Saturday, August 19, 2017

Following Your Dreams

How many of you are in jobs you dread waking up in the morning?  But for the fact you are getting paid, you would be out of there in a heartbeat?  Yeah, me too!  Not that I hate my job.  In fact, I'm probably one of the few who actually like what I do.  But I dream of being able to sit on my (imaginary) deck in from of my (imaginary) lakefront house, writing.  Oh and yes, the e-mails are burning up with offers to speak.

So, here's the deal.  I see this.  More and more each day.  It is almost like a vision.  I can see myself writing and speaking -- in my mind's eye.  So, how do I get myself there?  And am I just imagining all this or is it really possible?  How does one know?

First of all, my desire for speaking was imparted to me when I was in high school.  I don't particularly like a small group -- I will go the distance -- big groups.  It doesn't scare me.  No...really!  I majored in Communications in college and all we did was give speeches.  I have what it takes -- as long as I have a topic and inspiration.

So, I've spent some time thinking about this.  Praying.  Let's face it...those who've read my blog know that I have zero capital in which to invest into anything that costs much.  I've considered administration but after several years of schooling, I would really be too old to use it.

And so, my choices are now narrowed down to reiki healing or life coaching.  Reiki healing is done by harnessing energy.  I love the idea of helping others and having my essential oils diffusing in the background.  Very soothing, even for myself.

When I suggested I wanted to be a life coach to my husband and daughter they both laughed....heartily! Seriously?  Are you freaking kidding me?  After all I have been through and come out on the other side?...Okay, well almost.  Yes, there are still some areas of life I struggle with -- financial -- which, let's face it....being left with 200K in debt is going to take some time to overcome and fitness ...the bane of my existence.  But for the fact I'm not 6' tall, I would indeed be the proper proportions.  But I digress.

So, I do have a plan which I am no longer sharing.  There are too many dream stealers out there.  We all have enough negative thoughts that stop us from being the best we can...and so, I am going this course alone.  I will probably share with my life coaches but that's about it.  For now, I know it takes courage to step out into this journey.  It's a new one.  A course correction.  Dream...then, throw out that dream and dream bigger.  It's what keeps our souls alive.

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