Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Believing in the Unseen -- Faith

Where are you on the faith scale?  Do you believe in God or are you skeptical of His existence?
Give a listen and see what you think...

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Why Write?

Romans 8:30 And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. (NIV)
Have you ever received a call on your cell phone from God?  What if you did?  Would you answer it?  Or let it ring off the hook?
Well, being called to ministry is sort of like that...a phone call that doesn't stop ringing.  Back in 2007, God explicitly told me that I would go into ministry.  It was during the time my mother lay dying in the hospital with cancer.  I was reciting a liturgy in my head over and over when the call came.  I had no idea what that meant.  Me?  Ministry?  I was flattered that God could actually use me.  After all, I certainly am not that well-read in Scripture or anything that is associated with ministry.  I wasn't exactly sure what that call entailed but I was more than willing to answer it.
I spent the next 5 years trying to figure out where exactly God could use me.  As time went on, I was somewhat frustrated, as I got no "concrete" answers.  Yet, I continued to search.  Finally, I gave up.  After all, this was His plan, not mine.  Maybe I was wrong.  I knew I wasn't but was certainly willing to lay it by the wayside for the time being.
One day in church, in 2012, our pastor asked us to pray for something that we really wanted to happen.  My prayer was to be more bold about sharing my faith.  Little did I know how that prayer would transform my life.  In 2013, I began blogging about marriage.  I had no plans for anything with my blog; I'm not even sure I know what the impetus was for blogging!  But, as only God can, He answered that prayer;  www.amazinggrace490.blogspot.com  was born.
I only write when I am inspired, and today would be one of those days.  Amazinggrace is more than a blog; I believe it is the ministry which God planned for my life.  I have written a book and will be publishing it soon.  It is a testimony of God's healing in my life.  More importantly, it offers hope to those who have gone through difficult times.  I know without God in my life, I could not have gotten through my personal struggles. 
I am often told how strong or courageous I am.   That does not come because of who I am but because of who He is.  He is my Rock and Redeemer.  It is on Him that I am building the foundation of my life with Jesus as the Cornerstone.
And so, if any of you hear a call from God, answer it.  I know there are people reading and I pray my words bring comfort to those that need hope, healing and encouragement.  You never know the plans He has for your life.  I am on an amazing journey -- one I could not, in my wildest dreams, imagine.  Where will this journey end?  I have no idea.  For now, I continue to write. 
"Let them See You" by JJ Weeks Band

My Oola Journey: From Fat to Fabulous

This Tuesday is the one month mark for my weight loss journey.  I am down 12 pounds and
10 1/2 inches.  It is not the scale victories that are making the difference but rather how I feel; in control and healthy.  More importantly, are the non-scale victories such as sitting next to a bowl of popcorn all night and not eating it, fitting into a pair of pants that I have not worn for 2 years or shirts that are much looser.

Looking at me, one would probably not notice that I have lost weight.  It takes a good 20-30 pounds before anyone ever notices I've lost weight.  I'm okay with that; in fact, I'm okay with a lot of things like the time frame of my weight loss...why?  Because I am committed.  Not interested or motivated or dreaming of losing weight but committed. 

Losing 12 pounds in a month may sound like -- "Wow!  That was fast!  Must be easy!"  Yes, it is a relatively short period of time; however, it is not easy.  School lunches are starting to look good to me.  Yet, I know if I can get through that moment in time when my body craves a Bosco cheese stick or sliders, which is neither healthy nor even good -- then, I will be ok.  And so, some days it's just an hour by hour thing.  I drink my water and focus on something else; the kids, the conversation, my thoughts of "I can't wait to get home so I can make my 'healthy' Frappuccino!,"  or
"Oolapalooza is just 5 short months away!," or even, "You are gonna look fabulous by the start of the school year!"  I must confess, the last one is what keeps me going, as I have a goal of 20 pounds down by the end of August so that I can fit into all of my clothes in my closet!

