Last week, I went back to work. I began on Wednesday and found myself falling asleep at 6 PM on a Friday night. Not unusual, considering the stress associated with the beginning of the school year. For me, this is my 8th year of teaching and the first year ever I have felt completely prepared for opening on Monday. Although I have some anxiety, it is not overwhelming.
I am at a new school, having moved from elementary back to high school. I am in my element again. I know exactly what I am doing and how to do it. Always nice when you do not have a huge learning curve. My caseload is 26 students; not unusual for resource. It will be a busy year but not over the top. I like this high school because my caseload consists of students that I will see daily...something that has never been my norm! Additionally, I love the fact that my school administration takes enormous pride in our school and it seems to have a trickle down effect on the staff. Everyone I have met has been most welcoming. I am excited to begin this new gig!
This is a culturally diverse school, which thrills me. I began teaching in Kuwait, and love working with different cultures. I love the fact that we will not just be teaching the subject English but actually teaching students how to read, write and speak English. It will be a challenge but I definitely like that. Having looked at our first two weeks lesson plans, I suggested a word wall for academic words. He was not opposed, having been an ELL teacher (English Language Learners) as well. I see good things happening for our students.
My "partner-in-crime" and I have been working diligently on our room and have our plans together for the first two weeks. The classroom I share with my English counterpart looks great. That's not just my opinion; three administrators stopped by and remarked the same thing. I should also say that admin told us they would be stopping by, starting from day 1. They kept their promise.
Although I did not get everything finished, I got about 90% of what needed to be done, completed. I will have the rest completed by the end of next week. Some things just can't be done in the amount of time that we are given, which is only two days. As a new teacher at this school, some things are just in flux. I did not have computer access and so, I was physically taking apart files and making copies. This is an incredibly time-consuming task rather than just sitting at my computer and printing out what I needed. As it turns out, I was pleased because last year, it took nearly ten days for computer access. I got mine at this new school within twenty-four hours. Sheer ecstasy!
And so, I am looking forward to getting past the first week of school. I cannot imagine how stressed and tired I will be come next Friday, but I am ready for it. It takes about three weeks to get back into the "swing" of things; waking up early, putting in long hours and meeting the over 100 kids that will be coming through our classroom. I had an amazing summer and I look forward to this fall. Traditionally, a time of new beginnings...for me, this is not just a school year or school, but a new season in life. As with all things new, it will be a challenge; but in my estimation, a learning experience bar none!