Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Assignment


The day before Thanksgiving break, the twelfth grade English teacher I work with gave an assignment.  It was that the students were to make a "bucket list".  Now, I've had a thing or two that I've put on my personal "bucket list," yet never had an all-encompassing one.  The assignment was to write down 100 items on your list.  I decided to do it just for fun.  To see what all I wanted to do and haven't.  I was surprised by how many things I still wanted to accomplish. 
The average age for a woman today is 82 years old.  That gives me approximately 28 years, give or take, to get through my list.  I'm not sure I can get through 100 items but perhaps, I can get closer than I was.  I'm going to share my partial list with you for two reasons.  One, I'm hoping it will inspire you to make your own "bucket list."  In other words, don't wait to live -- live now!  Tomorrow may never come.  The other reason is to serve as a benchmark and to sort of mentally check them off as I go.  
 Lisa's Bucket List:
1.  Take a Mediterranean cruise.  Travel around Turkey, Greece, Italy and Monte Carlo. Yes, this is my dream vacation.
2.  Travel to India and ride an elephant.
3.  Travel to Thailand and see a Buddhist temple.
4.  Parasail.
5.  Skydive -- must be in tandem with an instructor.
6.  See the Grand Canyon.  Take a helicopter ride over it.
7.  Hike the Utah mountains.
8.  Go to California.  See the wine country as well as Hollywood.  Walk down Rodeo drive.
9.  Lose 50 lbs.
10.  Go to Hawaii. Visit Maui and Waikiki.
11.  See ALL of my grandkids get married.
12.  Be a motivational speaker.
13.  Publish my book.
14.  Camp in Bend, Oregon for a summer.
15.  Live in a house by a lake.  The house must have a deck, so I can have my coffee out there every morning.
16.  Write another book. (or five)
17.  Get a 6-pack (and not beer)!  I am talking physically fit!
18.  Go to Israel, visit all the Holy places and be baptized in the Jordan River.
19.  Go jet skiing. (Nope, never been!)
20.  Eat dinner at the Eiffel Tower in the Paris hotel.
21.  Go see a headliner at Caesar's Palace.
22.  Have a picnic on a mountain -- where there's a fabulous vista!
23.  Visit Auschwitz museum in Germany.
24.  Spend the summer with all 5 of my grandchildren, watching Nick at Night and staying up as late as we want!
25.  Learn how to garden in the desert.
26.  Learn how to bake pies and cinnamon rolls like my grandmother did.
27.  Go to a spa for the day.
28.  Find the love of my life.
So, I've given you a partial list.  It is 28 things -- one, for each year that the bureau of statistics says I have remaining.   The truth is, none of us knows the future.  I could have a day left -- I could have 54 more years left.   Will  I ride an elephant in India  Who the heck knows!  But I do know,  I have thrown them into the universe and now, it's up to God.  In my best teacher voice, this is my assignment for you.  Throw caution to the wind and write out your own "bucket list."  Dream it.  Write it.  Then give it to God.  If it's in His plan, you will Do it!  There are a thousand reasons why you shouldn't write out your list but only one reason why you should...because you can!  Then wait...
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, November 23, 2014


So have you ever had that twenty seconds of insane courage?  I have.  The first time it ever happened, I was on my knees praying to God.  I had been having trouble securing employment as a teacher out here.  I applied in June and here it was November with no job.  I remember saying, "Please God, just get me a job that will glorify You."  Ten minutes later the call came in -- it was from a school principal asking me to come in for a job interview.  It was for teaching children who had autism.  Was I interested?  Before I could say no, I heard the words "yes" come out of my mouth.  Doing something not because I wanted to but because I was called to it...insane courage!

When I wrote my first blog it was on a pretty safe topic; marriage.  However, as time went on, my blogs became more personal.  Each time I write a blog, I reread it several times.  I think about it.  Do I really want to post this?  Often times, the answer is "no."  I cringe when I think, "This is my life."  However, I also know that my writing is inspired by the Holy Spirit.  Why do I post such personal stuff?  Who are these addressed to?  The truth is, I never really know.  I believe they are being used to empower others through faith.  And so, I continue to write on intensely personal topics.  And when I push that "publish" button -- each and every time, it takes that insane courage.  Trusting God to know that everything is according to His plan and purpose.  Saying "yes" to Him!

