Sunday, August 19, 2018

But Pastor...

I must confess...of late, I have not  been attending church.  I love Jesus with all my heart but I have a  beef with the church right now -- and that is, it's position on the LGBTQ community.  You see, I have a transgender daughter.  It has not changed who she is as a person, other than the exterior.

The more time I spend with her in the "real" world, the more I see the looks...the stares...the treatment of her by normally pandering salespeople.  Her life is hard - there is no question.  There is also no question in my mind that one would not subject themselves to such ridicule unless they actually felt a degree that they felt they had to make the outside match the inside.  And churches are not particularly welcoming.

I understand that as Christians we are flawed.  But didn't Jesus command us to love one another?  Not just the heterosexuals but all people?  Please don't write me and say, "but Leviticus says...."  Yes, and Leviticus also says don't eat meat and dairy together and a whole list of rules and regs.  Yet, we don't follow those unless we are Orthodox Jews. 

I have said it before and I will say it again...Jesus was far more concerned with the lust of money than the desires of the heart.  As my mother used to say, "The church has no business in anyone's bedroom."

And so, today my daughter and I are attending a potluck at my church.  It is, I suppose, a way of helping to educate church members on transgender and other LGBTQ issues.   I'm not sure what will be discussed but I know that one of the pastors leading it, also has a transgender daughter.

Our church, the United Methodist Church is probably one of the most liberal churches out there; yet, there may come a divide.  The church denounces homosexuality in its Book of Discipline.  It is, a book of how the church should function.

Our school district recently had a board meeting  just to discuss transgender bullying and how we now must protect these children.  I find it ironic that we have to have a discussion on something the Constitution already grants them...all men are created equal...the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of know, all things we take for granted.  That we have to actually make a rule to treat a transgender child with respect is really beyond my ability to process.  But there are some who have to have a rule or a law in order to do it.  Shameful.

I would like to attend church again but until Christians are willing to open their hearts and doors to the LGBTQ community, I feel compelled to study the Bible at home with my husband.  It is not as I would like to worship but it is all I have for now. 

"Love one another as you love yourself."  A simple commandment given by our Lord and Savior.  And yet, a difficult one for Christians to follow.

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