This Tuesday is the one month mark for my weight loss journey. I am down 12 pounds and
10 1/2 inches. It is not the scale victories that are making the difference but rather how I feel; in control and healthy. More importantly, are the non-scale victories such as sitting next to a bowl of popcorn all night and not eating it, fitting into a pair of pants that I have not worn for 2 years or shirts that are much looser.
Looking at me, one would probably not notice that I have lost weight. It takes a good 20-30 pounds before anyone ever notices I've lost weight. I'm okay with that; in fact, I'm okay with a lot of things like the time frame of my weight loss...why? Because I am committed. Not interested or motivated or dreaming of losing weight but committed.
Losing 12 pounds in a month may sound like -- "Wow! That was fast! Must be easy!" Yes, it is a relatively short period of time; however, it is not easy. School lunches are starting to look good to me. Yet, I know if I can get through that moment in time when my body craves a Bosco cheese stick or sliders, which is neither healthy nor even good -- then, I will be ok. And so, some days it's just an hour by hour thing. I drink my water and focus on something else; the kids, the conversation, my thoughts of "I can't wait to get home so I can make my 'healthy' Frappuccino!," or
"Oolapalooza is just 5 short months away!," or even, "You are gonna look fabulous by the start of the school year!" I must confess, the last one is what keeps me going, as I have a goal of 20 pounds down by the end of August so that I can fit into all of my clothes in my closet!
However, the truth be told, those are all pretty superficial reasons for losing weight. The Bible gives us a much clearer idea of what God expects. We are the temple for the Holy Spirit. In other words, once you become a believer in Christ, the Holy Spirit resides in you. A temple is something holy and pure and putting something less than healthy in this treasured vessel just doesn't seem right.
1 Corinthians 10:31. As Christians, shouldn't we want to glorify God in everything we do? Even something that seems as simple as eating and drinking. After all, God wants us to be our best -- so we can serve and glorify Him.
I am committed to losing my weight, not just because I want to look better but in order to become the person God created me to be; a vessel that can be filled up and used to glorify Him. I don't believe I can fulfill His plans for me unless I am 100% healthy and if that means passing on highly processed food in order to lead a more sacrificial life, then so be it.
I have a small army of people who are cheering me on -- and in fact, I believe in this program so much that I have decided to become a health coach. Yes, a little sideline activity and paying it forward. It also helps me with accountability. After all, how can I help others if I am not willing to put forth the effort myself? And yes, I am doing this with the help of Christ.
**For those of you that are interested in getting more information on my eating plan, e-mail me at or send a message via Twitter at LisaLehr1.
I would love to be your health coach and get healthy right alongside you. Dream...Commit...Do!
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