Saturday, December 31, 2016

What's That Oil About?

I've been a distributor with Young Living Essential Oils for over a year now.  Sometimes I work the business, other times, not so much.  It is the beauty of being in business for yourself.

This past week, I went to my daughter's house and she was sick.  I gave her some samples of Thieves oil, because she was out of her "brand" of oils that her sister-in-law sells.  And truthfully, the sister-in-law has been in the oils business longer than myself, so there are no hard feelings there.  

Toward the end of my stay, I pulled out some Stress Away oil and suggested she smell it.  She did and said it was strong!  She pulled out the leading competitor's version of this oil and I smelled it.  Truth is, it was very light smelling, primarily lavender mix.  It definitely did not have the "oomph" of my Young Living Oils.  And so, I decided I need to pursue my oils more consistently.  You see, not all oils are alike and frankly, was shocked because her brand of oil is our leading competitor in Las Vegas.  In my humble opinion, there was no comparison.  

And so today, as I think about 2017, the decision is made to start planning some get-togethers, such as make and takes.  Book studies on oils of the Bible, as well as Oola.  It is interesting how something so insignificant can make such a huge impact on your life.  

So, if you are into oils, I suggest you look carefully at what you are buying.  Yes, Young Living Oils are not cheap.  There is a reason for that; they have a "seed to seal" guarantee.  These are not oils for the faint of heart.  The plants are grown in different parts of the world, specifically to be harvested and put into the oils.  If they don't meet a certain criteria, they are out.  Furthermore, it is possible to be sold out of oils for months at a time.  Why?  Because they are growing the plants that go into them and sometimes, they run out of them or have a bad harvest or weather issues.

So, if you think you are saving money by buying a product on Amazon or from another company, true enough.  But that's all you're getting; an oil with sub-par ingredients.  Truthfully, I wouldn't want to be breathing in or rubbing something on myself that is not overseen by others than our executives at Young Living.

And so, although this reads like an infomercial, know that this is about supporting your health and well-being.  It doesn't mean you won't get sick or this is to replace traditional medicines.  However, I do think using natural hand-washes, cleaning products and diffusing oils can offer benefits.

If you are interested in learning more, e-mail me at  Your first step is getting a starter kit in your hands so you can enjoy the benefits of oils at a reduced price.  From there, it's all up to you.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The Gift

Christmas 2013.  It was my first Christmas post-divorce.  

When my ex was getting ready to move (and we were still friends), we held a garage sale.  My ex insisted I sell our Christmas tree as it was getting old.  It was, but what if I couldn't afford a new one?  He assured me I was being crazy.  He gave it to someone who drove past our garage sale at the end of the day.  It was a young mom with a small child, who was delighted when she saw it and even more so, when he gave it to her.  It made me happy too.  I knew it was going to a good home.

Fast forward to December of that year.  I had no money for gifts, let alone a tree.  I shopped, hoping I could find one but they were too expensive...$40.00 for a tabletop size and I would still need to buy lights.  Although I was working my job and tutoring everyday after school for an additional 3 hours, I still only had enough money for the necessities; food, housing, and occasionally getting my hair done at the beauty school.

At an Emmaus gathering, I mentioned to a friend how expensive trees were getting.  She said she had an extra one but it was only tabletop size.  Would I like it?  YES!  I was ecstatic.  Not only did she give me the tree, but a string of lights.  And so, that tree went on a table in my front window, decorated with ornaments that were in my family for years.  I could not stop looking at it.  That year, we did not have presents but we did have our tree.  And a magnificent tree it was; every time I looked at it, it brought me such joy!  I was so incredibly blessed!  Instead of opening gifts, my oldest son and I celebrated by going to church.  We then came home and watched a movie.  It was probably one of the best Christmases we ever had, as we celebrated not only being together but our Savior's birth.  For the first time, I think my boys really understood why we celebrate Christmas.

