Monday, February 3, 2014

Blessings in Disguise

Yesterday, our pastor talked about blessings and in particular, the sermon on the Mount.  He quoted Matthew 5:3-- "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven"(NIV).  I don't know about you, but I've often read through this section of the Bible.  I've thought about it, pondered it, yet never could quite grasp what Jesus was saying; no surprise, since Jesus was God and of course, God's ways are not ours.  However, in the sermon, our pastor was able to sort out this passage like I never could.
How many of you have ever been in despair?  You suffered trials that you were certain you could never get through?   And yet, at the end of the day, not only did you survive but you thrived?  I'm certain we all have -- and if you're in the midst of a trial now, listen up for this is a message of hope for you!
"Blessed are the poor in spirit" is Jesus saying, "Hey you -- I know you are going through tough times!"  Perhaps, you're depressed,  a divorce, financial problems, family problems, health, addiction -- a situation that you just can't seem to handle.  I guess in a way, that's the bad news.  The good news is, "...theirs is the kingdom of heaven."   This is quite literally, the Good News.  You see, when you are broken in spirit, God is there.  He is in the midst.  I write of this often because I have been there.  I have been so broken I have been on my knees, praying for God to take away my pain.  I never EVER imagined being in a circumstance that was too great for me to handle; nor at the time,  did I ever imagine getting past the hurt I was feeling.  And yet, God WAS there.  He offered me hope and healing; through friends, church family, pastors, the Bible, Jesus -- all of these things and so much more.  Not a church kind of person?   There was a time when I wasn't either.  And yet, having a church family is crucial.  Many people think they can get by on the day to day. Yes, having Christ in your life is about relationship with Him but he also wants us to be in relationship with other believers.  We need to be unified as the Body of Christ.  Without unity, how can we be effective to help others?  How can we pray with them, lend a hand, or guide them to resources they may need, if we can't see beyond ourselves? 
And for those who think that God isn't there or that He doesn't care, think again.  In Genesis 32:22-30, Jacob quite literally wrestles with God.  He is with God and yet, he doesn't even recognize Him.  God was there and Jacob didn't even know it.  I think that's a perfect description of us when we are in the midst of a problem.  We are so focused on ourselves, that we fail to see God.  He has plans for us and yes, blessings will come as a result.  This is why we need to be grateful in all circumstances.  We also need patience and perseverance.  Trials make us stronger.  They should be viewed as gifts from God.  Why?  Because our Heavenly Father  is there.  How often can we say we are in the presence of the Holy One?  Even in death -- when a loved one is passing into the next life, don't think of it as the end, think of it as being on holy ground.  You are experiencing the holiest of situations; the transition from this life to the next. 
So, how do we know that God cares?  That He is with us?  That these trials are not just for His folly?  Jesus assures us of that..."Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven".  We are blessed even when we are broken because we are in the presence of our Abba-- He is there.  And yes, even during our darkest hours, we are in the kingdom of heaven.  He is with us.  Rest assured, beloved --there's no disguise in that.

Take a listen -- my gift to you today!  God bless you as you go through these trials in life....

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