Sunday, November 9, 2014


So, you never know what kind of journey God will take you on.  A year and a half ago, I was broken -- on my knees broken -- and crying out to Him!  Today, I am crying -- but not because I'm broken -- but because He is so amazing!  My alter-ego is amazing Grace but I've got nothing on Him.

I have been feeling a change of direction in my life.  I have been discerning that this is a season that is going to be like no other.  I was right...I believe that change has begun. 

This past week-end, I attended something called OolaPalooza 2014.  I knew without a doubt it would be a crazy, life-altering experience and the beginning of this new season.  I was right.

First off, I got to meet people that I have been "talking" to on Twitter for the past year and a half.   Without a doubt, probably one of the most surreal moments of my life; seeing a photo of someone and "hearing" their voice on social media, but quite another to meet them and have an actual conversation of more than 140 characters! 

The seminar itself was very intense.  Yes, the presenters, Dr. Troy Amdahl, Dr. Dave Braun, Dr. Jay LaGuardia and Cornell Thomas were all that they promised -- informative and entertaining.  However, the breadth of the information was much more than I had anticipated.  I am exhausted and in fact, I am still processing it all; taking time to catch my breath, reread and commit to the goals that I have laid out for myself. 

You see, the point of Oola is to live a balanced life in 7 key areas of your life; and how else are you going to get balanced without setting goals?  If your finances are all messed up, then you are not having balance in that area.  If you are obese, then you need to set some fitness goals to try and bring that part of your life into balance; family, fun, field, friends, fitness, finance and faith.  When you commit to following Oola, you're not just talking the talk but walking the walk. 

The presenters use words like gratitude, love, humble and give.  It is probably what I love most about Oola -- their value system.  And yes, they do have core values which drive not only Oola but their lives.  They live what they talk about -- they are not just book-sellers or motivational speakers.  They believe in changing the world. 

I know it sounds crazy -- can you change the world with just one little word -- Oola?  It's not the word itself that has the power but the energy that is created by utilizing their system for getting your Oola life.  A year and a half ago, I read their book, "Oola:  Find Balance in an Unbalanced World."  Dr. Troy and Dr. Dave wrote it.  It is now an international bestseller. 

As for me, this seminar made me re-evaluate my life and priorities.  What is important to me.  I need to be healthy; love myself enough to do it.  Most importantly, you cannot love others until you love yourself.  And so, I have put myself out there.  I am losing 50 pounds by the end of 2015. Notice I don't use the words hope, plan, intend, et cetera.  For me, this is now a non-negotiable.   It requires discipline, which I must confess, was not something I ever had much of growing up.  It is now time to grow up and use the drive I have inside of me in other areas to force a change.  I know the OolaGuys will hold me accountable.  More importantly, I hold me accountable.  Although I have set twenty-one goals for 2015, I am focusing on seven.  By the way, notice the number seven?  There is a reason for that; seven represents completeness in the Bible. 

I have written down my twenty-one goals -- three in each key area of my life,  but chosen my top seven; my personal priorities.  I chose the seven that I believe will be the impetus for the remaining fourteen to fall into place.  Although all the areas are important to me, it is the areas of finance and field that need the most balance.  I need to increase my income in order to work toward my dream of becoming debt-free.  By the way, I believe field, will help me further in becoming debt-free while also fulfilling my purpose on Earth -- God's plan for my life. 

This week-end, God confirmed that I am in the right place at this season of my life.  Strangely, it was when Danny Gokey gave his testimonial.  He referenced Psalm 46:10 "Be still...".  I cried because I knew God was speaking to my heart.  This is exactly where I am supposed to be.  God also shared with me the purpose of my blog.  Why do I put my life out there?  The truth is, it is a little embarrassing when I think about all I have written and yet, I know the Holy Spirit has driven my writing.  Now too, I know the reason for it.  This blog is for the broken and down-hearted.  It is to help empower others to find their life and way in this world.  It is, I believe, God's way of encouraging those that have been on their knees, head to the ground and crying out to Him.  It is for those who have lost everything -- financial, emotional and spiritual.  It is where I was a year and a half ago.  Now it is my turn to give back.

Fortunately, God sent those that could help me; pick me up and dust me off in a proverbial sense.  This includes Drs. Troy Amdahl and Dave Braun. This circle has now been widened to include Dr. Jay LaGuardia and Cornell Thomas.  I know these people will become instrumental in my life; even more so than they are now.  Gentlemen, I thank you.  You have allowed God to work in your lives so you could teach me gratitude in the face of adversity, what it means to be humble, to have a balanced life, to give back but most importantly, to allow God to work in my life and trust Him completely.  You never know the plans God has for you...give Him the chance to work in your life.  For me, He gave me the gift of writing, sent Oola and said, "You go, girl!"  "Dream...then dream bigger!" OolaGuys, thank you for your time, your encouragement and for helping me find Lisa!  It is now time for me to not just live my Oola life but to share the message with others.

"This Moment Now" by Tyrone Wells

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