I call them that because I know God has placed them in my life for a very specific purpose.  I never know how long they will be there; perhaps an hour over a drink at a social gathering or maybe a lifetime.  To me, it doesn't matter.  I know they are in my life as part of God's will.  If they leave in short order, their "job" is done.  They have "delivered" God's message to me.   If they stay, well then I know they will share in a larger part of my life; for what reason?  That is up to God.  My take-away is that I am thankful for their friendship and praise God for sending them my way. 

So, how do friends fit into the Oola life?  For me, I need to not just take but also give.  Friendship is a two-way street.   I pray for my friends -- ALL of them.  Doesn't matter if they have a problem or not.  I cover them in a blanket of prayer.  I love my friends and am willing to do anything for them.   This past year has been crazy for me and certainly not the norm.  I am starting to get back to my "old" self -- this non-drama person; one who is really a low maintenance sort.  But, it's taking time to heal; even longer than I anticipated.  My friends get that -- even those that I have not known very long.  They continue to lift me up when I feel down.  Likewise, I stand before God and encourage them as well when they are down. 

A true friend is one that you have a symbiotic relationship with; sort of the ying and yang of one another.  My Oola plan for this year does incorporate plans for deepening the friendships I have; for spending more quality time with those near to me and even, my "newer" friends.  Sometimes we are so busy with life, we put our friendships on hold.  Not a good idea, since we are never guaranteed a day.  Make someone's day.  Text them and tell them you miss them or love them or even that you're praying for them.  Let them know how important they are to you. Not only is it Oola -- it's what being a friend is all about.

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