Friday, August 18, 2017


Whoo hoo!   We made it!  All of us teachers have managed to get one week down.  We have what?  Only thirty-four more?  Not that I'm counting or anything.

This is my eighth year of teaching (nine, if you count the year I did overseas...uncertified).  Each day something new happens.  This year, I noticed something about myself.  I'm not as nice.  That's right kids...I am not the sweet, lovable lady you knew...I am now enforcing rules -- BIG TIME!

What brought on this sudden change?  Why am I suddenly willing to take away cell phones from kids who are texting or make them put away their ear buds in.their.pockets....not dangling from their ears or shirts?  What transpired this summer?  I'll tell you what...nothing.  Absolutely nothing.

The truth is, the longer you teach, the more you realize classroom management is a necessity.  It is survival of the fittest -- and I guarantee you -- the battle lines are drawn.  We are not going to haggle or make deals.  I am not going to smile and pretend I didn't hear the cursing under the breath or that I didn't see the rolling eyes.  This year, my health -- my sanity -- comes first.  And if I have to be "one of 'THOSE' teachers" in order to meet this goal, so be it.

Now, I don't want to say I'm totally unreasonable.  For instance, when I called out a kid for talking about my "big boobs", I did give him the benefit of the doubt.  He pretty much could've sold it to me if he hadn't said he was saying, "big boots".  Yeah, sure.  I have survived teenagers and their thinking is just ridiculous at times.  Especially after he had already apologized for disrespecting me.  In any case, he now knows that if I walk past and hear anything I deem derogatory or on the order of sexual harassment, he will no longer have the benefit of the doubt.  It's a done deal for him.  Or the two who came in horsing around this morning.  Progressive discipline has started.  1.  warning  2.  talked to in the hallway  3.  phone call home  4.  detention  5.  referral to dean  Unless, of course, it is something major, like the kid who told me he was going to the restroom -- left with his backpack and never came back.  Guess what?  No one leaves with a backpack anymore!

The other thing that made me realize that classroom management needs to change?  I have two students who have come back to me.  Now, 90%+ of my special education students did pass English last year and kudos to them!  I am exceptionally proud of them.  BUT, for the two that came back, I realize that in some way we failed them.  Not just literally but figuratively as well.  And so, one of my kiddos, I told him the first day of school, I do not want to see him next year.  Period.  He has already gone a round or two with the co-teacher but I told him today, "I will help you in any way possible in order for you to pass."  You see, he is completely capable, smart and I might add, has leadership qualities.  (If only he'd use his powers for good instead of evil!)  Last year, I challenged him to turn his life around and become a teacher.  Now, I don't know if he is taking me up on this challenge, but I do know he wrote in his journal the past two class periods and did his work today.  That is more work than he did all of last year.  Perhaps he's just maturing.  Maybe he took my words to heart.  I don't know.  But it definitely

And so, cheers to all of my fellow teachers.  I know I am off to a great start.  I got a lot of work done this week, even though all I could think about is next summer and heading back to Coronado Island (my happy place!)  Who knows?  I may even make it to Hawaii!  For now, reality has set in.  Waking up at 5 AM and being cheerful by 7:40 AM.  Trust me -- that takes work on my part! For now, I am just hoping my students will pass and more importantly graduate.  Yes, it's Friday.  Time to close down the brain for two days and relax.  Then do it all again next week.  What can I tell you?  It's the life of a teacher.

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