Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The Gift

Christmas 2013.  It was my first Christmas post-divorce.  

When my ex was getting ready to move (and we were still friends), we held a garage sale.  My ex insisted I sell our Christmas tree as it was getting old.  It was, but what if I couldn't afford a new one?  He assured me I was being crazy.  He gave it to someone who drove past our garage sale at the end of the day.  It was a young mom with a small child, who was delighted when she saw it and even more so, when he gave it to her.  It made me happy too.  I knew it was going to a good home.

Fast forward to December of that year.  I had no money for gifts, let alone a tree.  I shopped, hoping I could find one but they were too expensive...$40.00 for a tabletop size and I would still need to buy lights.  Although I was working my job and tutoring everyday after school for an additional 3 hours, I still only had enough money for the necessities; food, housing, and occasionally getting my hair done at the beauty school.

At an Emmaus gathering, I mentioned to a friend how expensive trees were getting.  She said she had an extra one but it was only tabletop size.  Would I like it?  YES!  I was ecstatic.  Not only did she give me the tree, but a string of lights.  And so, that tree went on a table in my front window, decorated with ornaments that were in my family for years.  I could not stop looking at it.  That year, we did not have presents but we did have our tree.  And a magnificent tree it was; every time I looked at it, it brought me such joy!  I was so incredibly blessed!  Instead of opening gifts, my oldest son and I celebrated by going to church.  We then came home and watched a movie.  It was probably one of the best Christmases we ever had, as we celebrated not only being together but our Savior's birth.  For the first time, I think my boys really understood why we celebrate Christmas.

Fast forward to 2016.  I am in a comfortable home with a tree that is bigger than I ever imagined owning.  I was on the phone with a student's parent just before break, who mentioned she lived in a motel and was waiting on Section 8 housing.  At that second, I didn't think much of it.  I hung up and I got a nudge from the Holy Spirit.  Call her back!   Was I sure I should?  Call her back!   I called her back and asked her..."What are you doing for Christmas?  Do you have a Christmas tree?"  I knew the answer before she told me.  She said "No."  I explained to her that I had was a bit worn (I told her apologetically)  but I explained how I had been given it after my divorce and I had nothing.  I asked her if she would like it?  She said "yes" through tears.  I knew these kids were going to be without Christmas and so, I enlisted the help of anyone who would listen and took gifts over to her house yesterday -- along with the tree.

Their home was as I expected.  Although the sign outside said apartments, it was definitely a motel room -- 1 bedroom with a kitchenette.  Clean but small -- housing a mom and three kids.   Later that day, she sent me a picture of the tree with the presents and stockings around it.  My heart melted.

The truth is, we don't always listen enough.  We live in a world where we need to hurry up and work.   And when we're not working, we allow ourselves to be distracted by cell phones, computers, tablets and television.   Had I not had that nudge from the Holy Spirit, I probably wouldn't have called back. I would have (sadly thought), "It's none of my business."

Sometimes, we need to listen to what's inside of us.  There is a "voice" that says, "do it!"   That voice is the Holy Spirit.   I tell you this story not to say, "Hey, I'm a great person," but rather to say, "Wake up!  Listen!  Someone may need you...someone you might never have imagined!"  I could have gone back to work that day and let any thoughts that popped into my head be brushed aside.  But I didn't...because I knew what it felt like to tell my nearly grown boys that there would be no gifts that year!

Someone heard me in 2013.  I heard someone else in 2016.  That tree was not just a was a gift!  This holiday season (and anytime you can) pay it forward.  It doesn't take much.   Just a willing heart and a listening ear.  We are the eyes, hands and feet of  Jesus.  Serve others.  Love Him.  When you do, you can make the world a better place.

Merry Christmas!

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