What about my divorce?  Did that take courage?  Absolutely!  It is hard (and I cannot say this enough) to take your life and turn it upside down and inside out!  I remember standing outside the attorney's office and my knees were so weak, I did not think I could walk inside.  But, I knew I had to do it, and it was something only I could do.  Walking ten feet inside the building took that twenty seconds of insane courage.  That same day, when I told my husband I was filing for divorce and I wanted him to leave, it took another twenty seconds of insane courage.  I didn't know what my future held; only that it would be tough.  I was right.  But for me, it was also the right decision; one that I had prayed about for months.

Life after divorce?  That is twenty seconds of insane courage over and over again.  Making decisions alone.  Working long hours.   New friends, new relationships.  All of it -- twenty seconds of insane courage.   My walk with God.  Insane courage.  Saying "yes" to change -- over and over again.  Wanting to say "no" but hearing the words, "yes" come out of my mouth.  That is insane courage.

And so, as you go through your own journey in life, don't be afraid.  Call on God and ask Him.  Do you feel His presence?  Is He calling you?  If so, muster all you have and go for it.  Saying "yes" to Him.  It takes twenty seconds of insane courage.  Twenty seconds to change your life in ways you can't even imagine.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

My Oola Journey: From Fat to Fabulous

Sometimes small changes result in big payoff.  I have lost 3 pounds since my last blog, putting me at a total of 6 pounds down.  My Oola goal for 2015 in the area of fitness is to lose 50 pounds, exercise 5 times per week and to eat healthier.  I am well on my way.

I am definitely eating healthier.  I do have a protein shake most mornings for breakfast.  I mix it with frozen fruit.  Lunch is soup or a salad or something on the healthier side along with fruit.  I also have a midmorning snack of fruit, a protein chew or both.  For dinner, I eat fresh -- salmon, 93% lean beef or chicken along with veggies and a small starch -- whole grain rice or a sweet potato.  I have given up all artificially sweetened foods/drinks and no saccharin -- something I grew up on.  It is a hard habit to break since it has been ingrained in me from childhood.  I think our family was one of the first to adapt saccharin as one of the five food groups!  Even my children's pediatrician ok'd me giving them aspartame.  I now shudder at the thought!  I have also given up coffee for herbal tea -- an even harder habit to break; and truth be told, I relapsed twice this week.  However, the payoff was steep.  Acid reflux that stayed with me all day!  Not cool. 

I am learning that eating healthy does not necessarily take a lot of time in the kitchen.  Cooking salmon is actually really fast and I can steam veggies in the microwave.  Twenty minutes at best -- probably less time than driving to the fast-food restaurant and waiting in line for a meal!    I shopped larger items at the mainstream grocery store and the rest at Trader Joe's which does not add GMO's to their food.  If you want to be scared into "Eating Straight",  read up on those.  They've been in our food supply for probably something like 20 years.  The scariest part?  We have no idea what these will do to the human body for the long-term!

I am not going to lie.  This is not easy.  There are some days I would kill for a donut and our school has been quite generous by keeping a supply in the mailroom; as a matter of fact, twice this week!   Fortunately, unless I really have to, I can avoid the mailroom by asking my aide to check my mailbox while she gets her own coffee.  I also have gone to bed with my stomach growling more nights than not.  But, I am eating well and I am not starving myself.  My stomach just has not gotten the message that this is forever.  It is not happy.  It is complaining-- loudly!  I also know that it will live -- as will I.  And probably longer than it would have otherwise! 

The smaller payoff for all of this is getting to put a sticker on a surfboard next year at OolaPalooza 2015, signifying I have met my goal.  The larger payoff is when my monthly pharmacy bill goes from $150 to $50 and my risk of a heart attack and stroke are reduced significantly.  It's sort of like when Glinda has that final conversation with Dorothy.

Dorothy: Oh, will you help me? Can you help me?
Glinda: You don't need to be helped any longer. You've always had the power to go back to Kansas.
Dorothy: I have?
Scarecrow: Then why didn't you tell her before?
Glinda: Because she wouldn't have believed me. She had to learn it for herself. (

You see, like Dorothy, I've always had the power -- I've just had to learn it for myself. 

 And so, I continue this journey.  I have many people walking beside me.   I hope this article has helped you to realize that you too have the power to change.  Change is hard -- no question-- but sometimes, it is necessary.  I've gone through many changes these last two years and continue to strive to improve myself.  My Oola journey is not nearing an end but rather, just beginning.  I hope, if nothing else,  I am an example that you are never too old to become the person you want to be.  Dream big.  Then, throw that dream away and dream bigger.  I am going after my Oola life -- isn't it time to start going after yours?


