It's that time of year, and no, I don't mean Christmas! BACK-TO-SCHOOL!. I have spent the last nine years or so, trying to figure out what God said when He told me I would go into ministry. I have finally decided that He meant "teaching". He did mention a figure it would cost me ... 100K -- pretty much the amount of student debt I have. OK God, I get it. I am still encouraging others, teaching, writing and speaking...perhaps my chosen vocation is indeed what He was referring to; and frankly, I don't have the energy to start something new.
And so, last week, I closed down my blog thinking, I will focus on teaching and not writing...WRONG! You simply cannot take a writer --certainly not me -- and say, "All done!" Writing will always be a part of me and my journey. And so, the crux of my writing from here on out will probably focus more on teaching but without revealing student information as that would certainly be against FERPA laws.
I am starting at a new school this year. In elementary, I loved the students but found that administration and I simply did not get along. I won't go into details but I can get along with most everyone. Sadly, this group nearly "broke" me. Although I had plans to return when I left for the year, I took a week to "cool down" and think about all that had transpired. I hated to leave my group of kiddos and friends yet, at the end of the day, had to be true to myself. I applied for a job at a high school and was hired "on the spot". The administrator and I agreed on most everything. I was ecstatic!
I met my "partner-in-crime" last week. He is a 20-something former ELL teacher. I also have an ELL background, so I am certain it is no small coincidence we were paired together. Likewise, neither of us has taught English 11. We will survive. We are going to be reading some pretty amazing novels this year and I can't wait!
I went in yesterday and put together the bulletin board with his help. He did the climbing, God bless him! I started out with one idea and the board came out completely different. So too with teaching; you start out with an objective and you will reach it -- just maybe not in the way you planned. It's how I work best. and one of the reasons I love this job.
This week-end, I will be going through my garage and figuring out what I need and don't need. I will be throwing useless stuff and packing up much needed stuff. I doubt I will ever return to elementary. I am looking for a "forever" home and feel certain this is it!
As for ministry? I am definitely toying with the idea of getting my administrator's license and working my way toward becoming an actual administrator. I have student loans to pay and I could use the increase in salary. This is my new focus and I think the "plan" is a good one. Over the years, I have met many administrators - some good, others not so good. At the end of the day, it is not something I would have "aspired" to, yet necessity is often the mother of invention. And so, let's just say my options are open. I am going to get through this year and the ever-dreadful learning curve, and go from there.
Next week, school opens. I am ready to learn. Hopefully, my students are too! Off on another great adventure...teaching...who knew???
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