So, if you have been reading my blogs, this little picture above clearly lets you know if I'm running to or from the man I love....everyone loves a great love story, right?
Today, after messing around with wills (and I mean, the legal kind) it became very apparent to both of us that we needed to set a date or write up a new will in six months. Truth be told, my mind was made up on Valentine's Day.
We met up with a group of friends at a little bar that has a live band. And my fiance and I danced, a slow dance. Never mind this is music I grew up on..."Wonderful Tonight" by Eric Clapton was being played by this little band. And I fell -- hard. No, not on the ground but "in love". As in I looked up at my fiance's face while we were dancing and saw the smile on his face...the sparkle in his dark blue eyes...and I knew right then and there, I could wait no longer. Done deal.
So what was different about that night than all the others? It was actually an accumulation of things over the past two years. Daily texts telling me how much he loves me or to say have a great day, GORGEOUS! Let's not forget the "gorgeous" because that is ever so important! Coming home to a warm and welcoming hug and kiss. Waking up in the middle of the night to find he is holding my hand. Or to feel him kissing my face as I am sleeping.
It's not just the little things but the fact that he "channels" my mother. He has many Midwestern sayings that he grew up on because of his own Midwestern mother, lest I forget, he is a tried and true, So Cal boy! Surfer dude from back in the 60's. When is the last time I heard the expression, "Peck's Bad Boy?" Well, before my love, it was out of my mother's mouth -- probably several years before she passed away. And the blooming roses outside...a sure sign, at least in my heart, that I have my dad's approval on this guy.
Yes, he's twelve years older than me, and doesn't have the perfect feet that I look for in a mate (yes, I know it is peculiar at best). Yet, his other qualities far outweigh the fact that his feet are less than stellar (in my humble opinion). He has stated unequivocally that as a diabetic, he is lucky to have feet. True story. And his sharp, sense of humor is another reason I love him. Frankly, he makes me laugh more than I have in a very long time.
As people have asked me, ever so indelicately, am I willing to wipe his @ss in our golden years, I can say without hesitation, "Yes"! And God forbid that either of us should become ill, we will weather it, as in all storms in life. With God at the forefront, we are certain to not just get through it but to come out the other side.
And so, (spoiler alert), the date is set for June 10. Just a small gathering for whatever family members choose to join the festivities, then a honeymoon to Hawaii. When we get back, we will probably throw a party -- a celebration for our friends. And then, hoping to get away for a week-end in Sonoma.
For now, the planning commences. And let me tell you, in Vegas there are an amazing number of venues and ways to get married. All you need is your imagination. Who knows? We may just sky dive into the Elvis wedding chapel or have a huge pancake breakfast at the Denny's that marries and then feeds you. Yes, it is all very exciting. But the most exciting part, is sharing my life with this man!
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