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Just Another Day Off?


In November 1919, President Wilson proclaimed November 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day with the following words: "To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations…" (U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs).  With that, Veteran's Day was born.

I grew up during the Vietnam Era.  Nightly news on the three major stations consisted of the Vietnam War and protests of the Vietnam War.  Contrary to popular belief, the 60's were not as cool as they sound.  It was an era of strife politically.

 There was a small war in Grenada in the 1980's--but frankly, I don't even know why we went there.  I was in my 20's, not into the news and worrying about my own life.  It was during this time I was a young mother.  Besides,  the 1960's pretty much burned me out on news relating to wars.

Fast forward to the next major war I remember which was in the 1990's; The Gulf War. Now this war had a personal impact as the impetus for it was the invasion of Kuwait.  I was married to a Kuwaiti at the time and as a result, this war had a very real effect on our lives.  Kuwait was overrun by Iraq in August, 1990; and I do mean overrun.  There were something like 300,000 Kuwaiti's at the time and over a  million Iraqi troops in the country.  There was no warning and all sorts of atrocities were happening against the Kuwaiti people.  My ex-husband lost a few relatives.  Our home in the U.S. served as a safe house for those who got out.  The remainder of his family lived in a refugee camp in Saudi Arabia if they were able to get out.  It was a scary time.  The brutality and extermination of a once beautiful country was reminiscent of WW2 Germany -- a time in history that also impacted my father's family.  And so, without hesitation, we opened our doors to whoever in my ex-husband's family could get out and helped them until they could relocate.  The actual war -- in February, 1991-- lasted two days.  Saddam Hussain's army could not withstand our powerful troops.  I don't know that there were a lot of casualties on the American side.  To this day, the Kuwaitis celebrate Independence Day and Liberation Day together and George Bush, Sr. remains in their hearts.

Then came September 11, 2001 -- a day that will live in our minds forever.  It triggered Desert Storm.  That war was not so clean and easy.  Many died during 9/11 but many more were injured, maimed and killed during that war.  There is much debate over it and I won't go into that aside from the fact that we still have a few ground troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and heaven only knows where else in the Middle East.

Wars have been around since our country was founded; the American Revolution, the Spanish-American War, the French and Indian War and others.  As long as there has been man, there have been wars fought. 

Every morning at my school, the Pledge of Allegiance is said.  I don't think most kids understand the importance of our standing and saying it.  I insist all my students stand and respect the flag but they do not have to say the pledge.  We still live in America and freedom of speech (or lack thereof) still exists.

I know, having lived in a country overseas where freedom of religion and speech did not exist and where women could not vote, how important those rights are.  I also know that, to this day, I tear up when our National Anthem is played.    I'm not sure that those who have lived in America all their lives really understand that; rather, like many growing up -- including myself-- they take those rights for granted. 

It is because of our service men and women that we can stand and sing our National Anthem.  We do not have troops in the street or live under a curfew.  We are able to walk freely and talk freely.  We are able to criticize our government without fear of repercussion.  We can worship wherever and however we choose.  "We the People..."  Yes, in our country, each person is not an island.  There is a "We" and we are able to do all these things because of the men and women who are willing to go out for us and fight for our freedoms.  They do so with courage and sacrifice.  They do not question their orders but rather, carry them out with honor.  They are the men and women of our military.  Ladies and gentlemen, I SALUTE YOU!  Thank you for all you have done!  And thank you to your families for their sacrifices as well.  May God continue to bless you!  If you, that if you know of someone who has served or is actively serving,  to reach out -- especially as the holidays draw near.  Contact your USO and volunteer or see if there are charities working to provide for the families of the troops that are here in the States.  Perhaps get the address of someone who is serving and send them a "CARE" package of baby wipes, Chapstick, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste and candy/cookies that don't melt.  Stateside, there are many whose families do not have enough to eat or gifts for their children.  There are charities out there that are working to help provide for the families of our men and women in uniform.  It is an Internet search -- five minutes of your time.  I think they're worth it -- after all, look what they've done for us.

Sunday, November 9, 2014


So, you never know what kind of journey God will take you on.  A year and a half ago, I was broken -- on my knees broken -- and crying out to Him!  Today, I am crying -- but not because I'm broken -- but because He is so amazing!  My alter-ego is amazing Grace but I've got nothing on Him.

I have been feeling a change of direction in my life.  I have been discerning that this is a season that is going to be like no other.  I was right...I believe that change has begun. 