However, the truth be told, those are all pretty superficial reasons for losing weight.  The Bible gives us a much clearer idea of what God expects.   We are the temple for the Holy Spirit.  In other words, once you become a believer in Christ, the Holy Spirit resides in you.  A temple is something holy and pure and putting something less than healthy in this treasured vessel just doesn't seem right.

Corinthians 6:19-20 Another verse that speaks to our eating habits in the Bible is
1 Corinthians 10:31.  As Christians, shouldn't we want to glorify God in everything we do?  Even something that seems as simple as eating and drinking.  After all, God wants us to be our best -- so we can serve and glorify Him. 
                      Corinthians 10:31

 I am committed to losing my weight, not just because I want to look better but in order to become the person God created me to be; a vessel that can be filled up and used to glorify Him.  I don't believe I can fulfill His plans for me unless I am 100% healthy and if that means passing on highly processed food in order to lead a  more sacrificial life, then so be it. 

I have a small army of people who are cheering me on -- and in fact, I believe in this program so much that I have decided to become a health coach.  Yes, a little sideline activity and paying it forward.  It also helps me with accountability.  After all, how can I help others if I am not willing to put forth the effort myself?  And yes, I am doing this with the help of Christ.

**For those of you that are interested in getting more information on my eating plan, e-mail me at lisak58@hotmail.com or  send a message via Twitter at LisaLehr1. 
 I would love to be your health coach and get healthy right alongside you.  Dream...Commit...Do!

Monday, July 6, 2015

A Day at a Time

Assessment.  Two years post-divorce.  Not pretty.  Still broke.  Living paycheck to paycheck and filing for bankruptcy.  There are days when I just want to shut down.  This would be one of them. I look at my checking account.  I do not have enough for my bills; they will all be late.   My second job does not carry over into summer.  My third job is all of July, but payday isn't until August.  Yet, I know despite these difficulties, I will get past them.  How can I be so sure?  Because there is a God and He is in the midst.  He is listening as my heart breaks at how hard I have worked and how few gains I have made.  The last 31 years were not without personal sacrifice on many levels.

And so, I forge on.  I have a man by my side who loves me no matter what...rich or poor, he is standing by me and helping me sort through this mess.  He loves me unconditionally as I do him.  I often wonder about the timing of our relationship but the truth is, God seems to keep pushing us closer and closer together.  What makes me scared?  Why do I want to run?  He absolutely is everything I have been looking for in a man and yet, in my heart, I'm scared.  Terrified.  Most certainly, the fallout of a very bad marriage.  He is not my ex.  I tell myself that everyday and he proves it everyday.  I pray that he will stay.  When we met, I told him I would not be easy; my life is one that has been written about and posted worldwide.  It is a study in courage, persistence and faith; which can only be explained by the presence of a very real God in my life. 

I work on my physical self during this time.  It feels good to have control in that one area of my life.  It is not easy but nothing worthwhile ever is -- be it health, relationships or finances.  For me, this is one helluva climb up what has been a never-ending mountain.  I crawl toward the peak, hanging tough by my fingertips but with sure footing.  I will do it.  I feel it with every fiber of my being.

And so, today is not unlike any other.  It is a day in my life.   I remind myself that God hears our cries of anguish.  I think about those who are so much worse off than myself and am grateful.  Grateful to believe in God.  Grateful to feel His presence calm my spirit.  Grateful for those people that talk me through my anxiety and assure me that this all will pass.  Grateful for the love I have from those in my life.  Grateful that although I do not have an abundance, if I just juggle things a little bit more, I am able to pay my bills; albeit not on time, but they will be paid.  Most of all, I am grateful for His presence and peace; the peace that surpasses all understanding.

