Sunday, April 21, 2019

Three to Five Minutes

Image result for cravings last 3 minutes

This week began the start of a new lifestyle for me.  Having read The Whole 30, I decided to use the suggestions in it, while not actually following the program.  Although I wholeheartedly believe you can reset your taste buds by not eating the crap you are used to, it is far too restrictive to me.  However, I did see something in the book that intrigues me; and that had to do with changing one's mindset about food.

One thing the book pointed out is that a craving will last three to five minutes tops.  I have to say, anyone who has ever craved ANYTHING will deny that is true.  I'm certain I've had cravings that have lasted far longer than that...and so, today, I was put to the test.

My family went to an Easter buffet.  I put on my best mindset and chose really healthy food.  Eggs, fresh fruit, 1/4 of a waffle with strawberries and a little whipped cream.  Not perfect but not horrible.  I was good until I spied the donuts, muffins, danish and chocolate eclairs.  Now, I'm going to tell you, these didn't look much better than the day-olds at the gas station.  But, donuts are my weakness...and it is Easter.  What better way to celebrate than to have a donut?  What would one hurt?  Oh, the devil and angel on my shoulders were hard at work, battling over that piece of crap.

Then, I remembered the book...three to five minutes.  Would my craving for something sweet go away?  Should I have another 1/4 waffle.  My daughter, a personal trainer, was there and said no.  So, I looked at the buffet and went back for some eggs and fresh fruit.  After a few bites, something happened...I was full!  And in fact, the craving for the sweet pastries was gone.  I was in control of food...rather than food controlling me!

My daughter told me she was proud of me; after all, she knows my weaknesses.  Had she not been there, I'm not sure what the outcome would have been.  I'd like to think I still would have passed on the sweets.  I'm not sure but I will tell you this...being in control was amazing!   I don't HAVE to give in to cravings.   According to the book,  if  you can distract yourself for a few minutes, you will be able to move on.  I just wanted to share this, as it is not often I win in a battle with myself when it comes to food.  Best of all, I enjoyed the celebration of time together with my loved ones without going overboard.

The lesson in all of this?  Think before you eat.  Three to five minutes is not long.  Distract yourself.  Decide what you really want...for me, I choose to be healthy.  I plan to be around for a long time ... for my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.  I would not miss the opportunity to dance at all of their weddings (and make it disco, please!) 

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