Saturday, January 21, 2017


The average human has 30,000 days to live.  If you want to find out how much you have left, take your age X 365 and subtract from 30,000.  I personally have about 1/3 of my life left.  That's kind of scary.

How so, you might ask?  Because I wasted 2/3 of my life.  I lived as normal a life as possible.  As I enter the remaining 1/3 of my lifetime, I am going forth with gusto!

Last week-end, I saw the movie "Passengers".  Great movie, BTW!  Anyhow, as I looked at the actress who is probably not even quite 30, I started to cry.  I cried because I remember being 30 and I was gorgeous!  Then, I thought of myself now.  Certainly, I look my age -- perhaps a few years younger but fifty is fifty.  And I cried as I thought about how my life could have changed if I'd have had the courage and confidence to do it.  Then again, if I go back in time and rewrite my own script, I would not have had my fourth child, and frankly, I can't imagine life without him.

And so, a certain amount of self-forgiveness is needed.  No, I am not the young, vivacious person I once was but I am now filled with a wisdom that I wouldn't change for anything.  Having gone through difficult times has made me realize that I am one tough old broad.  Don't get me body aches daily, I have to dye my hair not for style but to cover the gray, and I buy clothes and shoes for comfort and practicality.  In my 30's, I would have cringed at that thought; now it's just a fact of life.

So, for those who look back....don't.  Look forward.  Count the days you have left and live each one like there is no tomorrow.  Truth is, we really don't know what tomorrow holds.  It can be the sweetest years of your life.  30,000 days is not a lot.   I plan to live the next 10,000 or so the way God intended them -- full of joy, gratitude and shining the light of His spirit within me for others to see.     30,000 Days by Allison Geddie  (You can thank me later!)

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