Scripture Lullabies -- Peace of God

Friday, July 3, 2015

My Oola Journey: From Fat to Fabulous

Quotes About Obstacles In Life

A couple of months ago, I wrote  blog on losing weight -- and even described the difference between motivation (fleeting) and commitment (doing it).  The truth is, I am very committed and have been since December 2014.  However life, as it always seems to, got in the way.   I was in a car accident in December, causing problems with my back.  That eventually healed.  Then,  I hurt my foot in the spring, which took me out of commission for a good 2 months.  I'm happy to report that healed.  However, while on vacation in June, I did something to one of my toes on the other foot -- probably falling out of my son-in-law's truck at 3 AM on the day of my arrival.  Sleep deprivation tends to make one careless when stepping out of a cab which is four feet off the ground.  However, the good news is, that it is over 110 degrees here in Las Vegas, and so I am swimming which is allowing my foot time to heal before the fall, which is when I walk.  I also use pool time to "chill out" when I'm finished, for meditation or just relaxing.  Somehow, I forgot how to do that over the past few years.  And may I just say, it is beyond delightful!

The weight loss?  It's happening.  I am eating less calories and doing some light exercise.  It is a rather strict program.   I have given up most carbs and anything with sugar.  However, I am seeing results and the sacrifice, in my estimation, is worth it.  I am looking forward to fitting into my clothes more comfortably, being healthier, and dare I say it?  Look younger!  I can't wait to go "shopping" in my closet!

So, what is the impetus for this weight loss?  Although I've wanted to do it for years, it seems time had gotten away from me.  I was busy working or going to school and raising a family; all things I loved but it always seemed to be an either/or situation.  Take care of  my children or me; obviously,  my children were my priority.  I did lose a large amount of weight during my divorce, but that was due to stress.  It did not take work to come off as I stopped eating.  I also saw the result of that in my face -- I looked older with my weight loss.  And then one day, I ate a donut and something in me snapped me back to reality; suddenly, and at a pace that scared even me, the 40 pounds were back.  I was "comfortable" when I looked in the mirror at my "old" self.

In  summer 2012, I read the "Oola" book by Drs. Troy Amdahl and Dave Braun.  After reading about Oola, I found out that I don't have to be who I was the last 30-some-odd years.  I could be who I was meant to be; and so, I went on a journey to find Lisa.  While doing so, I made many changes.  My faith became stronger, I took control of my finances that were a major casualty of my divorce, I started going out and having fun with my friends and even, took my teaching to a new level.  I began to write and in fact, wrote not only this blog but a book.   You discover on this journey that you not only want to improve yourself but you are willing to take the steps to do it.  This requires change and in my case, loving myself enough to do it. 

Fast forward to Oolapalooza 2014.  During the seminar,  we were encouraged to write our biggest dream on paper; one that we would do this year.  I thought about it.  There were many I could accomplish but they weren't that big.  Paying off a credit card?  Doable.  Making more income?  Doable.  Improve on my faith?  Doable.  Improve my career?  Doable.  What is it that I have been wanting to do?  I thought about it and knew I had to tackle my weight.  It was time.

So, the instructions were to dream.  So I dreamt a bit...let my mind wander and thought 30 pounds had a nice ring to it.  Doable?  Yes, but definitely one of my biggest challenges.  But then, we were called to dream bigger.  Bigger?  50 pounds!  Yes, that was my "Everest".  I have been wanting to drop 50 pounds for a good 10-15 years.  Yes, that was my goal. 

And so, I wrote it down and stuck it on a big surfboard with the dreams of another couple of hundred people.   None of these were small goals.  They were the stuff that dreams were made of, as each of us recounted them aloud.  I was scared; shaking, in fact.  Not because I was speaking in front of 200 people but because I knew there was no turning back -- I had made the commitment!  I was not only climb that mountain of a goal but was going to see that incredible view from the top!

So, as we fall into the final 5 months before Oolapalooza 2015, I look at where I am.  I am doing it.  I promised myself  I would be at the Hard Rock hotel 50 pounds thinner or I wouldn't go at all.  Life has thrown me some curveballs along the way and I've learned to "course correct".  I have found that life is not perfect.  There is never a perfect time to start, a perfect moment, a perfect anything.    But  I am making it happen!  Dr. Dave and Dr. Troy -- see you at  the Hard Rock!  And gentlemen, be sure to bring your surfboard!