So, I have been re-reading my Oola goals from last year. I have quite a few that I have completed, although not in a way I would have imagined. I'm going to recap my year, based on my goals for 2016.
Let's look at what I haven't accomplished first...It's always easier to end on a positive note. Additionally, I want to point out that 2016 is not over yet. And so, although I am not where I want to be YET, it doesn't mean I won't get there.
Fitness: Lose 60 lbs. I have actually modified that goal to be in a size 10 by Christmas. I am actively pursuing it is all I can say and so far, so good.
Field: Publish my journals. Okay, well that may or may not happen this year. The jury is out on that one. I also wanted my block readership to be between 4,000-6,000 readers per month. However, it takes an inordinate amount of time to write and post blogs. It really isn't reasonable to have that kind of readership unless you are pursuing it full-time, which I'm not. I have a "real" job which keeps me afloat. On the positive side, I do have a radio interview lined up for May 11 to talk about my blogging. Additionally, I have changed jobs this year and am incredibly happy where I am. Changing schools is never easy but I knew the minute I spoke with the principal that this was "home".
Fun: Okay, so I haven't zip-lined yet and certainly not in Hawaii. However, I am hoping to travel to Utah this fall to make it happen. And if not, there's always Fremont Street. I did manage several trips this year. No, not Bend, Oregon as I had hoped but did go to San Diego, California -- where I'd never been, and to St. Louis. I also managed to meet the date requirement of two times per month.
Friends: I said I would do a random act of kindness for a friend, once a month. I'm not sure if telling someone they look gorgeous qualifies but I did it regularly and with sincerity. I had promised myself I would exercise with a friend three times a week. That really didn't happen although in summer, I was doing it twice a week. So close...Also, to remove negative people from my life. That has been done.
Family: I promised to support my transgender daughter and to let go of any pain immediately. If anyone in the family caused me pain, I was to forgive and forget it immediately. I did that and I do believe that those relationships are better. I also try to see my daughters and their families twice a year. And yes, that has happened.
Finance: Well, it has been hard to recoup a financially devastating divorce. However, I am slowly making ground. I have increased my life insurance, been investing in a 403B, which for now is my emergency fund. I hope I never have to dig into it before I retire. I also planned to make a will. That is going to happen by the end of this year.
Faith: Increase my prayer time and Bible study as well as write down 3 things I am grateful for daily. Truth is, I know I am incredibly blessed and on the hard days, I am very specific about looking at all the things I have to be grateful for. I also pray intentionally every morning and instead of doing a Bible study, I am facilitating one. It is the Old Testament and I do it twice a week, in order to allow the maximum number of people who want to attend to be able to. Am I tired? Absolutely! But the positive is that I know how grateful the folks are that are in the study that it is offered. I have also learned a lot as well. Last week, we read 50 chapters in Genesis. It was a lot of work but I also feel enormously blessed that I was able to do it.
At the end of the day, I feel like I am making headway. Some days, it doesn't feel like much but it is a steady progression and that's what Oola's about; progress, not perfection. My fiance is not much into Oola because he has had the hard-driving career. He feels like he has reached his Oola life. As for me, I am still a work in progress. I'm not sure when I will be satisfied but I know I will continue in order to be the best that I can be; after all, that's what being Oola is all about.