Sunday, November 2, 2014

My Oola Journey: From Fat to Fabulous

So it has already been a week since my last post on my Oola journey toward fitness.  I decided last week that I needed to find an exercise that I enjoyed and stumbled upon one quite by accident.  It is walking.  However, not just any old walk.  It is walking at the park near my house -- the place with the retention pond?  I found that if I walk there daily, not only does it relieve tension, but it allows me time to talk with God. 

The loop around the pond is one mile.  I do one a day.  Some days I walk more quickly than other days; it just depends on my mood.  Also, if I am particularly troubled about something I will take the time to sit down on a park bench, look around and just breathe.   Talk to God.  Let Him know what is on my mind.  This evening was one such time.

I did not have a great week but when I exercise in this manner, it is completely bearable.  I had some really rough patches but I made it through.  I also made a very conscious decision not to let anything I could not control bother me.  I decided to give it up to God --that is HUGE!  Clearly, a step I am getting healthier and healthier each and every day. 

I am moving into a new season of life; one of God's choosing.  I'm not sure exactly what it will entail, but I see my life moving in a different direction.  People who are not very close to God are being pulled away from me.  These are people I have cared for -- yet, I suspected they were there for a reason and a season.  I knew that from the get-go.  That season seems to have passed.  Ready or not, I need to be prepared to whatever or wherever God is calling me.   I'm a little scared, actually.  His ways are not ours; and yet, I have committed to doing what He asks. His will not mine.  But I digress...the bigger question awaits.  How did I do this week?

As for eating, I did a pretty good job.  More fish, fruit, veggies, salads -- little junk food. Well, except last night; the night after Halloween.  My oldest son was visiting and wanted some candy and so, I sent my youngest one to the store -- a big mistake because I was soooo in the mood for some.   He purchased three gigantic bags at half price.  I  was watching a movie with the oldest boy and ate-- a lot-- actually, I ate myself sick.  Not one of my prouder moments.  Yes, I relived the Halloween tradition of my childhood; eat candy until I was sick.  Except it wasn't Halloween and I am no longer a kid.  I really should know better.  I went to bed early because seriously, I was nauseated.  I don't eat many sweets of late, and that sent me over the top.  I told my oldest boy to check on me later in case I went into a "sugar coma".  As it turns out, I survived.  And, believe it or not, in spite of my downfall, lost roughly 2.5 lbs. this week.  Do not read this as, run out and buy 5 pounds of candy.  It is definitely NOT a good thing.  The good news is, the craving I had for sugar has vanished!

I also learned another valuable lesson.  At this point, any type of exercise is good for me; I just need to do it daily and consistently.  For now, the scenic walks are what I need; doing exercise that is not just is good for your body but also your spirit.  I could exercise until I sweat blood but it would not be sustainable for me -- even if I lost my desired weight.

 I am taking the time to be in tune with my body; listening to its cues.  What sustenance does it need right now?   If I am hungry, I eat.  I try to eat something small such as fruit or veggies with hummus.  You see, I have known all along how to eat;  I've had 54 years of practice.  I know what is good for me and what isn't.  Fruits and veggies -- good.  Candy -- bad.  Exercise daily --good.  It's not really that hard. 

As for exercise, I'm pretty sure personal trainers would disagree with my methodology.  However, I know what I need right now.  A walk in the evening to calm my spirit is not just lifting my spirit but also, giving me the opportunity to talk with God.  Tell my Creator what is bothering me.  Sometimes, I even stop and sit on a park bench just to take in the scenery, breath and talk to God for  a good 15 or 20 minutes .  I promise, my stopping to talk with Him will not cause the world to come crashing down.  I don't have to run until I drop for exercise to be healthy.  I believe in this hurry-up kind of world we live in that exercising should be used to wind down rather than just getting a workout done.  My life has been on fast-forward for a good three years.  It is time to slow down.  I have found something that I like, which is soothing and healthy.  As time goes on, I am sure I will incorporate more into my exercise routine.  But for now, this is what Lisa needs; time alone in nature and time alone with God.

So, it has been a good week.  I have learned some valuable lessons.  I have already had my walk this evening.  I feel rested and ready to go to work tomorrow.  I don't think anyone could see any difference other than in my face.  There's a smile on it.

This song has been on my heart -- enjoy!

"More Beautiful You" by Jonny Diaz

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