Fast forward to 2016.  I am in a comfortable home with a tree that is bigger than I ever imagined owning.  I was on the phone with a student's parent just before break, who mentioned she lived in a motel and was waiting on Section 8 housing.  At that second, I didn't think much of it.  I hung up and I got a nudge from the Holy Spirit.  Call her back!   Was I sure I should?  Call her back!   I called her back and asked her..."What are you doing for Christmas?  Do you have a Christmas tree?"  I knew the answer before she told me.  She said "No."  I explained to her that I had was a bit worn (I told her apologetically)  but I explained how I had been given it after my divorce and I had nothing.  I asked her if she would like it?  She said "yes" through tears.  I knew these kids were going to be without Christmas and so, I enlisted the help of anyone who would listen and took gifts over to her house yesterday -- along with the tree.

Their home was as I expected.  Although the sign outside said apartments, it was definitely a motel room -- 1 bedroom with a kitchenette.  Clean but small -- housing a mom and three kids.   Later that day, she sent me a picture of the tree with the presents and stockings around it.  My heart melted.

The truth is, we don't always listen enough.  We live in a world where we need to hurry up and work.   And when we're not working, we allow ourselves to be distracted by cell phones, computers, tablets and television.   Had I not had that nudge from the Holy Spirit, I probably wouldn't have called back. I would have (sadly thought), "It's none of my business."

Sometimes, we need to listen to what's inside of us.  There is a "voice" that says, "do it!"   That voice is the Holy Spirit.   I tell you this story not to say, "Hey, I'm a great person," but rather to say, "Wake up!  Listen!  Someone may need you...someone you might never have imagined!"  I could have gone back to work that day and let any thoughts that popped into my head be brushed aside.  But I didn't...because I knew what it felt like to tell my nearly grown boys that there would be no gifts that year!

Someone heard me in 2013.  I heard someone else in 2016.  That tree was not just a was a gift!  This holiday season (and anytime you can) pay it forward.  It doesn't take much.   Just a willing heart and a listening ear.  We are the eyes, hands and feet of  Jesus.  Serve others.  Love Him.  When you do, you can make the world a better place.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Eye on the Prize

Image result for keep your eye on the prize

Well, it has begun.  I am already working on my Oola goals.  I am thrilled by all that I gleaned at OolaPalooza this year.  My major goal in weight loss is to get to a normal BMI.  I have spoken with a health coach and the process will begin tomorrow.  She is going to help me step-by-step.

I also spoke with a friend who is a life coach.  Many months ago, she offered me sessions at a reduced fee.  I did not really want to invest the time or money in myself.  I have decided that the time has come to investigate why I struggle with weight.  She is a Mind/Body coach who focuses on how the body and mind work together.  I am no longer going to see a counselor as frankly, I think that is basically beating a dead horse.  I have "graduated" in my mind.  Aside from weight and relationship issues, I am healthy and my life coach can help see me through those struggles.

As for relationship?  Aaaah, that one is tough.  One day I am ready to tie the knot, the next, I want my own apartment.  Wrong guy?  Doubtful.  Bad marriage = scarred.  Scared.  Make that terrified!  And so, I am going to read about the five love languages (I ordered the book yesterday) and give it to my fiance when I am finished.  I think that learning about our styles of loving one another is important.  He has been married several times and has been incredibly patient with my stalling, hesitation, freaking out and other undesirable traits in one's fiance.  So, before we buy the rings, I need to understand more about this thing called love.  I know God has placed this man in my path and has opened doors in order for us to marry.  I feel that this is who God wants me with; now, I actually have to move beyond my past and my fears.  I have asked for a prenup, with which he has agreed.  So why am I scared?  Because I have had my heart torn out before and I really, really, REALLY don't want to go through that again.  And I overthink.  Never good.  This will probably be a struggle until the day I say, "I do".  And yet, I don't want to get married just to "get it over with".  I want to say "I do" because I want it more than anything.

  Moving on...

My goal of mentoring students is actually ongoing.  I try to do that daily.  I have students who ask me to attend their events now and I talk to those that are struggling with classes.  I assure them that they can graduate.  You see, my students struggle; not just with school but with life.  So, my goal is to help them understand that everyone struggles and that you can still make it through whatever you are facing.  I believe you just have to push past whatever you are feeling and do your job -- which for them is school and for some, also working to help the family out financially.