This past week-end, I attended something called OolaPalooza 2014.  I knew without a doubt it would be a crazy, life-altering experience and the beginning of this new season.  I was right.

First off, I got to meet people that I have been "talking" to on Twitter for the past year and a half.   Without a doubt, probably one of the most surreal moments of my life; seeing a photo of someone and "hearing" their voice on social media, but quite another to meet them and have an actual conversation of more than 140 characters! 

The seminar itself was very intense.  Yes, the presenters, Dr. Troy Amdahl, Dr. Dave Braun, Dr. Jay LaGuardia and Cornell Thomas were all that they promised -- informative and entertaining.  However, the breadth of the information was much more than I had anticipated.  I am exhausted and in fact, I am still processing it all; taking time to catch my breath, reread and commit to the goals that I have laid out for myself. 

You see, the point of Oola is to live a balanced life in 7 key areas of your life; and how else are you going to get balanced without setting goals?  If your finances are all messed up, then you are not having balance in that area.  If you are obese, then you need to set some fitness goals to try and bring that part of your life into balance; family, fun, field, friends, fitness, finance and faith.  When you commit to following Oola, you're not just talking the talk but walking the walk. 

The presenters use words like gratitude, love, humble and give.  It is probably what I love most about Oola -- their value system.  And yes, they do have core values which drive not only Oola but their lives.  They live what they talk about -- they are not just book-sellers or motivational speakers.  They believe in changing the world. 

I know it sounds crazy -- can you change the world with just one little word -- Oola?  It's not the word itself that has the power but the energy that is created by utilizing their system for getting your Oola life.  A year and a half ago, I read their book, "Oola:  Find Balance in an Unbalanced World."  Dr. Troy and Dr. Dave wrote it.  It is now an international bestseller. 

As for me, this seminar made me re-evaluate my life and priorities.  What is important to me.  I need to be healthy; love myself enough to do it.  Most importantly, you cannot love others until you love yourself.  And so, I have put myself out there.  I am losing 50 pounds by the end of 2015. Notice I don't use the words hope, plan, intend, et cetera.  For me, this is now a non-negotiable.   It requires discipline, which I must confess, was not something I ever had much of growing up.  It is now time to grow up and use the drive I have inside of me in other areas to force a change.  I know the OolaGuys will hold me accountable.  More importantly, I hold me accountable.  Although I have set twenty-one goals for 2015, I am focusing on seven.  By the way, notice the number seven?  There is a reason for that; seven represents completeness in the Bible. 

I have written down my twenty-one goals -- three in each key area of my life,  but chosen my top seven; my personal priorities.  I chose the seven that I believe will be the impetus for the remaining fourteen to fall into place.  Although all the areas are important to me, it is the areas of finance and field that need the most balance.  I need to increase my income in order to work toward my dream of becoming debt-free.  By the way, I believe field, will help me further in becoming debt-free while also fulfilling my purpose on Earth -- God's plan for my life. 

This week-end, God confirmed that I am in the right place at this season of my life.  Strangely, it was when Danny Gokey gave his testimonial.  He referenced Psalm 46:10 "Be still...".  I cried because I knew God was speaking to my heart.  This is exactly where I am supposed to be.  God also shared with me the purpose of my blog.  Why do I put my life out there?  The truth is, it is a little embarrassing when I think about all I have written and yet, I know the Holy Spirit has driven my writing.  Now too, I know the reason for it.  This blog is for the broken and down-hearted.  It is to help empower others to find their life and way in this world.  It is, I believe, God's way of encouraging those that have been on their knees, head to the ground and crying out to Him.  It is for those who have lost everything -- financial, emotional and spiritual.  It is where I was a year and a half ago.  Now it is my turn to give back.

Fortunately, God sent those that could help me; pick me up and dust me off in a proverbial sense.  This includes Drs. Troy Amdahl and Dave Braun. This circle has now been widened to include Dr. Jay LaGuardia and Cornell Thomas.  I know these people will become instrumental in my life; even more so than they are now.  Gentlemen, I thank you.  You have allowed God to work in your lives so you could teach me gratitude in the face of adversity, what it means to be humble, to have a balanced life, to give back but most importantly, to allow God to work in my life and trust Him completely.  You never know the plans God has for you...give Him the chance to work in your life.  For me, He gave me the gift of writing, sent Oola and said, "You go, girl!"  "Dream...then dream bigger!" OolaGuys, thank you for your time, your encouragement and for helping me find Lisa!  It is now time for me to not just live my Oola life but to share the message with others.

