What did you do today? Has it been productive? A lazy Saturday? Did you fight with your significant other, best friend or co-worker? Are you working? It doesn't matter what has happened. Good, bad or otherwise, YOU have the potential to make it the greatest day of your life.
"How so?" you may ask. I'm glad you inquired! You see, it is those thoughts within us that guide the course of our life. If you are constantly negative and look at the bad things in the world, you will in fact, have a negative outlook on life. If, however, you choose to take a more positive approach to life, your life will be much happier.
Take me, for instance. I personally refuse to look at the news. Why? Don't I want to know what's going on in the world? Not really. It is, IMHO, depressing. There is enough sadness in the world without seeing it 70" wide and in high def! Last night, I had a disagreement with my significant other. I had 2 choices: play it out or let things lie and talk about it in the morning. I must confess, choosing the latter was hard; but I also knew the outcome if I decided to talk about it last night and it wouldn't have been pretty. So, I waited. Granted, this morning, I came out gangbusters. And yes, although the situation was still the same, the heat of what would have been a hell of an argument had died. We were able to talk things out and move forward. It was hard -- that's for sure! But it was worth it, not to let that spark lead to an out of control blaze.
So, today has been great...why? Because the sun is shining, I am enjoying a beautiful, breezy day and life is good. But WHY is it good? Am I rich? You mean, as in money? Nah! I have no savings or credit cards and a butt load of student loans; yet, I'm happy. I keep the most important things in my life close to my heart; my faith, my family and friends. I stay away from the negative and stay focused on the positive. Do I wish I were rich? Of course! But I am also wise enough to know that money does not, in and of itself, bring happiness.
I'll tell you something that few know -- stay away from the negative, embrace the positive, be true to yourself, and always live an authentic life. If you do those things, you will be happy. Not just that -- you will be living -- actually LIVING instead of merely surviving! And so, make today one of those days -- don't just make it a good day; make it the greatest day of your life! If we all lived that way, then life would be great indeed!