As for other projects, I will be working on those over Christmas break.  One more week and then, Merry Christmas!  I am looking forward to some rest and solace.  I am spending time with family -- taking a well-deserved trip to visit grandchildren.  It's been a little over a year since I last saw them.  I can't wait!

And so, with effort, my dreams are starting to come true.  I hope I have a great report for the Oola guys when I go back to OolaPalooza in 2017.  Yes, I am planning for it.  I need it.  Some years, I get sidetracked and miss the mark,  but this year, I am extremely focused.  My eye is on that prize -- ME!  I deserve a balanced and healthy life.  I deserve to be a better version of myself.  I deserve all that and more! I deserve an Oola life!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

OolaPalooza Day 2

Image result for put your own oxygen mask on first
Ok, so I confess...I skipped work to go to OolaPalooza Day 2.  I put in for a sub, having been unable to get one for days before and I figured if I was supposed to go, God will make it happen.  Well, lo and did! 

This is how I look at it...I can't take care of someone else unless I put my oxygen mask on first.  And so, this was my oxygen mask.  I knew God was calling me to this -- I did!  And so, I went without hesitation.

Truth is, I felt a twinge of guilt but when I listened to the piece on OolaBlockers and OolaAccelerators, I was all ears.  Yes, I have heard this before.  Not only have I read it in the book, "Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World",  but I have sat through two OolaPalooza's.  And yes, each time, I get something different out of it.  Last year, I was all about self.  This year, it's legacy.  Yes, I am looking to leave my mark on the world.  

I also figured out why I am struggling with my fitness goal.  I have several OolaBlockers at play.  The good news is, I also have several OolaAccelerators going on.  I don't know how it will play out exactly because each year is different.  But I do know this...I will reach my fitness goal of a healthy BMI.  I will also hit my finance hard.  This year, I need to make a will, save $1,000 and start working toward paying down debt to the tune of an extra $150 per month.  These are things I know will happen.

I have already started my Oola goal of putting down my phone at 5 PM, so that I can be present with my family.  Additionally, I have begun reading Scripture daily -- whether a devotional or the Bible itself.  I feel good about hitting those goals.

As they talked about OolaBlockers and Accelerators, I realized that I could just write freely what I was feeling on my heart.  I discovered a lot about myself as a result.  I found in the section of gratitude that there were so many things I was grateful for -- so many bad things that caused me so much pain and anger, yet they were all things I could say brought a new meaning or dimension to my life.  I just had to find out why I was grateful for them happening.  I easily wrote 10 things down and each one had a reason for being grateful.  And that exercise helped me to pay it forward.

The next day, I talked with a student about keeping a gratitude journal.  This student suffers from depression and as a result, although extremely bright, struggles to get through her days.  So I asked her to write one sentence a day.  I am grateful for...  I told her, even if she is not having a good day, to write down what is happening and what she can learn from it.  I gave her the example of having to sell everything off when I got divorced.   I told her even though I had to do that, I was glad I did because it made me strong.  She understood the concept and now she is going to do it.

Since going to OolaPalooza this year, I have a new-found passion for living.  It's like I've discovered myself all over again.  I love my life -- I love the things I learned.  It has made me appreciate all I have been through.  I needed that day...yes, even teachers need a day off if it means getting healthier to serve others.

And so, OolaPalooza in my mind. worth all the time and energy spent to get there.  I talked with people I haven't seen in a year, met with my mentor and found that there is just so much more living I have left to do.  I am grateful for the opportunity to have gone and even more grateful for what I came away with; passion, integrity, love, humility, gratitude, discipline, and wisdom.  These are all things that help you to move forward in life.

And so, once again, I thank Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Ahmdahl for a job well done.  Without them and Oola, I know that my life would be far less complete.  I feel happier than I've ever been and so incredibly grateful and full of joy.  Life is good when you go after your Oola life!