"This Moment Now" by Tyrone Wells

Sunday, November 2, 2014

My Oola Journey: From Fat to Fabulous

So it has already been a week since my last post on my Oola journey toward fitness.  I decided last week that I needed to find an exercise that I enjoyed and stumbled upon one quite by accident.  It is walking.  However, not just any old walk.  It is walking at the park near my house -- the place with the retention pond?  I found that if I walk there daily, not only does it relieve tension, but it allows me time to talk with God. 

The loop around the pond is one mile.  I do one a day.  Some days I walk more quickly than other days; it just depends on my mood.  Also, if I am particularly troubled about something I will take the time to sit down on a park bench, look around and just breathe.   Talk to God.  Let Him know what is on my mind.  This evening was one such time.

I did not have a great week but when I exercise in this manner, it is completely bearable.  I had some really rough patches but I made it through.  I also made a very conscious decision not to let anything I could not control bother me.  I decided to give it up to God --that is HUGE!  Clearly, a step I am getting healthier and healthier each and every day. 

I am moving into a new season of life; one of God's choosing.  I'm not sure exactly what it will entail, but I see my life moving in a different direction.  People who are not very close to God are being pulled away from me.  These are people I have cared for -- yet, I suspected they were there for a reason and a season.  I knew that from the get-go.  That season seems to have passed.  Ready or not, I need to be prepared to whatever or wherever God is calling me.   I'm a little scared, actually.  His ways are not ours; and yet, I have committed to doing what He asks. His will not mine.  But I digress...the bigger question awaits.  How did I do this week?

As for eating, I did a pretty good job.  More fish, fruit, veggies, salads -- little junk food. Well, except last night; the night after Halloween.  My oldest son was visiting and wanted some candy and so, I sent my youngest one to the store -- a big mistake because I was soooo in the mood for some.   He purchased three gigantic bags at half price.  I  was watching a movie with the oldest boy and ate-- a lot-- actually, I ate myself sick.  Not one of my prouder moments.  Yes, I relived the Halloween tradition of my childhood; eat candy until I was sick.  Except it wasn't Halloween and I am no longer a kid.  I really should know better.  I went to bed early because seriously, I was nauseated.  I don't eat many sweets of late, and that sent me over the top.  I told my oldest boy to check on me later in case I went into a "sugar coma".  As it turns out, I survived.  And, believe it or not, in spite of my downfall, lost roughly 2.5 lbs. this week.  Do not read this as, run out and buy 5 pounds of candy.  It is definitely NOT a good thing.  The good news is, the craving I had for sugar has vanished!

I also learned another valuable lesson.  At this point, any type of exercise is good for me; I just need to do it daily and consistently.  For now, the scenic walks are what I need; doing exercise that is not just is good for your body but also your spirit.  I could exercise until I sweat blood but it would not be sustainable for me -- even if I lost my desired weight.

 I am taking the time to be in tune with my body; listening to its cues.  What sustenance does it need right now?   If I am hungry, I eat.  I try to eat something small such as fruit or veggies with hummus.  You see, I have known all along how to eat;  I've had 54 years of practice.  I know what is good for me and what isn't.  Fruits and veggies -- good.  Candy -- bad.  Exercise daily --good.  It's not really that hard. 

As for exercise, I'm pretty sure personal trainers would disagree with my methodology.  However, I know what I need right now.  A walk in the evening to calm my spirit is not just lifting my spirit but also, giving me the opportunity to talk with God.  Tell my Creator what is bothering me.  Sometimes, I even stop and sit on a park bench just to take in the scenery, breath and talk to God for  a good 15 or 20 minutes .  I promise, my stopping to talk with Him will not cause the world to come crashing down.  I don't have to run until I drop for exercise to be healthy.  I believe in this hurry-up kind of world we live in that exercising should be used to wind down rather than just getting a workout done.  My life has been on fast-forward for a good three years.  It is time to slow down.  I have found something that I like, which is soothing and healthy.  As time goes on, I am sure I will incorporate more into my exercise routine.  But for now, this is what Lisa needs; time alone in nature and time alone with God.

So, it has been a good week.  I have learned some valuable lessons.  I have already had my walk this evening.  I feel rested and ready to go to work tomorrow.  I don't think anyone could see any difference other than in my face.  There's a smile on it.

This song has been on my heart -- enjoy!

"More Beautiful You" by Jonny Diaz